I'm So Over It!

Here's how my matches are going:
Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face
Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face
Trapper (rare sighting)
Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face
Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face Ghost Face
In my experiences it's been a variety of Killers. I've only encountered two Ghostfaces. I'm surprised because he just came out yesterday.
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Its ok, he just came out.
if I have to be honest I prefer facing ghostface than nurse so im fine
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Ur lucky. It's tough playing against him with randoms.
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Ghostface all the way on ps4 last night....have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing against him. I've tried staring at him but he still insta downed me. What is the red meter? I really have no idea.
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Yeah, same here. The ones that are not GF seem to DC as soon as two gen get repaired.
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Well... the new killer just came out.... so everyone plays him, has always been like this...? When Plague came out everyone played Plague, when Spirit came out everyone played spirit. So what?
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How to counter Ghostface:
Let's see, he is a stealthy killer that can expose you for the onehit.
How to counter it?
Spine Chill is almost the perfect Perk against Ghostface. You know, when he is looking at you and is in general helpful against all killers, so no big loss if you not face a Ghostface.
An other perk that could work good against Ghostface is the good old Dead Hard it lets you bait that one exposed hit and by a miss, Ghostface's stealth gets canceled.
One other option is to learn where to look at to deny Ghostface his powers by training where exactly to aim your camera to get him out of his shroud (shouldn't be a problem with so many Ghostfaces to train with.
Without his powers Ghostface is just a m1 killer and a half decent survivor should have no big trouble against a regular m1 killer who cannot use his powers.
So stop crying on the forum, analyze the killer for yourself, figure out how he works and what counters him (god forbids maybe playing him once yourself to see what are his strength and weaknesses) and enjoy to get better at the game instead of crying that 2 days after new content gets released the community for once like to test it and have fun with it...
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Chill. I think it's silly and I'm dealing with it. You need to calm down
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When he shines white that means I have exposed him? Then during the chase do I need to keep looking at him to stop him charging up again? What is the red meter around my character name?? So confused..
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The red meter means you are exposed and represents how much time you have until it wears off.
When he turns white, it means you are beginning to reveal him. Keep that angle and eventually you'll see him flash white. There are also audio cues that play as you are revealing, and when you reveal him.
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Thanks. I need to get my head around it. He was stomping me last night.
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Oh his stalking is BS atm, which is why the hotfix is coming in so we should be able to actually reveal him if we see him and avoid being exposed by an easily abusable buffer.
Fun to abuse, though.
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@Rex_Huin That red meter is your exposed timer. You are able to be downed immediately, ignoring all perks (with BT excluded I think). Once that meter is empty, you are able to take a hit, assuming you are still healthy.
And you need to be really accurate when detecting him. Might be best to use an external program for a crosshair if you don't know where the middle of your screen isl. I played CSGO a lot and learned to aim snipers without scoping, so I've learned where to aim and have no problem detecting him, though someone who hasn't played any game where you need to keep track of the center of your screen may have had problems.
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He is new and OP of course a lot of people are gonna play him.
Still better than facing Hillynoob anyway.
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Yah, had 90% ghostface Matches So far. Very weird with the sound being broken on ps4. Idk when I'm in a chase or not, or when I'm able to break his stalk or not. I'm just confused most of the time. I like ghostface but I didn't really get how to cancel his power so far and that kinda leads to frustrations for me and my friend.
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The red meter means you're exposed. He fully stalked you. The best advice I would give is to keep an eye out for him at all times. If he's already stalked you, it's too late and now it's time to run. If you do see him, try to break line of sight as soon as possible and don't take your eyes off him.
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You know, your post was super helpful, explaining exactly how to play against GF.
Right up to the point where you figured it was your job to ######### him out for crying. You turned a great post into one where you sounded like a complete elitist a-hole.
So thanks for the helpful info and you can choke on the rest.
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Still ghostface is better to play against than spirit, billy or nurse, i prefer ghostface in everysingle match than these 3 craps
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You are absolutely right
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Also, we absolutely need a higher sensitivity on console. I can't spin my camera as fast as I'd like, mid-chase. Running into objects and stuff because cam movement is too slow.
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Can't you set controller sensitivity in the console options?
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You can, but even at 100% it still dies not feel optimal.
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Up to 100%. But there's a delay to spinning around and it doesn't feel fast. Other games I wouldn't have it that high because the slightest jerk would be nauseatingly fast. DbD is slow in comparison. Painfully so at times.
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Lucky. Mine has been one or two GFs in between a bounty of Omega Blink Nurses, Spincycle Billies, Cloak'n'Camp Wraiths, and No-Gen Docs. Given your trend, I'm trying to figure out why you aren't using OoO every game by now and just bullying the poor hapless things.
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I'm using spine chill and .. ahem .... the perk thy shall not name.
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once we nerf him and people realise that he is low to low-mid tier like all stealth killers we will return to your scheduled program of
we apologize for the inconvenience
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Billy seems to be way underrepresented in there.
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Hey @Peanits Just an idea for the mid chapter patch. I think it happens always on new killers that there are a lot of people beind stressed by new killers, especially when they didn't buy them to check what their powers are.
I think it would be a minimal effort to do the following, which would help a lot of people (also those who buy a chapter): like the bio page of killers and survivors, describing their background and showing which perks and powers they have, there should be an info page for each killer, describing the interface changes. Like, which sounds and visual indications are new to the killer and what the survivor icons on the bottom left mean (like exposed, trapped etc)
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The hot fix in no way affects line of sight.
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Also...RUN SPINE CHILL!! 🤪😋😜