Gens.... What is the point anymore?



  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I was thinking about this the other day: “why would I reveal my location to the killer doing gens when it doesn’t matter how many are repaired, I can escape anyway” but then trials would last an hour and I’m too old to wait that much haha

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Think about it this way. Let's say we all agree with you, so we all stop working on generators and just go immersed until we can get the hatch.

    Tell me, what is the winrate for survivor with this tactic assuming it works every time (not a good assumption).

    The answer is 25%. Since if everyone is using that strategy then 3 people die per game, which means you could be one of those 3 giving you poor odds of even being able to attempt a hatch escape.

    Instead compare that to the strategy of gen rush. When it's pulled off all 4 survivors escape for a winrate of 100%. Since no one has to die and thus you don't have to die.

    Of course both of these winrates are higher than they actually would be in the event that the strategy fails one game. However either way, gen rush simply ought to give you a higher success rate than stalling for the hatch would.

    In otherwords, there is a completely selfish reason to want to complete all 5 generators.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Don't forget those survivors who will sell-out a 'teammate' for a chance to escape or to just get everyone killed.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Pike_Trickfoot both of those situations aren't relevant.

    Either they aren't playing to win (getting everyone killed) and thus incentives don't matter.


    They are in one of a few exceptional situations where the alternative is death. In which case they should still have been doing gens up until that point.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    That is if everyone was playing solo and UE'ing around or a 4 man SWF seal team 6 squad.

    I'm not saying don't ever work on gens, or that I won't ever work on gens. I personally when playing solo, don't see that as my main objective anymore. Cause I still will have a chance to get out.

    There is almost always a SWF team in the match. They have more of an incentive to work on the gens to help each other get out. They are working on getting more than one out.

    As a solo player, I'm only concerned about the one that escapes, and hope it may be me. I don't need to work on any gens to get that chance of escape.

    I only need to work on gens when it is convenient for me. I can focus on everything else instead.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    Someone who just plays for the hatch is someone I will identify fast and will dodge every time I see them as a survivor, because that game will be a waste of time. Other survivors who are good, will do the same then you can be left playing with just the potatoes forever more.

    The longer other survivors survive, the better chance I have to survive. Leaving it up to luck with no gens done, then hoping I can find the hatch is a failure to me. I may escape, but it won't feel like a win, nor should it. The real challenge is dragging the other survivors, kicking and screaming if need be, to victory.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited June 2019

    @darktrix Yeah but that is how you choose to play.

    I don't care if I play with potatoes. I'm playing for fun. I don't see value in ranking up, so I don't mind playing with people of less skill, or those who just want to play and enjoy the match. I generally adjust my playstyle as I see others play in the match. If the killer isn't that skilled, I don't focus on rushing them. Potato survivors still work on gens, especially if they are in a SWF team.

    Working on gens has never been that fun. They removed part of the motivation for needing to work on them as a solo player.

    I basically can just focus on all other aspects of the match now, and still have my chance to escape.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    That really has not changed much with the loss of having to do two gens minimum for hatch. Two gens was usually not a challenge anyway and they could not carry that over to EGC, because well...if no hatch appears with last survivor, no way to start EGC = potential hostage situation all over. I'm even begrudgingly impressed that they even thought of that possibility. But if you serve as distracting the killer anyway without even touching a gen, that is still helping - long as you aren't getting downed every 5 seconds.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @TheBean if you are trying to optimize your escape rate then you should be doing generators as much as possible.

    If you are not trying to optimize your escape rate then you aren't playing to win. If you haven't bought into the games win condition then of course the details aren't going to make sense.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    At least though with having to do 2 gens, you felt the need to help get those 2 gens done. Generally at the start of the match, all 4 survivors can't work on the same gen. So you'd have 4 survivors working on a few gens.

    Which could mean you have 3 gens worth of work spread across multiple gens which helps overall during the match. Once the two gens were done, then you could relax as a solo player, cause now someone has a chance to get out. But now, as a solo player, you still have that chance to get out. SWF are the only ones who really have more of an incentive to work on them.


    Well that all boils down to how people look at wins in this game. If I was only ever thinking that an escape meant a win, I'd get pretty depressed and feeling I can barely ever win at this game as survivor.

    I mainly just look at a win as when I get a laugh out of a match, or actually enjoy the match I played. I find there is a good mixture of unfun and fun matches. So if I had fun, I felt I won. (I have very loose ideas on what is considered a win in this game.) I could die in the first couple of minutes and still felt like I "won" since I enjoyed myself.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    The point is to genrush them with friends because apparently that's fun to end the game in 2 minutes.

    Or that's what my currents games are showing me at least.

  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    As a Killer main I see a lot of jaded survivors out there that don't work towards the team goals. But that goes away once you are in the higher ranks and the survivors get higher quality. That doesn't mean that sometimes you just don't want to screw around. We all do that. I play Freddy with overcharge sometimes just to confuse people.

    You get 2 types of survivors in the low ranks (12-20).

    1. Those that are just inexperienced, learning and enjoying. We need these guys/gals to be able to enjoy the game long term. 2. Those that have been around a long time, have burned out on the sweaty nature of the High ranks (1-5) and are now just screwing around in the low ranks to pester and bully. These players are good enough to take care of themselves and wait for the newer players to die so they can take the hatch.

    Both types are necessary to keep the game alive. it is just that the second type of survivor makes it a lot harder on the newer players because they don't participate and help those newer members succeed and learn as efficiently as they could.

    The worst survivors are the ones that get mad if you put them into dying state in the first minute of the match and DC. These are the ones that really make it hard on the rest of the team to get things accomplished. But that is another topic.

  • ggallinftw
    ggallinftw Member Posts: 351

    I've noticed that the majority of the people in these forums don't read sarcasm very well as indicated by the downvotes.

  • Mr_T
    Mr_T Member Posts: 7

    Oh yeah, that gets me plenty of time, as I am the one looping drom the killer for 5 minutes now and not a single gen was done thanks to players like you.

    I've had a match with the crap team such as yourself and as a solo survivor I felt I was the only one doing the job, which automatically means failure in an assymentric game. Quite frankly, i feel that players like you should eff themselves.

    I pity the fool who plays like you. I PITY THE FOOL!

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    You can't control who is in your match though unless you play SWF. You want better players, who try harder, then you rank up.

    If you are unable to rank up, then you are no different than those who you play with.

    If you are looping that killer and playing at the rank I'm at, I take that as that killer isn't very good. So I won't rush them. I would rather they catch you and then hook you so I can at least go for a save. Since rescues will be few and far between in that match. I'd then leave the hook afterwords without healing you, as you know how to play and don't need to be healed.

    Don't blame the other players if you can't lose the killer. That isn't their fault, you just need more skill.

  • Mr_T
    Mr_T Member Posts: 7

    I'd very much like to rank up, but thanks to the infinite world of Dead by Bugs I only get an error message instead of ranking up.

    But yes, I'm actually not a fan of horror games and was only sucked into DbD, because that was a thing to do with my friends, who live on the other side of the world. So yes, I was priviledged to play with not only skilled players, but also good people. I've seen kind and caring people as both survs and killers, but I've also seen toxic ######### and selfish fricks like you, sir. You don`t even think about the fact, that there ain't a game mode, where one survivor plays against one killer: nope, there are 4 survivors needed to have a chance at a fair game. So I really wish I never get you as a teammate and instead you get all the dipshits, who bodyblocks other survs and reveals their location to the killer. You deserve it.

    Mr T out.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    This is the issue with a game having a singular goal and only that goal.

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132

    So first you say that all you care about are bloodpoints, now you're saying that working gens is pointless because you only get bloodpoints?? It just seems to me that you don't enjoy this game anymore but you still try to play it all the time.. maybe you really should play other games that give you joy if this doesn't do it for you anymore

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited June 2019


    You can also get points from chasing, totems, chests, healing, saving, etc. I would rather get my point through those actions since they are more enjoyable. The ones for gens now feel like running around and getting totems, they feel more secondary.


    Not sure why you get that error you should probably contact support, or check out the tech forums for a possible solution.

    I'm going to clear up my point, cause sometimes I write novels and they can sometimes get a little trolly when I get certain interesting responses.


    "The issue with hatch spawning now, for me, is it removed some motivation in doing gens as a solo player, since now I have a chance to escape no matter what I do in the match."


    You sound a bit angry and willing to jump and stomp. I've experienced the things you mentioned in your first post, but I have a couple of questions for you.

    Did you not have fun when you were chased for those 5 minutes by the killer?

    That too me would be really enjoyable. Sure maybe the team didn't do well and everyone may still have died because nothing was done. Did you leave the game angry that happened or do you sit back and let go of that frustration and see that you may have actually had more fun, because you were chased that whole time?

    I look for the fun in this game because there is allot in this game that can seem frustrating and bring you down cause things didn't go you way you expected. So even those little moments can make winning or losing still allot of fun.


    One idea for a possible solution might be to lower the amount of points survivors get when escaping out the hatch. As what has been mentioned in these posts, some, including myself, don't see the hatch escape as a win. Perhaps lowering the amount of points survivors receive for escaping out the hatch could be reduced. This may provide more incentive to go for an exit gate escape instead.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    I solo play and I still do gens... but I do not prioritize gens at all, and this was long before the EGC patch.

    I just find it better to do totems first, because NOED is always a threat. Then I can unhook, save, sabotage hooks, open chests, etc. I do gens when I feel like it or when I have nothing better to do, or when I must in order to progress because nobody else is getting any work done, or when it just make sense to do so (there are many times it does, even for someone like me).

    I still prefer to get everyone out, I generally don't leave teammates out to dry. I have lost many matches due to altruism when I could have just run out the gate. It's how I play.

    I also fish for keys now thanks to EGC, but I don't immerse myself and hide waiting for everyone else to die even after I get a key, and in fact I do my darndest to call everyone left alive for a group hatch escape. I have managed to escape with 3 people through the hatch 4 times already since the 2.7 EGC patch.