Insta-Heals are HIGHLY imbalanced they need to go

Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
edited June 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Ive been playing this game since Dec.2018. Mained survivor till about march or april then switched to killer main. Ive hit red ranks as both and so I feel like I understand this game as it is since then to now to have a say. Honestly, survivors really are easier to play. Survivors have way too many advantages that countless killers have stated before from swf to busted (now currently half-fixed) sounds, the layout and palette/window rng being too good, killer theyre going against, and what not. but something I want to address here that I have seen a few times and needs to be spammed like crazy are the ABSOLUTE IMBALANCE of instaheals. Sometimes 1 instaheal is enough to end the game for the killer. Good survivors and survive with friends and god forbid a group of good swf should not have insta heals in their arsenal. Its crap like this that makes some killers derank themselves out of red ranks and down with the baby survivors. The loud majority of this community seem to be survivor mains and it seems like the devs really dont listen to killers until killers throw months and months of spat at them (like with sounds for killers and spirit, and DS from what I've seen). And they care more to listen to survivors like with Legion issues, nerfed Plague for survivors, (I heard rumors of nerfing ghostface for survivors, unsure if true), and the fact that even survivors want to see freddy buffed even though when killers were begging for it they didnt seem to give a crap for a whole year or so.

Devs need to understand that this game will always be toxic and killers will always be angry with them if they don't stop listening to all these survivor main players. They bully killers, they bully each other, and don't even realize that they have so many second chance perks inflating their egos and too many times a killer playing better than a survivor doesnt matter when they're running adrenaline and instaheals with dead hard, mom, whatever other millions of second chance perks they have and a swf or a person or few on their team who is also good on top of their second chance perks. don't even get me started on the good chasers with botany and selfcare, why the heck should they have instaheals when even i as a survivor can make killers ragequit or just lose hope with how often i will get chased and heal in no time with botany x sc without even needing a medkit. Baby survivors can learn from the massive amounts of survivor main streamers and youtubers out there, they dont need so much second chance perks that can get in the hands of skilled survivors that make even great killers going against them imbalanced. Nobody wants to be stuck only having to use the same 2 killers to go against crazy swf because the devs don't want to ignore the ignorant survivors who call killers op because they couldnt be loltoxic for their amateur twitch channels. I am not at all addicted to this game and I have taken a 2 month break from it recently but kept up with the news on it. I honestly cant keep playing this game if they're going to keep helping skilled survivors stay imbalanced. Seriously survivor is far easier than killer and 10/10 times if i'm a survivor and I get caught by a killer it's because I made a mistake, or I let the killer outplay me by not being smart enough. Not because the killer was swinging like a mad person and being "op". Stop letting survivor main ignorance run the balance feedback.



  • Karanyatsu
    Karanyatsu Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2019

    Hey no need to get mad at me. This is just a suggestion I thought of. I'm just trying to give out ideas that could help while we wait on this to be fixed.

  • Karanyatsu
    Karanyatsu Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2019


    IF it wasn't clear enough...It was simply a suggestion those who play killer could do while we wait for it to be fixed or changed. No need to be angry at me for that. if you see a group of survivors have medkits together, or a few in, you could also use Franlin's Demise to avoid it.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2019

    @edgarpoop I dont even know how this got downvoted at all, these scenarios do happen often. As does any other to do with instaheals ruining the game for the killer. Even 1 sometimes.

    @Karanyatsu Nope. Good survivors don't need to care about a killer having noed or a 1 hit down killer or what add ons are being run. They just need to be full of second chance perks and be good at chasing and optimal on gens and healing. They don't feel the anxiety killers do because none of that really matters unless they're going against a high tier. Notice I say good survivors. Because truth is, once you reach higher and higher skill, the survivors really are the power role and the killers are there having anxiety over anything from whether or not the obsession and others have DS to are they a swf, etc. This game is trying to be beginner friendly to survivors because survivors are the majority and survivors bring the dough since that's what's promoted the most in the twitch/youtube communities. But they're crewing over exp killers when good survivors get their hands on the stuff. I'm not saying nerf all survivor perks and crap. At least not yet, I'm just saying if theyre gonna have so many second chance perks whereas killers gotta rely SOLELY on skill to slow the game down, then keeping something like instaheals in is not balance.

    @DudeDelicious Prreeeach, like I just said, its not right that killers rely solely on skill to slow the game down and survivors have a bunch of second chance perks, plus instaheals. Like get rid of instaheals at least. Because they can really destroy a game for the killer. You can go from potentially making a 2k plus to 0k against an optimal team because a bunch of survivors want to run around proximity and instaheal each other after most of the gens are done. Then you get flashlight clicks, teabags and gg ez in the endgame like they don't even realize that had they not had so many crutches they would've been crying to the devs like the baby survivors.

    @Tenshi0108 You sound like a survivor player not a killer player. I don't believe you reached red ranks with either just from reading that, no offense though but....Whew, you really sound just inexperienced. Please don't do this to yourself.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    "Playing this game since Dec. 2018"

    Well that explains it then. They're strong compared to what's been in the game during the comparatively small time you've been around, so you perceive them as particularly unbalanced.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Honestly instaheals aren't broken, expecially not the purple one. the red one could use a slight nerf of some form but honestly i don't mind it, and i play every killer. its when a whole squad has them that they get annoying but honestly there not too hard to deal with.

    stacked with MoM before its nerf though was horrendous, along with before the exhaustion nerf.

  • ZacKskills
    ZacKskills Member Posts: 79

    Insta-heals are completely balanced. It’s a very rare item that people lose after use. Stop whining.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Saying they need to go is a bit excessive tbh, especially on something that isn't always present during a match.

  • fergusan
    fergusan Member Posts: 1

    You know I did play this game for 2-3 years. Even before you have started playing. Went from killers to survivors then get bored of one going back to the other and so on because you want to find ways of how to counter killers and survivors after any nerf or change they have made.. Now don't get me wrong but yes the survivors in the past were dominating and most of the time if not all the time the killer was the victim not the survivors. In those years of me playing guess what has happened? Constant nerfs to survivors, bug fixes to mostly killers, buffs to killers and changes to killers. Nerfs to maps, no more infinite windows nor alot of pallets. Can't sab certain hooks anymore to save another survivor etc etc etc. Can't even remember it all anymore because I was sick of reading patch notes all about killers in those two years until devs realised that they haven't done anything for the survivors. Yet I don't really think anything has been really done apart from again nerfing perks of survivors because apparently it's overpowered. Overpowered why? You are scared of letting go 4 survivors because they outplayed you with the things the game has given to them. They don't have infinite syringes the so called insta heals in their inventory and you know that unless you save them over couple of years and still have probably like 10? Or little more and because it's so rare nobody really wants to bring it out only on certain occasions - just like eboni ;) Not every survivor is able or knows how to use it or when is the right time. I've played against alot of insta heals and they still haven't made out alive because I passively tunneled them. Meaning you are being toxic back. Right? Now you are moaning about good survivors. YES a skill is a skill. Do you really think it took them a 100 hrs to become so good?no. Thousands of hours buddy. Just like becoming a master killer that nobody wants to meet and you just see them slugging everyone before the survivors even have touched gens. At my 200hrs of playing that game I didn't even know still what the flipping syringe was for or how should it be used until I realised I should check online. Then I ran it for a couple of games and yet I've only probably saved one survivor the rest died including me. As of SWF yes we ran those things in rank 1 and we still got destroyed by very good killers who doesn't give a flying fly what you have and will still get you no matter what. You honestly sound very inexperienced. You know why? Because you can't find the solution but crying to devs to get rid of it. Don't worry you are not alone there is been hundred of threads like this and thousands of threads to nerf NOED since the game came out. The hex that everyone hates even some killers. Did anyone listen? No I don't think so. People have given up that's why the toxicity comes. They probably think you run a NOED anyways so might as well ruin your day just like you ruin theirs. In fact I am a main micey and I was rank 2 or 1 and never had to run a NOED since his kit is different and I've learnt my ways of countering insta heals. Never liked any other killers because he suited my playstyle. If you want to learn all the killers go on play months and years and find ways of how to counter Swf. Then you say oh I don't wanna play a certain killer or two to counter Swf.

    Well you sound like someone who is unwilling to learn how to play against them. You get anxiety in games so maybe you should take a longer break or never come back to it because apparently insta heals is op and it does give you anxiety. There is always room for learning new things and you losing a game is not because someone brought an insta heal. Maybe you haven't tried enough? Maybe you did a mistake and they used it against you. You have only played this game for a short time which is a year and a very little because you've taken some time off of it. You need to understand that insta heal is not overpowered as the decisive strike was. That was the main tool for every toxic survivor and for those who are very experienced - yet they lose alot of games because of others who are less experienced than them. So I don't see your whole point of typing this out. What it sounds like is your frustrations that you can't overcome. Good luck

  • salted_spirit
    salted_spirit Member Posts: 5

    At red ranks you just have to expect you are going to have survivors with insta heals; and it's going to make things a bit harder. The fact of it is, playing at the highest ranks kinda forces you to play meta builds if you want to consistently do well, both for survivor and killer.

    Killers most certainly do have ways to counter insta heals, and it's going to piss people off; just like survivor perks pissing off the killer.

    If your goal is to just have fun, take save the best for last and watch how pointless those insta heals and in your face borrowed time attempt saves become. Works great with play with your food against swf, especially groups that try to antagonize you.

    Plenty of other good suggestions above too

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing. What is so harsh about insta heals is how it gives extra health states with little skill involved.

    All that is needed is the brown medkit and brown charge add-on with the instaheal to pull it off efficiently. Heal one health state with the med kit normally then use what's left for the insta heal.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Brand new part isin't even as efficient as just the speed add-ons and good perks/others on the same gen. Tbh I don't even think it qualifies for ultra rare status anymore. That being said it doesn't deserve rare status it's just.. in a weird place, anymore buff and it would be too op and any less and suddenly it's not an ultra rare.

    Odd bulb doesn't allow for insta stuns anymore so no longer op. That being said mixed with halogen bulb you can lose the killer with it, but as a tool to save others? Nerfed to the ground.

    Mint rag isin't that op tbh, I've barely ever noticed it though when paired with the no trap set off I can agree. If anything i'm game to go on record for saying bodyblocker hag or silent traps hag can be more op. Even the hindered add-on has caught me more times then mint rag. Don't get me wrong it's incredibly strong but it's balanced.

    Iridecent head ain't broken though a rework would make it more fair. The extra hatchets addon is what makes it a bit unfair but even still it can be countered by good dodging and stealth.

    Mother daughter ring and prayer beads are deffinately not overpowered in any form, however together they are incredibly deadly. You have to realise you have to commit two rare add-ons for a specific ultra powerful build

    Fragrant tuft of hair is op, but it's on a killer whose mid tier and I honestly don't think it's unfair tbh. Might be biased as a Micheal main but still I've vs'ed it as survivor and 4 man'shave escaped against it.

    Tuning guide isn't op. Not in the slightest.

    Ataxic respiration and Campbell's soup I mean breath... Tbh it's more nurse being already at base incredibly strong, that these add-ons give her both extra chances to pull off her ludicrous strength, and make her stronger. These are the only add-ons you listed that need to be tweaked. Not nerfed, tweaked.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Theluckyboi I don't agree with all of them, however some of these killer add-ons should be changed.

    I also think that insta-heals are the bigger problem currently. M1 killers have to deal with 2 insta-heals per match often already at green ranks.

    Also, a very important difference: Insta-heals don't require any skill at all, just like the old MoM. A Huntress still has to hit the survivors, a Nurse still has to know how to blink.

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287

    The only addons in that list that I'd say are even remotely broken are the nurse ones. How is iri head for Huntress the "most broken in the game"? What? lol

    Even more, carb tuning guide doesn't belong on that list. Mother daughter ring has a huge downside, tuft of hair..well, even at tier 3 myers is just as loopable as any other killer. It's not a big deal. Don't get hit.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    To be fair, the range add-ons for nurse and instasaw for billy really make them way easier to play and give a nasty advantage over the survivors.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Both insta heals and moris are toxic a d they nerd to go

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Paladin_Goo mother daughter ring is bugged and still shows scratch marks.

  • Frayjais
    Frayjais Member Posts: 5

    Ok if insta heals are going than so is myers tombstone and trappers self arming traps. Why is everyone so obsessed with constantly nerfing survivors? Instead of asking for nerfs or removal of some niche add on that you get 1 out of every 50 games, ask for the devs to actually fix their broken ass game. Pallet looping is ######### and shouldnt be a thing, bloodlust rewards killers for doing a bad job catching survivors, and the emblem system promotes toxicity through camping and pallet looping. The problems with this game goes on and on, but instead you ask for the removal of a ######### insta heal?

  • Paladin_Goo
    Paladin_Goo Member Posts: 287
    edited June 2019

    Oh, didn't know that bit. At base though, it's not broken.

    I mean, generally speaking, survivors are coddled, and overpowered in this game. So much so that the killer isn't the power role in this game, but should be. The devs are addressing it though. Removing infinites and safe loops etc.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited June 2019

    Things that are unfun to the opposite side shouldnt exist in first place. These are just the more common ones that every player has comes across when playing this game and it always feels like you have been cheated.


  • jsphwtsn
    jsphwtsn Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2019

    It's the same as killers having broken add-ons. While I agree it is incredibly frustrating to deal with, this game would be very dull without these kinds of things. It's no different to Prayer Bead Spirit, or Iridescent Head Huntress. Or even just moris in general. You're not gonna play against them every game. If every game there was no items, no add-ons, nothing that could give any side an advantage, it would get stale fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Mint rag is a garbage add-on with that 15 second cool down, only useful for a meme build.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Both insta heals and mori need to go obviously

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    The problem is this game has 2 different games, 1 for red ranks and another one for the rest. In red rank survs are op, but in other ranks killers are op. You can't balance this game for all of them doing the same thing. You must remove perks for high ranks or similar stuff.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2019

    @fergusan I read that entire wall just to respond to you so you didn't write all that for nothing. I was not moaning about good survivors in general, I also never said survivor perks were op. You seem to like putting words I didn't say or imply and opinions I didn't say or imply to my text. I was moaning about good survivors using crutch perks and worst of all insta-heals made to help beginner survivors. Survivor perk nerfs aren't even bad. At all. From when you played they nerfed self care, they gave exhaustion perks exhaustion cause they had none before, and whatever other stuff I don't know but I promise you. I play survivor enough, and Botany/Selfcare is strong. Pair it with a medkit WITHOUT instaheals attached and the survivor can heal while being chased still. I DO IT EVERY TIME I PLAY SURVIVOR. It is cancer if used by a GOOD survivor. I rarely see that combo being used though because most survivors want to use stuff like DS, MOM, Adrenaline, and plain selfcare instead. Botany/SelfCare is HIGHLY underrated and the devs don't seem to know that because they're busy making more imbalanced perks for survivors. I would not call for it to be nerfed though because like I said, it's only good in the hands of skilled survivors unlike insta-heals. Also not to offend you but if you think that getting multiple instaheals and being able to get 4k is common against good survivors at high ranks then I'm going to assume you only play against inexperienced or dumb survivors when that happens. Tunneling or not, that is not a likely scenario and that makes YOU sound inexperienced as a killer. I have a friend who's been playing this game as release who only has like 20 hours of killer on him and I'm getting that kind of vibe from you reading this. You think Ebony Moris are op? I will never understand how some people can think moris are op when you actually have to put in work to use them WHICH MEANS that as a killer against good survivors with tons of second chance perks and insta heals you still won't have a chance to use it sometimes; yes an ebony too. I can understand saying a mori is op if it's myers grabbing you from like 10 miles away. Even then you don't get rewarded much for using moris and I personally don't use them unless I have a daily. Also, you've brought up that you never had to wear noed at high rank killer. Most high rank killers don't even care to use noed anyway. It's a wasted perk slot because smart skilled survivors aren't intimidated by it, it is counterable it is not OP. I assume NOED was the "hex nobody likes" that you mentioned. NOED is not imbalanced at all, especially with swf, totem cleansing being a thing, and if a survivor can predict early that the killer has it and rush to open the gates or cleanse. etc etc. You tell me I sound inexperienced but, I think you sound inexperienced as a a killer as soon as you mentioned survivor nerfs as if they're helpless, and saying instaheals don't affect you because you can tunnel. That's not a big brain strat. Every killer tries it and it doesn't always work. End of the day sometimes only 1 instaheal can break the game. Especially if they're used late in the game when gens are almost done or already done.

    @NoShinyPony May I introduce you to botany knowledge and self care? Better yet, with a side of medkit with or without add-ons? That's the same as your idea. You still gotta work for the heal, get a skillcheck, IF you even get one and it's still super fast. We don't need InstaHeals.


    Totally agree. i have better luck gen tapping with a purple/green toolkit with strong add-ons that arent BNP. It's the one time I gen tap because it's crazy fast anyway.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2019

    @Theluckyboi Hag is always going to be in danger by flashlight users, especially ones who know to crouch. That's why NOED is a great perk on her because if you end up getting into a game with people who have flashlights. (And entity forbid anyone purposely loads into the game as hag seeing flashlights in the lobby) and they keep destroying your traps and evading them then end of the game comes you can get at least one kill if you're lucky. NOED on hag is literally the only time I'd want to use noed on a killer and I don't even use it all the time with her even.

    @Theluckyboi @miaasma Sorry guys but I agree with Maelstrom10 and NoshinyPony

    @Maelstrom10 Agreed 100%, even mother daughter ring. From both a spirit main standpoint and a survivor standpoint I can say is countered by swf, good chasers/stealthers, and genrushing. I think it gives you a high chance of getting kills if you can play spirit well but you're not guaranteed a 4k like with a good nurse. Billy's tuning guide is not op. There are horrible maps where his chainsaw is useless and a montage of good survivors who are crazy good at dodging his chainsaw. Also, as much as I hate going against a slugging huntress with Iridescent head, running unbreakable and being good at stealth in dodging is great for countering. I run unbreakable all the time because there are a lot of killers who feel the need to slug multiple people and so many times just me, 1 person having unbreakable ruined their potential 4k, iridescent head huntress is no exception. Lets not forget either huntress is also crazy limited by maps, limited hatchets, 110% speed, reload times so it wouldnt be fair to remove that from her.

    @NoShinyPony Yep yep yep, preach it

    Post edited by Kurisataru on
  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    Its not the only highly imbalanced thing in dbd. Like the amount of safe pallets, moris as an easy mode, surringes and so on

    And the devs already said that they're on it. They said soemthing like they wanna change the way the whole insta heal mechanic works. Means Adrenaline would be also adressed.

    And yea mostly when the devs touch things like that there are just 2 options: they change it again until it's completely different but strong as to the beginning. Or it's completely nerfed into the grounds of the hell^^ I mean the one-health-state heals arent that much of a problem. I mean there are some mechanics and perks which gives an extra health-state or perks which just give you one extra health state. Legions ability or from the doc^^

    and we all love how adrenaline feels when you get it. you're fully healed and fly away for a few seconds. It would be very rude if the devs would ruin some nice ingame feelings ^^

    problematic feels the surringe which heals you 2 health states. I mean tell this to a good billy,he could deal with that. But as a wraith? You finally got some pressure and then get someone insta healed by another and maybe this was the only chance to get some kills/hooks. That sucks yea.

    But I had no idea how to fix it without destroying the dynamic and the gameplay changing aspects of a surringe. Just sayin. Not everything must also gettin bored down. Things can be strong and fun to play against.

    Like Head on

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @DBDbuildsYT @YouGotMeHooked Moris are not op if the killer has to work for it and they can still be countered by optimal players swf or not. be smart with aultrism and chasing and try to keep from being genlocked if you think the killer has a mori ready. Even when I play survivor I'm going to try to do the gens in an order so that the killer has to travel far between the last gens if I think they have a mori or noed or at least do the unsafe gens asap. Moris don't even guarantee a 4k!

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    @Kurisataru I am a killer main, real one not pretending one, just see my YouTube for confirmation,and I think moris shouldn't exist.

    They are pretty toxic so I would remove anything which is toxic from the game.

    So even thought I understand where you coming from I cannot accept toxic stuff in dbd because it simply spoils the fun.
