Names above players after round ends...

I understand that this part of the forum is meant for balance in-game, but there's no feedback part for issues that aren't bugs or in game. So I have to talk about this here.

Just last round I was playing as usual when I healed up a claudette. We both had seen the aura of another survivor get downed on another part of the map. So it was clear the killer was far away. We also were near a pallet. This person had no excuse for their behavior. It was toxicity.

I wished the killer a good game at the exit screen and then discussed with him the toxic claudette. He told me I should report the player, and I told him that was a good idea. There was a big problem though. There were TWO claudettes that round. They looked different, and when I looked at the survivors running in the field I knew exactly which claudette it was. However, in the name panel, I had no idea which player that claudette was.

I was forced to report both players which I saw had claudette's perks, which will probably make my report for the real culprit not seem valid.

In the beginning lobby it shows player's names above their heads. You can see who's who. Not so in the exit screen. I had no idea who to report.

So I'd like to request that names are added above survivors' heads in the exit screen while they're running in the field. I don't know how this could help any killers as their ending animation is different, but some form of identification at the end needs to be added.


  • Skid
    Skid Member Posts: 15

    nothings going to happen to somebody throwing down pallets for no reason but yeah it’s annoying and unfortunate to have an idiot like that on your team.

    Pay attention to the survivors status on the bottom left. It’s really easy to tell who is who by injuries, healed, downed, hooked, ect.

    However I wouldn’t mind seeing names afterwards but I don’t see it being high on the devs priority list.

  • killEr003
    killEr003 Member Posts: 19

    I try to pay attention, but it's hard to monitor their names while I'm trying to plan how I'll evade the killer.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    'I was forced to report both players which I saw had claudette's perks, which will probably make my report for the real culprit not seem valid.'

    It's not valid - you falsely accused another player just because you could not tell the difference. A lot of people run with Claudette's perks.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    This isn't a bad idea to just add those even in-game under nicknames

  • killEr003
    killEr003 Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2019

    Darktrix, My report was valid. A Claudette refused to heal me and just trolled me. I was fully justified reporting her. It just so happens I couldn't tell which Claudette was the right one to report.