Mythology creatures as some of the killers.

Like the Minotaur, mori rams the survivor with his horns into the ground and flings the corpse after. weapon could axe . His ability is just like the Chainsaw, but he preps to charge by dragging his hoof back twice and charges the survivor.

Perks- Your a very creative bunch to figure out what the perks should be not making certain things to op.

Harpy, mori could be it picks survivor up and drops them from in the air. The ability could be that it flies up so that the killer can view the area for like 10 seconds ( not allowed to be used in buildings since you can't really fly up with a ceiling above you.

Perks once again could be what ever you want them to be. Maybe one that helps track survivors.

Medusa killer / mori turn people to stone

Perks 1-exclusive to her only, involves the tail blocking windows or paths where it is at. Could be helpful if against short loops. Others perks could be what ever you want again. Example, Feeling Like Stone: every time a survivor looks at the killer their actions are slowed to a certain stack percent reducing speed/gen repair/vaulting (i prefer this to stack everytime the survivor looks at the killer with the character) If you don't want to slow actions etc. Then you could do something along the lines of if the survivor looks at the killer 3 times they a frozen in place for 3 seconds. She sounds to op but i would like to see a killer give challenge to those SWF groups with voice chat since communication is very op. Their is a chance for hard camping using the tail. Maybe survivors can vault the tail when Medusa is camping in a hook radius for to long. But i would think they would just rush gens or you can make a perk that is really good if the killer is constantly on the move.

Maybe a Banshee (sadly a spirit too), but this one is hard since there forums/wiki's etc talk about it can go invisible and teleport which is what the spirit and nurse do already.

I just like to bring up mythology creatures since you can make your own without getting all those copyright permission/rights to do so. One thing i would really like added is the Perk i said for medusa Feeling Like Stone: about the survivors looking at the killer slowing them down to a certain stack/percent, or after three looks they are frozen for 2 or 3 seconds. If not on a medusa character and don't want the name you could change it to Feared Solid or something like that.

Thanks for your time and consideration. 😀