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Convert Mori kills to base gameplay mechanic

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
edited June 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Every survivor hates getting mori killed. The feeling is that killers are being over rewarded for burning a single offering to gain the ability to kill a survivor. It doesn't matter that the cost of mori offerings start at 4000 and got up to 6000 bp. They don't care that it has been adjusted to have hooking requirements and that you can't properly rank if you use them atm. So, my idea is this: Just get rid of mori offerings altogether and convert them to the base gameplay cycle. Killer get two hooks on a survivor and they get go down for the third time. Killer has the option to go hook the survivor for the entity like normal to ensure their getting the ranking requirements. Or they take the final strike for themselves with the mori kill animation for a substantial bloodpoint scoring event that can only occur at maximum twice. The killer can only do the kill twice, happens on the death hook, and are still incentivized to get your hooks in so you can push rank.

By giving killers a more consistent choice with an incentive and a limitation on both sides you get more out of it. Survivors get a hard cap on mori kills per match. No more ebony mori, but killers can now make better use of the mori kill as a proper tactical tool. It would be great to have more perks like Dying Light, but the fact that killing the obsession is a time consuming situation is means that by the time their dead usually dying light doesn't matter.

This setup also addresses the feeling that mori should even only work on death hook. Which has been a big ask for a while now. You can trim down the offerings in the bloodweb, see the mori kill animation on a more consistent basis. You can even design perks around the fact that it is now a part of the natural gameplay rather than some crazy bonus that a lot of players seem to hate. It would even put a bit more power in the hands of killers which is a big big complaint right now. Killers don't feel like they've got enough agency in the game. Especially in red ranks where the competition is very harsh. Doing this adds a bit of universal power that gives killers a bit of an edge that they've lost.