Why do people use Ruin with Billy?

Like really? why would one of the OP, instant down killer need ruin, yet every billy i counter, they use it, is it really needed? for billy? i just am unsureof the madness behind it.
Cause Billy is pretty easy to loop M1 killer with occasional instadowns?
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Not that easy to loop, no matter what i see, experienced, even at rank 1, it's like billy's are a lil afraid and put up ruin even though they are so OP. 1 sec stun yet legion has 4?
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Because that is their choice? You can use the perks you want too.
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Yes but still every billy i seem to come across does it, i mean lol you are the most OP killer on the game why bring ruin? o.O
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Same reason survivors bring mom, ds, bt and sc. I use half of these so I don't mind killers using whatever they like also.
Please play more killer if you think ruin is strong. Ruin is used just to find someone before first gen pops.
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Play killer and find out.
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I do but i don't run ruin, i don't see the pont *smiles*
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also i want the down votes so keep them coming
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Playing Billy and still needing Ruin just shows how real genrushing is at top ranks.
Even a top killer like Billy need the time Ruin can buy.
Yes he has an instant down effect with his chainsaw, but experienced survivors know how to avoid it in the most cases what would reduce the Billy to a m1 killer with high map presence.
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I didn't downvote you. I don't care about numbers.
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if gen rush then you need to be a better killer, it happens to me and i need to get better, there are many perks for such, the legion has a great one, but it happens,noed i sbettern then ruin and so many killers then complain it's easily found then why run it?
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@judith i never said you did hence it a post to te open of who is -.-
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I personally only play Billy against possible swfs and I bring ruin because 9/10 swfs I find are toxic [bad word]s
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 i like that response, that is fair enough really
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Just give me time to play with them as they try to power through and gen rush me while they're MoM DS BT DH friend tries to flashlight click me then if I'm not done by last 2-1 gen let the slugs begin
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I have been shredded to slug form so recentlyand it ugh, slugged, everyone slugged and just...blergh, all those perks but then with bbq and chilli and nurses calling, slugging, tunnelling, camping...eh
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Not everyone can play Billy very well and feel as if their games can still go fast, therefor they run ruin even if people don't see the point in it. I should also point out that although Billy is strong, he is not overpowered by any means unless you run instasaw.
Also, that...that's not what gen rushing even is. Legion's perk "discordance" does not counter genrushing because survivors are already making a mistake and are being less efficient if multiple survivors are on a single generator.
Gen rushing is when each survivor is on a separate generator and ignores every single possible interaction with the exception of generators, unhooking people and the exit gates. Meaning that they ignore healing, chests & totems while only doing generators, this means that they also might be running perks like resilience and adrenaline or may be using any toolbox to help them with exactly that. When such a strategy is used by a competent team it's borderline impossible to win unless you're running Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Hag or maybe Huntress (this one depends on the map).
You even suggested that people run NOED which is a very unhealthy perk for the game because it rewards failure and is a perk survivors often get frustrated with when they go against it. Infact it makes even less sense to run NOED on billy.
tl;dr - People can run whatever they want even if you don't like it, perks exist to be used. Your suggested perks to help deal with genrushing is also incorrect.
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sorry biut every billy i have been against IS not a newbie or a starter, and these who pretend on their ablities o.O so i think billys aren't very much newbies, it isn't a new way to begin anything, if i am honest its a perk of those been in the game for a while
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Or be a better survivor?
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@Judith h omg let it go, i have been both a rank one surv adnd killer and seen it all, there is no better when someone is been a twat waffle, surely you have seen it so you may as well say git gud. Lay and be a better killet or sur which is it? again it was a mere question of why billys do it
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@vampire_toothy ty for your post, things said i appreciate, again it is a mere question because i am curious
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You opened a topic I am just replying but if you don't want me to I will stop.
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no it's fine, but i am looking for more of why it happens, it was a mere, innocent question because tuely i am baffled by it been an OP and i never see Nurse who is another OP do it - just as a question but i am glad for some responses
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What? Compared to Leatherface billy is a ant. Leatherface is too OP!
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People crying about billy being op, oh god...
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Why don't you play Billy without Ruin at high rank, even Nurse needs it
Game goes way too fast without Ruin
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If she played both sides she wouldn't rage against ruin billy.
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Some people feel that uncomfortable with their abilities that they need as many crutches as they can get?
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If I get jailed for this then this forum is truly messed up. But go on report me.
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@Judith i am not going to but re read my thread it is a question but you seemed to just troll and attack me at it, i was literally asking why. I just needed a response and peope hae given me that, again it was a question as to why and people hav e given me these responses that i am finding insightful.
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Killer is EZ, I play R1 Leatherface without perks or add ons.
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@DoubleTap okay thank you, i am just wondering really why but thank you for the response
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@TreemanXD but if you ran ruin as him, what would the reason be?
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Saying what I mean is not attacking you. I think you don't play enough killer if you complain about ruin on billy. That is not an insult.
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I responded to your statement that billy with ruin is op. That is all. I will avoid your topics from now on don't worry.
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Only two killers who don’t need Ruin are Nurse and Billy. They can easy down and hook survivors and fly across the map. No other killers have as much map pressure in their base kit. This is only if the player is really good with Nurse and Billy.
Even saying that, I’m never gonna say somebody SHOULDN’T run Ruin because if the team is good then you’re still always able to be gen rushed. Billy is still able to be looped and have his time wasted.
Players can run whatever they want...if they wanna run Unrelenting then it is their choice. Even if Billy doesn’t NEED Ruin, some players feel more comfortable running Ruin.
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@MegMain98 i am not fussed what perks peeople run i am just wondering on why billy as an OP killer needs to run ruin just well as it baffles me
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self care is a pretty solid perk for killers, 32 seconds healing yourself and not on gens, 40 with sloppy, buys kills so much time, I want to face 4 man self cares lmao, thats supposed to be a survivor perk but its better for the killer.
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I’m going to be serious now. They could’ve had a frustrating match, they could run it because of the gen rush problem.
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I hate it when they don’t have sc.
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but who runes with billy i mean seriously? i have never ever used or gen rushed with billy EVER, esp with ruin...you look for ruin and wham bam slice you man
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Because even with mobility and a instadown they can still be pressured with genrush. So an experienced hillbilly is going to make sure that isn't an issue at least till they've got their momentum up. If you're goal is to just get people on the floor then one hook everyone you won't need it.
Billy needs to actually play longer games if they are getting their saws off on someone a lot. The saw doesn't score well emblem wise as one shots actually hinder the malicious emblem scoring which is all about hitting. You're not gonna land 20 singular saws in a trial. So you need to have the time and pressure necessary to get your m1s in as well.
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alright ty for your opinion and thank you for not judging a question *s
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I’ve been rushed as billy and rushed them myself,even with ruin. The more I play the worse the gen rush gets.