We're about to hit 5th page on killer perks / Grind math

Currently having 60 perks each with 3 levels with approximate cost of level 50+ bloodweb beeing around 60k points you'll have to spend about 10,8 million BP to have all perks maxed out not counting prestiegeing.
So if you want all perks on all killers (16) it's around 172,8 million BP, still not counting prestige.
Average match with good BP outcome without perks/addons/offerings is around 22k BP. So that would be 7855 games played to achieve it. If average match length was around 9 minutes then it would take 1178 hours to get all those perks. Now I would probably double or even triple this time because of waiting for lobbies takes more time then actual matches themselfs. So that would make total ingame time needed about 98 up to 147 days depending on lobby times and other delays.
I wonder when we're gonna get Bloodweb/perks update since this is pretty extreme amount of playtime.
Seems like reasonable grind right (unless I've made mistakes in the math so if that's the case please correct me).
TL:DR If you want all perks on all killer you have to grind full ingame time of 98 - 147 days.
Its a terrible grind now and its interesting to see the maths behind it. If there is an upside at least it should mean we see more diverse builds? Lets face it everyone is more of less after the same perks within a range of about a dozen.
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Its terrible
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Indeed. Any chnge to it is more than welcome really.
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Agreed, the grind should be lessened a lot
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The grind is getting insane. Especially for multi-platform players.
They have to do something before the Switch & Mobile launch to get existing players to buy into it, especially if there's no cross platform saves.
I really want to be able to play on trips/while away/kill some time on lunch breaks, but I just can't commit to that kind of grind again. Even just to unlock teachables never mind try to actually get them on the characters I play :(
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And that's just killer side. Imagine you want to Play survivor aswell with all perks, and imagine you prestige 1-2 survivors you really like and maybe 6 killers. It's really embarrassing that the grind is still the same
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the main difference is, survivors are just skins. IN order to play killer side you HAVE to level up each killer, survivors you dont have to do that.
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Preach. I only have 2 killers I've P3'ed solely because of this. With the curse of crappy RNG putting worthwhile perks near the level 50 mark, rendering the individual character pretty much unplayable in order to use up those offerings and add-ons before losing them completely with a prestige, it makes you second guess the necessity of those bloody cosmetics. Just not worth it right now.
All BP events do is bring out the worst in folks and make you hate the game temporarily, so they're not worth the boon. Throwing BP boosts at the problem isn't an answer; it's a Dollar General brand Band-Aid.
Sounds like the devs realize how bad it currently is, so hoping something is figured out fairly soon. Until then, I'll continue passing on any prestiges as they're a crappy paycheck for it being a full-time job to earn them.
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I've been spending all my BPs from this event on Wraith and Im still midway through the third page and I havent maxed all perks, nor have I prestiged him due to how crazy this is. I feel your pain a lot.
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I would upvote this 100 times if I could
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Dude I'm p3 Billy and I STILL GET WEBS WITH 1 PERK #########
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I'd like to add my input to the grind.
P1 - 3 Perks on the web after level 40, able to get two
P2 - 3 Perks on the web after level 30, able to get two.
P3 - 3 Perks on the web after level 20, able to get two.
It'll cut the grind but only if you put the time into it.
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It would not cut the grind enough.
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Getting two perks every blood web would cut the grind in half.
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Getting all perks right now is about 150 webs. Your suggestion requires 170 webs before I’d even start to care.
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for p3 killer:
p1 = 50 lvls
p2 = 50 lvls
p3 = 60 perks x 3 tiers = 180
its more like 280+ bloodwebs
if you dont p3 its less but its a hell of a grind
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Only if you P3, you could stay at P1 and get all the perks really quickly, the grind shouldn't be made so easy it takes you two days to get the perks.
I think cutting the grind in half should be the route, not making it mind numbingly easy to max because people are too lazy.
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I’m looking at p3 vs no prestige in the suggestion. I don’t care about stopping halfway.
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I have to say that I also don't think that the way you are suggesting would solve the issue, just add to it.
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Yes, cutting the grind in half will only make it worse.
Makes perfect sense.
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My logic is the same presented by Redd. It is not hard to understand if you think about it a little, instead of writting a sarcastic reply.
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Honestly I would rather have a system with overall less fat in it. Tier 1 perks, Tier 2 perks, and most common and uncommon offerings could easily be removed. It would also be nice for level 50 bloodwebs to be a bit smaller.
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If you remove everything it's not a grind then, one of the appealing things, that keeps people coming back is the grind, if you make it so you only have to do 200ish webs to max what's the point? There's no grind in that.
more people just wanting everything handed to them, I've probably seen more grind than you guys, but it shouldn't be so easy you have a character maxed in a week.
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I'd be more likely to prestige if the grind wasn't completely asinine. As it stands, I only have Spirit and Nurse at P3 because I think they look cool. I have no plans of prestiging Feng Min because survivors get so few BP per match and I don't want to undo my progress. The grind is such a huge turnoff for people that I've tried to get into the game. Why does someone at Devotion 3 need to sit there and potentially spend millions of BP going from Ruin 1 to Ruin 3 on their 10th killer?
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220 per killer for 16 killers and increasing is already enough grind. It would already take 3000 blood webs to finish killer and 6000 for both sides with just the current cast. Some people have a life outside of dbd.
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Tbh I'm already almost done. I've prestieged only 4 killers and I miss just GF and his perks and I'll have all the perks for all killers. Problem is that I'm here since the beggining and if I somehow lost progress now I would never probably play DBD again.
New players probably don't look forward to grinding so much and old school players already have or are close to having everything. I ofc like the grind so I don't want it gone rather to be more welcoming to new players and still long enough if you decide to stick around for a year or so. But 100+ days of ingame grind, that's too far.
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yea, and people that don't want to invest at least a little time into the game don't need every character with every perk because like you said, they have a life, halfing the grind is enough.
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I’ve been playing off and on for two years, have over 1000 hours in game, and i still find the remaining grind daunting completely ignoring prestige. There’s too many perks in the game now to have 3 tiers of each. My level 80 Ghostface still has a depressingly bad selection.
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Well at least for perks you have to get everyone to level 40 because shrine isn't always helpful to get all perks u need
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That would be fine though, in my opinion. This isn't an RPG where power scales with level and time. The killers are at their full strength once acquired and only adjust with perks and add-ons, but the progression is horizontal, not vertical. What would be the harm in being able to play every survivor interchangeably? Some days I feel like playing Bill, most days Feng. Think about the cosmetic sales if everyone could play every survivor and the perks carried over if the levels were the same.
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At this point I honestly don't understand why perks have ranks anymore, there are just so many that it would still take quite some time to get them all even if you didn't have to find them 3 different times in the web. I understand the developer's intent to make earlier ranks stronger, but I genuinely can't understand the need for weaker tiers to begin with with the sheer amount of perks in the game.
How many other people have wanted to cry because they could only find one rank of BBQ, or worse, none?
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I think the perk tiers made sense at launch and still do in the sense that true rank 17 players will never be able to work through Ruin III and won't have the slightest idea about working around Enduring/Spirit Fury III. The problem is perk tiers become pointless with experience, and at a certain point nobody is taking lower tier perks into a trial by choice, if at all.
I think a solution would be that you acquire Hex: Ruin, for example. At rank 15, you can begin "powering up" perks separate from the bloodweb. You no longer get Ruin I and then 20 bloodwebs later maybe get Ruin II. If the average rank of your opponents is lower than 15, the power of the perks scale accordingly. This obviously would also necessitate a deranking floor relative to your highest achieved rank, SWF matchmaking logic upgrades, d/c punishment, etc., which is overdue anyway.
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They should at least give the option to reset useless teachables that were unlocked without knowing they were just a waste of time and bloodpoints. That way we could prevent clogging the bloodweb of new characters.
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Instead of 3 tier for perk they should remove the first one and keep 2 tier for perk.