Should insta heals be changed? Maybe Moris also?



  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    Actually, that's exactly what it means. Not everything in the game needs to be perfectly balanced. It's OKAY to have certain things that are considerably overpowered, and rare. Games that are perfectly balanced largely end up being boring to the core. That is a demonstrable fact. Survivors have keys and instaheals, which themselves are situational at best, and killers have mori's, because they are a CORE FEATURE of the game. They are fun addons, and aren't meant to be used every game (and they aren't - not even close). It's OKAY to have these things.

    "MAKE DBD BORING AGAIN" hats for everyone. Coming right up.

    We're three years into this games lifespan - and because of that, you should never, ever balance around new players. When you have a cult player base of seasoned players after x amount of years, you balance around that.

    And, I have hundreds of ebony moris, and hundreds of ivory ones spread out across all my killers. Actually probably close to 1000. Along with the same roughly amount of keys and insta heal addons across all my survivors. Most people who have a lot of them use them VERY sparingly. I see a 4 man SWF, I bring a mori. I get ######### on for a few games as survivor, I bring a key (which isn't often). It's like that with most killers.

    It could be argued that a lot of brown and yellow rank killers and survivors spend these addons and offerings quicker, using them more often, sure - but that's not an issue, and balance around new players is not how you balance a game with a dedicated community that's been out 3 years.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Personally I don't think insta heals are OP, but that's just me.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    A survivor pallet loops you for 3 minutes. They finally go down. Their friend runs up and uses a syringe on them. You have now made no progress that game whatsoever and get looped for another 3 minutes. You lose this game.

    At red ranks, you rarely even get the option of chasing the "weak link" to even somewhat mitigate this.

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    If you get looped for 3 minutes and don't break chase to find someone else, that's your problem. If you HONESTLY got looped for 3 minutes, you didn't deserve the kill. While there isn't always a weak link, there's ALWAYS someone in a more vulnerable position.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    it doesn't really matter how long the initial chase is for the syringe to be corny and stupid. pointing out that you shouldn't chase someone for 3 minutes sidesteps the point of their post

    not sure what else i expected from the "shack is an infinite" guy though

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    If they were to change these two mechanics, they would need to do both of them in one patch. If only one was changed it would cause an outrage from the recieving side.

    Kind of like the issue with the Exhaustion changes last year. A mechanic got changed, however the things that affect the mechanic (Killer add-ons) weren't changed to balance it.

  • Injuryble
    Injuryble Member Posts: 62
    edited June 2019

    srsly i saw you a couple times writing stuff like that. are you srsly that stupid? "I WaS RaNk 1 MoRe tImeS tHen yOu" do you think you opinion matters more then the opinion of someone who is rank 10? you always tell people how often you are at rank 1 and you are always totally agressive about that. nobody writes any offensive, and you instantly replie: "you iam better, was 1000 times at rank 1, your just a noob etc." you cant accept other opinions, and you think you have all the wisdom of the world. maybe you dont have anything in your life besides this game but could you just stop turning every discussion in a toxic mess with your ######### attitute about other people opinions?

    is that srsly how people should threat each other on these forums? calling everyone babys and noobs who disagree with you? arent there mods who should keep these forums clean of all unnessesary toxicness?

  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    I say they are good. Just another unsuspected aspect to keep the game ever changing. What needs to go is Killers seeing survivor offerings and survivors seeing killer offerings.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    Insta heals have never been a problem in Dead by Daylight. There are more pressing issues and for the most part they are pretty balanced. Don't see an issue.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Nah. moris were more akin to the old BNPs, they never touched moris when they nerfed BNPs. They could certainly patch them seperately if they needed too.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    I forgot bnps were a thing. But thinking back at it, I agree it is possible to do the reworks seperately.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I think making requirements mid match would be better.

    Maybe having to hook each survivor once and then you can kill them, and maybe making it so instas come with a small progress bar so you can't drive by heal before the killer can pick up.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079


    This is actually a pretty neat idea. It would prevent games from being basically lost, because the Killer decided to tunnel one Person down to change it into a 3v1 ASAP.


    Moris are not toxic, same goes for Insta Heal. People using them might act toxic (Teabagging, Morispamming, End Game Chat), but the Items itself are not toxic. Sometimes I am using Insta Heals or Moris myself, most likely when I had a bad evening (Insta Heals) or when going vs a 4 man SWF.

    And well, I like the Mori Animations.

    What would be cool: Cypress Memento Mori should be Baseline. It does not matter that much, if the last person will be hooked or killed, because Hooks are so close to each other that wiggling free is not possible in almost every case. And in the end we would see more Mori Animations without really a Downside for Survivors.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    That sounds like a very solid change. The Insta change will give more risk to using them. The Mori change will stop the tunnel/mori thing and not immediately remove a survivor from the game. Hopefully the devs see this and consider it.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    the change to moris i've always tried to argue for is to remove how advantageous they are from a gameplay perspective and just have them be more personally rewarding. have mori kills give a whole bunch of BP but only be possible on death hook. this saves time by removing the need to hook someone a 3rd time and give moris their novelty kill animations without conferring enormous gameplay advantages (even a green mori slants the game extremely hard if it's used early)

    as for instaheals i'd be totally fine with them just being removed entirely but the proposed change a few replies back would be interesting to test out

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313
    edited June 2019


    Keys being single person use is one of those things that would help both sides. Killers don't basically end up with a DC without compensation and solos don't have to be left alone with the killer when they're paired with a 2 or 3 man SWF that thought the game got a little too challenging and decided to bail out. Good survivor add-ons aren't hard to stack up on if you use Plunderers and Ace in the Hole so they aren't all that rare in reality and being able to further stretch them out even further between four people potentially granted one has a map is probably a bit much.

    I don't know how I feel about instas. I guess it comes down to how many second chances you think a survivor should be able to stack in their kit. Ebony Moris needing 2 or 3 different people hooked so it doesn't turn into a ######### show for one person wouldn't be bad either.