"The Game" Pallet Placement

Having got it consistently as of recent, I've come to realise just how safe the Game is in terms of pallet placement. There is always one an easy walking distance from the other, add to that the sheer number of really braindead loops that are almost impossible to mind game because survivors can see you or the loop is so damn big that the only way to get a hit is if they cock up and get greedy. Perk choice here for anyone except Spirit or Nurse is Spirit Fury-Enduring or bust.

The Jungle gyms are fine, they are supposed to be strong loops, but the bottom floor with the double sided crate stacks are a problem for tall killers and almost impossible to trick survivors on because even if you are a short killer such as Pig, they can just loop you around the other side. If sometimes these pallets could spawn against the walls with the doors, it would mitigate the safety of said loop while keeping pallet placement largely the same.

The basement is also the other big bone of contention. Having both pallets spawn is overkill and if a survivor gets hit here, it's because both are broken or they made a bad play. Only one of these pallets should spawn per game, as one is safe enough with the sheer size of this loop. If you position yourself correctly, you can't not see the killer coming.

The refrigerator rooms with dismembered animals could do with more doors as well to make the pallet that spawns outside actually beatable, because at the moment it's just a reaction pallet that survivors can't loop and have to drop arbitrarily like a cowboy shooting from the hip. It's just an annoying safety net here. In much the same vein, the pallet that spawns above the hole in the floor, should be turned into an actual loop so killers actually have some chance to beat it. Like the basement, a survivor cannot take a hit here unless they time the drop wrong.

These to me are the most egregious examples, but while others suck, I think that's just because getting a pallet dropped on you is annoying no matter what. Or am I imagining this and am a noob killer that needs to l2p?