Question: why do people think spirits prayer beads are op

This isn't a bait I don't play spirit to much and I was wondering why. As far as I know the add just gets ride of the phasing sound.
why the up vote?
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Because it's easier to call something OP rather than learning how to beat them.
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Because she can travel long distances without being seen or heard and appear next to you.
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The phasing sound is a major downside of the Spirit's power. It warns the survivors of her coming. Its the only counterplay to her. Spirit without sound is like a Nurse with a fatigue, a Billy without a penalty of bumping into objects. Prayer Beads remove every and any downside.
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There are still multiple counters.
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Doesn't the sound from spirit only help if shes sneaking up on you because you can't tell the direction.
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A good billy will never run into objects, so there is no need for an add on that stops that. The nurse one makes some sense though.
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Wrong person.
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How can you counter a thing you can't see coming? I mean, you are working on a generator, suddenly you get grabbed by spirit with prayer beads. How do you counter that? Gen-tapping for the rest of the trial?
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Prayer Beads are fine. If you're sick of spirit, run Iron Will like the elite survivors do.
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Daughters ring + Prayer Beads = ez game with a gen protecter build able to get to gens sanic fast while being silent. It just needs to be made an ultra rare then I'll be fine with it personally. I say this as a spirit main
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How is the daughters help ful it removes scratch marks
If the survivors use iron will ur screwed
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Premonition, Spine Chill, Iron Will, moving grass and simply being cognizant of the killers location.
Along with a few other "soft" counter type perks to help you better know the killers location throughout the match to anticipate her coming and for jukes.
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Premonition, Spine Chill, gen tapping, keys with addons. That is just the small simple stuff. You could also punish her by not grouping on gens. She's really bad at loops.
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You can hear Spirit's footsteps when she is really close. I think this needs to stay for Prayer Beads just so that you don't get free grabs all the time. I main Spirit and it's honestly dumb how easy PB makes the game, so if there was that slight warning when she's super close to you at least grabbing will be more difficult.
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Survivals have prayer beads since sound bug but spirit with rare addon is obviously a problem...
Also lol survivals can hear killer footsteps but killer cannot hear survivals footsteps...
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Watch zubatlel youtube channel, he has a prayer beat match and calls it bullshit (-> unfair, unbalanced).
The only real counter to prayer beats is gentapping, unless you are swf communicating spirit actions, or obvious situations (someone is getting picked up and is about to get hooked). Extremely unfun and basically better than ruin itself (gentapping takes around 2x as long as normal repairing).
I personally have the opinion that prayer beats is bullshit, takes away the skill + "ez mode" gengrabbing nearly everyone without having a real chase.
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That alone makes me think that the current sound "issues" were actually shadownerfs.
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Of course, the only thing I fear of prayer beads is generator catching. No point in doing gens unless I have premonition or spine chill.
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I actually enjoy playing against a Spirit with prayer beads, I think it adds more excitement to the game play in DBD, even though it can be quite frustrating at times. When I go against a Spirit with beads, I normally can maneuver my way around by peacefully walking. I know most people don't want to do it, and hell I dislike walking everywhere, but it is a counter, and can be strong. Though a good Spirit will often be able to predict where Survivors are and put themselves in your mindset anyway. HOWEVER, I would NOT enjoy playing against Prayer Beads every time I encountered a Spirit. Not okay.
But hey! Don't get me wrong, I get where everyone is coming from, and if this addon isn't changed and decided to stick around (which it probably will), I would definitely want it to be an Ultra rare item. I don't think it's at all okay for it to stick where it is. It's very very VERY powerful with not much of a disadvantage to be honest.
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People complain about it because there is essentially no counter to it. If you're bringing Spine Chill and Premonition in every match in the off chance you just happen to run into a Prayer Beads Spirit, you're kinda already wasting two perk slots every game for two mediocre perks (compared to the best survivors have).
Pretty much, it negates all skill. The best Survivors in the game can't just randomly predict the killer is a Spirit with Prayer Beads as they get grabbed off a generator - that's an awful feeling. You don't feel like you got outplayed, you just got cheesed.
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Have you ever been yoinked off a gen by a prayer beads spirit? It’s terrifying.
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Beads + Nurse's Call = par-tay taaaam!
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@ReikoMori she's the best killer (joint with Nurse) at loops. What are you talking about?
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She can mind game them, but she's bad at actually running them is what I am talking about.
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@ReikoMori do you mean without her power? Yeah she's trash. If you can evade her for 5 seconds, and force her out, 15 seconds of a cooldown can be the difference between surviving and getting stomped. She's loopable without her power.
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But then again @ReikoMori most good Spirits will chain their hits regardless, so it wont work on them. But there's few good Spirits anyway.
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I actually like facing a spirit with prayer beads, It's so intense and getting grabbed off a gen makes the game actually scary. If i was facing it in all my survivor games I'd get tired of it but onec in a while its fun to have a scary game where your on edge.
There's no denying It's strong but it's a purple add on it's meant to be and besides you can still hear when she's coming she has footsteps and you can see the grass/corn moving.
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You can still hear her footsteps and look out for the moving grass.
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They're not, some survivors are just accustomed to telegraphs being attached to killer actions. Without an early warning some people can't coup and claim its unfair.
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You mean like how most killers HAVE to run RUIN or HAVE to waste 2 slots with Spirit Fury/Enduring? Yeah...
Prayer Beads are fine. Use a Mandatory slot for Iron Will like Killers have been doing for RUIN since Hag release.
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Spine Chill is actually a good anti-stealth perk. It's useful against a lot of killers particularly PB Spirit. However that doesn't make PB fair, so I agree with you otherwise.
Spirit does not move grass/corn while phase walking. My friend and I got into an argument about this and tried it in KYF, IT DOES NOT MOVE. That means the only indication a PB Spirit is around is the footsteps (which is supposedly a bug but should be a feature only for PB) or Spine Chill/Prem.
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I actually don't mind facing prayer beads spirit, but that's mostly because the kind of game I'm expecting is different. I favor more of a horror experience, so shitting my pants while getting yanked off a generator is something I can appreciate (even if my heart can't).
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Eh, anybody who uses information gathering perks to avoid killers would probably be fine against this
But why would anybody do that when they can run 4 out of the dozen of 2nd chance perks they can run instead, amiright?
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Nope, because once you know she has it, you can play around it.
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Playing around it how? Just never touch generators again?
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u don't have to, but those are some of the best perks killers have, so it's no surprise they're ran often. also, if you're not playing a select few killers, you deal with pallets every game you play, that isnt the the same when you play survivor, you never know what you're going to be up against.
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yesterday I was beingtt chased by a spirit with this add on. I thought I lost her then she appeared out of no where and made me fly back in my chair.. Then again, I haven't played in a while so I've been jumped scared a lot recently.
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I dislike playing against Spirit anyway so prayer beads doesn't make that much difference to me.
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This is exactly my argument. If you don't have Spine Chill you are stuck just playing immersed because that's the only counter.
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Without the use of any perks, what are the counters to Prayer Bead Spirits?
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You still hear her footsteps and the moving grass still gives you a way to counter it.
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I've tested this myself, stop spreading misinformation.
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But you can't hear the footsteps on the dirt
And that makes up most maps.
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yes you can, if you just listen for footstep, you cannot get grabbed off gens
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It does, spirit phasing also make corn move, you are the one spreading lies and misinfortmation because you are salty about spirit, just git gud
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Spirit is fine. She didn't need any nerfs
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@Aure Well than footstep sounds must be broken as ive been able to hear survivors breathing but never footsteps on dirt.
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Imagine protecting a broken killer addon that is known as the most BS cheese addon in the entire game by the majority of people here. Really shows the bias of some people.
"JuSt TaKe PrEmOnItIoN aNd SpInE cHiLl LoL"