nerf survivors before killers stop handing them free games please ?

this is after all a horror survival game not a survivor always gets out free game. its absolutely ridiculous how easy survivors have it in the game if you have basic pallet and loop knowledge you can easily run a killer around for a few minutes because of the blood lust nerf to killers, most killers abilities can be completely negated , yet there is absolutely no way to combat gen rushing , tool boxes, insta heals , etc. nope its ez pz survivor time cause non of these things get messed with. you need to oh i don't know actually BALANCE the game? this is why so many killers at low ranks just tunnel and camp because its no fun going against gen rushing schmucks that have the game far too easy.


  • Mänzel
    Mänzel Member Posts: 73

    They will work on loops. Actually there are so many loops that are simply too beneficial and not mindgamable... So devs decided to remove big loops and make more smaller loops. This is a really good thing think.

    Imo loops should be about mindgames...

    This will come and I think it's a good thing.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    to balance the game more its to put 2nd objective so that gen rush dont exist and the other its reduce some pallets and the meters from it since there like 8m near them they are going to pallet to pallet and thats annoying with those changes will kinda make all killers strong and most important fun

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    tbh its red ranks , you wouldnt expect a potato there would you? also arent they a minority anyways?

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited June 2019

    @forrest49 Not really, it was between 50-60% and rank 1 was I believe only 43%. Also it’s a certainty that EGC has brought down all the survival rates across the board significantly

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    i just met us 4man swf with instaheal and every items except key and they ran "1"generator in red-purple ranked battle, in coldwind farm, brown yellow addons

    before that i met random korean japanese players in autohaven didn't even legit 2kills with nurse before 0gen and very annoyed i bring yellow addons

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Well, the game IS balanced, but it's balanced for awfull survivors (which is 90% of the survivor community). The games ARE even with these survivors, even though for the wrong reasons, it's not because people somehow know how to escape, which would lead to even matches, as they all go down in a ######### second (######### most of the survivors are awfull), but because the games end in 3 minutes (They always do, it's just that with most of the community you'll be able to snag a kill or two in these 3 minutes). The second atleast 2 people know what they're doing, you're not winning, or even putting up a fair fight (Unless you're the Nurse, but honestly she's bullshit to an extent where it's pointless to even talk about her) and it's not the killer's fault, he could be good, he could be mindblowingly amazing, but it changes nothing, it never does since they'll just finish all the gens in 3 minutes.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    yeah it is great they fixed vaults so survivors cant get fast vaults from standing at a window anymore , and if you read as i stated all killers even high rank can only play as good as the survivors worst player , killers have to rely on mistakes to get momentum and if good survivors do not make any there is literally nothing the killer can do , want to talk mind games how about remove the red stain completely so survivors dont get tipped where the killers coming so we dont have to moon walk to even attempt a swing at loops. yes i out smart and mind game survivors all the time , you know what i barely have to do as survivor i dont have to rely on mind games i rely on the game design to run killers around all game and make them rage quit it id beyond easy. thats all im saying.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    i agree 100% a lot of jungle gyms and loops have no mind game potential at all, whats funny is a lot of survivors are complaining that ghost face is too easy in spite of how easy it is to kick him out of shroud (1.5 seconds), but most higher rank people only use shroud to eliminate their stains at loops so they dont know where hes coming so they can mind game.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    end game is a joke survivors still get save and sit in gates just t bagging lol nothing has changed really, and no the percentage was 80% escape rates from 7-3 , and 60% escapes at rank 1 or 2 , alot of people posted it on their face book

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    not in the least , even when im in rank 10-8 i get full red rank teams because of how many their are and match making it blows ,its stating that at high ranks survivors still have the advantage because as stated if a survivor knows the game and makes no mistakes the killer basically cant get momentum enough to do anything, that's why nurse, billy and spirit are basically the most used killers at high rank

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    exactly and this is what encourages toxic behavior like tunneling and camping, especially tunneling because killers want to get people out as fast as possible so they dont get gen rushed in 2-3 minutes , hex ruin slows it a bit but usually breaks in the firs 15 seconds. survivors will bring tool boxes and brand new parts to gen rush and think its fine to speed through their objective , but then call killers trash for tunneling aka survivor rushing which is their objective. i dont condone tunneling or camping at all but with how unbalanced it is , i cant say i dont see why low tier killers do it.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    actually currently purple rank going against red ranks, you must be the type of survivor who got freddy nerfed day 1 and got ghost face nerfed twice when you can break him out of his ability in less time than it takes him to mark you lol

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    But when survivors do make mistakes it is usually catastrophic resulting in a snowball.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It is ironic that the potential of tunneling contributes greatly to the urgency of getting gens done faster. I know after I get tunneled the next match I am trying even harder to get gens done fast.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    its the same with gen rushing for killers , makes most low level killers tunnel in their next games and I've come across killers that apparently that's the only way they play because of it. its a vicious cycle.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    not really depends on the rest of the time at the most a mess up in a chase means a hook , where it goes from there depends on the other survivors , if the killer is dumb and camps you can churn out most if not all the gens before the hooked person dies , if the killer doesnt you can get a save and if its safe go back about your business , but it can give the killer momentum especially insta down killers

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    This is literally the purpose of the map reworks????

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @forrest49 43% survival rate is high?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    It sounds like you aren’t a good killer tbh. Never chase a survivor longer than 30 seconds, learn mind games (won’t always work), always try to have one survivor slugged/hooked and another in chase.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @traviszenryo Peanits corrected that.

    (Quoted from Peanits)

    “I confirmed this with the data team this morning, the 80% isn't exactly accurate. The stats are taking your rank after the match, not the rank you went in with. The data was also collected between April 1st and April 7th, when it was significantly harder for survivors to pip. As a result, those who died typically deranked back to rank 2 and their death would be counted as a rank 2 death. It was very rare for someone to die at rank 1 and remain rank 1, hence the incredibly high survival rate.

    Basically most of the deaths were counting towards rank 2, not rank 1, so the escape rate was much higher than it should be.

    I received a stat for the escape rate from the 11th and it was around a 43% escape rate.”

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    A 43% chance is high per survivor.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Seems that the op dont know anything about horror games so first of you said that horror survival game that dosent mean that all the time you win against 4 survivors so whats the point calling horror game it should be called killer simulator or something if you cant catch a survivor its youre fault cuz you have enough tools to catch at least 1 or 2

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    God that qutoe is too good not to troll.

    43% escape rate for the whole team is quite high.

    (It means 43% for a 4man escape)

    This is really obvious bait.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    except all the map reworks did was make double pallet loops a thing and in multiple locations so survivors have even more pallets to work with and more god loops between 2 pallets

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    you must not play killer in high ranks , you can stick to the whole don't chase a survivor longer than 30 seconds thing but it just makes them be able to gen rotate as you leave survivors so they get multiple gens almost done so they pop simultaneously, its a lose lose situation, and there's only so much you can do with mind games against survivors who also know the mind games for loops

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    you completely miss the point of what i said , its not that killers should win all the time that'd be stupid it is the fact that survivors have a multitude of advantages over the killer in a survival game , that'd be like you playing a horde survival game and they instantly starting you off with multiple weapons and traps to do your job for you. they keep nerfing things for killers at a base level not just perks , they shortened the chase distance so you drop out of chase at most loops and they nerfed bloodlust so it takes forever to build to the point by the time you catch up and get lust to get close to survivors they get to other infinites. they reverted the pallet nerf back to have a multitude of them and having them sometimes spawn doubles so it just makes it even worse.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I was in the red ranks before reset so try again bud.

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    then i'm surprised you don't know the strat of gen rotating a killer who doesn't commit to chases red rank survivors do it all the time

  • traviszenryo
    traviszenryo Member Posts: 53

    you completely missed the point of what i said then, i didn't say killers should win all the time i said that survivors have a multitude of advantages over the killer, it'd be like you playing a horde survival game and them giving you multiple high tier weapons and traps from the start to do your job for you. survivors should have a chance to escape chases and have things to help them but not to the degree it is right now the main problem being how fast gens get done. they nerfed the killers momentum by shortening the chase register distance so it breaks easily at loops and they nerfed lust so it takes twice as long to tier up meaning slower killers are screwed and you break chase losing lust super easy. but they reverted the pallet nerfs back and barely touch survivors. the last nerfs survivors got was to healing and pallets on the map which they reverted sometime so we still get double pallet spawns and like 20+ pallets on them map (that may be an exaggeration i have to go count them) its true they are doing map reworks and they did loop reworks to make them have more short loops but all that did was make more loops that have double pallets and multiple short loops that are super close together.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    I would reduce the amount of pallets.

    As a killer, it just feels like there's a pallet every corner...

    As a survivor, well I kinda feel bad after the fourth one...

    I mean as much as ppl like to run dead hard bc they can Loop and pallet so much maybe they'd get better at sneaking around and using sensory perks.