Do you agree that both sides are equally toxic?



  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think false accusations are insulting. (Yes I’m aware I’ve done it before).

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    From my experience I find survivors are heavily more toxic. I have yet to find a killer two days later add me on steam to tell me to kill myself, or hope I die in some tragic accident. Do I agree both sides can be toxic yes. Do I believe the 4v1 situation no. Most of the toxic survivors of the community are low-rank as killer swf teams.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, no, being a survivor doesn't mean you're more toxic, just like being a killer doesn't mean you're less toxic. Statistics don't allow you to determine what individuals are like, that's not how they work.

    What people are giving you is their personal experience and which side they think has the most toxic players, because that's what you asked. Toxic individuals are a whole different story, but even then, I stand by my statement. Killers might BM in a trial, but only survivors have threatened the lives of my family and children (not that I have any children, but that's beside the point), and so on.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    I remember a guy threatened to meet me in real life to beat me up. Said he was 5'6" and weighed 245 pounds.

    I'm 6'4" and weigh 215. He didn't respond after that lol

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, I'm 196 cm (6'5'') and weigh about 90 kg (roughly 200 lbs). Fite me.

    (The last sentence is a joke, FYI)

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    It would be a much more fair and interesting fight that's for sure lmao

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Both sides are just as toxic. There are 4 times as many survivors as killers. Killers DC, killers can hold the game hostage (down a survivor and stand over them until they bleed out), do things like nod, swing at the hooked survivor (i chuckle at these, but just as toxic as bagging), they can close the hatch and force the survivor to run out the timer (more points for me, but still a time waster). Killers message survivors post match as well.

    I had a Billy spawn face to face with me. He instadowned me and face camped. Then messaged me after. The amount of DC'ing killers do just as survivors are about to run out of the gate is annoying. Almost a nightly occurrence.

    Again, you can definitely come up with a list just as long for survivors as well, but I have to chuckle whem players say killers aren't as toxic.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Slugging is not holding the game hostage, just FYI.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    But it is bm if it is not used with objective in mind.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @malloymk No one in this thread said killers weren't toxic. A lot of us were just saying that we are more likely to see much more toxic survivors. But to be fair, you raise a valid point.

    Hope that explanation helps.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The objective is to kill. What other objective would there be?

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    The objective is to kill yes. You can hook them. Downing them then noding or looking down at them is bm.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Slugging isn't holding the game hostage. You're gonna die, the game is gonna end.

    It's just annoying and wastes your time.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Just like you don't have to tbag or click flashlight while you are escaping. Which is also bm.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    When I have all the remaining survivors in the dying state, they like to crawl away to random corners of the map where I can't be sure if I can hook them or not. At that point, I follow them around, looking down, in case they know where the hatch is. I'd close the hatch, but that triggers Adrenaline, which might allow them to escape. Is it BM to take the safe course of action?

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2019

    Your situation doesn't excuse bming tho. It happens whether you admit it or not. And it is obvious. In your case it isn't.

    Killers do bm. Get over it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Not excusing BMing, but that situation has had me accused of BMing.

    Literally nobody said killers don't BM. Get over it.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Then it was wrong. You were not bm'ing. Misunderstanding.

    And yes we agree finally even tho you always like to go around nitpicking everything.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    BM can be used as a legit strategy to get under the skin of your opponent and cause mistakes. It's up to the player to resist the urge to blow up and get angry imo. This is why teabagging doesnt bother me, but it still triggers an unconcious desire for me to camp the ######### out of you lol

    Fighting games tournaments for example allow BM, like spamming, taunting, and teabagging, all as ways to mentally manipulate your opponent. After all, a game can be seen as some kind of battle. The only requirement is that the rules of the game be adhered to. Do they stop players from teabagging in FGC tournaments, no not at all. Do some people walk away angry as hell? Of course they do. But the majority understand this concept and will often shake hands even in the face of ultimate salt.

    Now talking smack post game about anything that isn't the game isn't appropriate.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Dude, nobody in this thread said that killers can't BM. You made that up yourself.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    I've received a large amount of salt from killers but I've only ever really played survivor. Most of them were just crying because they couldn't catch me or we rescued someone at the end. I've even had a few GGEZ's.

    I think a lot depends on the type of player someone is. If you camp and tunnel more people will probably message. If you loop and run people around 5 gens you will get more.

    I just wish people would be more creative with the salt. Its always the same insults 😂

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Those people aren't usually very imaginative. Just look at the NPC meme, being unironically used in the exact same manner by multiple different people.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    The way some of you talk certainly makes you think that.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The things that are actually written literally say the opposite, though.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    i judge by the death threats exclusively survivors send me after games.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Where did I say killers can't BM? Please, point it out to me.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    This is very true 😂 On occasion I have been invited to party's (on ps4) and they just call me a "fat #########". It is just like being slated by a Skyrim NPC.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    You didn't said it directly but when you go on bashing one side without aknowledging that other side can do bad things too you are making it seem that way. And you always nitpick and try to excuse bad behaviour of one side mentioning some scenarios which invalidate other person experience.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    It is holding the game hostage temporarily. You're basically either just going to sit there bored and annoyed for the 4 minutes or how ever long it is to bleed out. Does that sound like fun?

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    TLDR: Both sides seem equally toxic inside of games. Outside of games survivors are way more toxic in post game messages on PS4 specifically.


    I have put over 1000 hours into killer and over 500 hours into survivor over the last two years. In all of that time, I have received TWO, count them TWO toxic post game messages from killers. I know it's exactly two because they are so ultra rare that I bothered to save them off as a reminder to avoid those gamertags whenever I see them. Generally, killers on PS4 do not contact me after the game is done. The general reason for this is that I'm not an ######### survivor, and there are four survivors, so they can't be arsed to message me after the game. Meanwhile, I have received literal hundreds if not thousands of angry messages from survivors after the game in that same span of time. The reason for this is also pretty simple. There's only one easy target to blame for survivors, instead of four, so whether I'm not an ######### has no bearing on whether or not someone butthurt over dying will send me death threats post game. Psychologically, the game is just set up so that survivors are just more likely to be this level of angry at the killer than the killer is to be that angry at any specific survivor(s). That is how basic human psychology works. Survivors have more opportunity, an easier target, and thus more motivation to be toxic after the game on PS4. So they are significantly more toxic (to a level that far exceeds any reasonable margin of error) in post game messages. Does this mean killers can't be just as toxic? No. I literally have the two screenshots to prove otherwise. But killers, for one reason or another, for the most part do not care enough to send me toxic messages after games threatening to kill me, cussing me out, telling me to #########, etc. Toxic survivors for whatever reason do.

    In game, I would define toxicity as anything that has the sole purpose to just taunt the opposing side. Good examples are teabagging and smacking hooked survivors repeatedly. I would not define camping, tunneling, "face camping" (real face camping doesn't exist anymore), "gen rush", looping, etc. as toxic; because they are just ways to play the game that sometimes have good strategic reasons behind them. The killer/survivor does not have to care about the other side's fun in a vs game.

    As far as I can tell, I run into a lot more toxic survivors than killers inside of games as well, but the killers are significantly better represented. Toxic killers inside of games definitely exist, and they are definitely trying to piss you off. i would consider both sides equally as toxic inside of the actual game, because the difference in toxicity levels I personally see can easily be explained by opportunity. Survivors who want to escape have significantly more opportunities to safely BM at pallets than killers who want to win have opportunities to whack a survivor on the hook for 30+ seconds. Killers who are super toxic in my games have either already won (slugging all remaining survivors) or have already lost (whacking the camped survivor on the hook since they are mad they are only getting a 1K this game). Killers don't really seem to be that toxic when they are under a whole lot of pressure to be somewhere else, because the killer is just genuinely under a whole lot more pressure. Accounting for that difference, I don't see enough more toxic survivors than killers in game to say one side is more toxic than the other.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    As long as the game state is progressing and/or the killer is trying to advance the game state, it is not holding the game hostage under the definition used by BHVR for bans. The only common ways for the killer to hold the game hostage include body blocking.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If I say that Hugh Jackman isn't as tall as me, am I saying he's short, or am I saying he's tall, but that I'm even taller?

    Likewise, if I say survivors are more toxic than killers, am I saying killers aren't toxic, or that they're toxic, but that survivors are even more toxic?

    I said what I meant. You're the one who projected your bias onto my words.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    Come on Orion. Some people know your post history and that you are obviously leaning toward killer side.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Like I said, I said what I meant and you projected your bias onto my words. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretended they said.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let me simplify that.

    Me: Survivors and killers are both toxic, but survivors are more.

    You: Why are you saying killers aren't toxic?

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I am tired of this discussion.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm tired of people pretending I'm saying something other than what is plainly written. We all have ######### to deal with.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819


  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    On Xbox it’s survivor and not even close.

    In my thousands of hours on the game, the amount of times a killer has played toxic or sent toxic messages is a tiny tiny fraction of what I’ve experienced from survivors.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    As someone who plays on Xbox, I 100% agree with this.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    Of course it will seem like killers can be “more” toxic, they’re in a more powerful role. They see your GT before the match even starts. It will always seem more personal to be mori spammed or tunneled or camped than to be BM’d by a survivor or messaged salt.

    But the tendency for survivors to be toxic far far outweighs the 4v1 math.

  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 267

    i dont understand this , do we talk about the same toxicity ? if so how it is equal? / i play both survivor and killer and i already got hundred of messagess from survivors to game over my life etc , and never any from any killer maybe because i dont rly bm idk

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487

    How many people truly play 50/50? Very little and all of the stories and experiences being talked about here shows that very clearly.

    I absolutely play survivor more than killer. So I've definitely gotten more toxic behavior and messages from killers. However that being sad I've also run into toxic survivors while also playing as a survivor. I will always ask them why as a basic question, the way they respond tells me all I need to know about them. And they're usually the way they are because they're just rotten people that need love as cheesy as that sounds.

    As killer I've only gotten hate mail once and that was from my very first time playing the game.

    This community can be great and I see it everyday I play however a lot of people don't want to try and find that little light. There's too much focus on the dark and that simply breeds more toxicity and animosity.

    I've turned multiple hatemail and bm playing killers into friends. It's honestly not that hard to simply turn a basic message like "######### you" into a conversation. The more you laugh about things and turn them into jokes the better.

    I like to send people messages admittedly mostly killers to talk about the match and laugh about things that happened. I made a close friend by doing this and casual gaming buddies in general. I honesty have a list of killer main friends and I'm proud of it lol.

    TLDR - Stop acting like a bunch of farts and become a breath of fresh air.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Yea both sides can be toxic...which is why they should go ahead and support ultrawide screen monitors.😜