Proposed gen repair with camera lock/zoom



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    No I just think you're being a ######### to survivors, generalising them all into one stereotype, instead of actually trying to be constructive and unbiased you're bashing survivors like they both don't have any issues to deal with, or like killers don't also ######### about things.

    I don't love riding BHVR's dick (though I do like sucking on Pyramid Head's), I like calling them out on valid issues on both sides. Like how Blood Lodge can have about 60 pallets, but also how it can have about 2. Like how Spirit, Deathslinger, and Pyramid Head exist, but also how Prove Thyself, DS/Unbreakable, and Head On Squads exist. Like how Ormond, Haddonfield, and Mother's Dwelling exist, but same with Lery's, The Game, and Hawkins.

    I don't ride BHVR's dick, I just try my best to not be a biased cuck. Try it out sometime, it does wonders for your self-esteem.

    For the record, killer main.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Yeah, I'm biased as hell - because the vast majority of Survivors and Survivor mains piss me off. Because they don't want a truly balanced asymmetrical experience - with a clearly defined 'power' role and a clearly defined 'numbers' role. They want a game they can troll around with their friends on and screw any sense of stress or having to actually try or having to focus on something other than just goofing around in most matches. It's clear as day in the difference between stress/anxiety levels when playing a killer and playing a Survivor against opponents of similar skill as you.

    And BHVR pisses me off because they cater to them far more frequently than they do Killers. When they cater to a Survivor - they nerf perks left and right, gut characters for a 'rework'. When they cater to Killers, they ignore problem perks that the majority of their Survivors enjoy using on all their builds, and focus on things like maps and pallets and vaults and loops; and it's just bull.

    Don't get me wrong though - Killer mains piss me off too because they're always concerned about "high rank play this; high rank play that" and screw any gameplay that isn't red ranks in almost every thread I see about what are "problems" and what isn't - because there is this obsession with rank despite it being worthless and arbitrary.

    I don't see problems in Spirit, or Deathslinger, or Pyramid, or any of the killers that have been released - in terms of them being too strong, like most people think they are. I have gone against and played just fine against these killers and yes - some of their abilities are annoying, but I am far more irritated whenever paired up against the bullshit of Legion and Oni. Or a facecamping Bubba and Billy because the chainsaw killer-players don't have any other tricks in their bag (but I also recognize face camping as legitimate and not a 'red flag' on killers unlike most players).

    So yeah - it pisses me off when legitimate changes are proposed that would balance out the roles are immediately torn apart and shot down because it would upset the delicate power scales between killers and Survivors. Most of the Survivors reasonings are "well this hurts solo players", well I'm sorry - but this isn't a single player game? Maybe quit vehemently hating every change proposed, let the game be changed, and THEN push more actively for balancing SWF and solo play for Survivors instead of crying out so much that powerful killer tools and mechancis need to be nerfed so Survivors can go back to trolling in matches instead of sweating every now and then.

    The proposed thread here - restricted camera on generators. Immediately shot down instead of any sort of constructive modifications like only having a blind spot and not an actually locked-one-direction camera: changing it to where the fact that the generators have different angles to work from becomes more of a consideration when placing yourself and yes - you would need to rely on other Survivors more often to cover your blind spots when you couldn't but that's the essence of a multiplayer game.

    But no, instead it gets immediately torn apart and thrown out by Survivor-players because it would mean making generators dangerous and risky instead of a "i'm going to sit here, spin my camera 360 degrees and pay zero attention to the generator unless it makes a sound about a skill check". And then when I point out exactly why this change would never happen even in an altered form - because Survivor-mains will legitimately never allow a change that makes their objectives harder directly (as evident with Undying pressuring totems and taking time away from generator repair to look for totems), 'oh no that's wrong, you're wrong and bad' all because I won't sugar coat it with PR-level vagueness and bs. It is what it is.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2020

    I remember a similar idea I read on this forum or on the subreddit I think almost a year ago.

    When repairing, there'd be a small debuff (like 10%) in repair speed if you're not looking at the generator. It was either that, or repairing is at normal speed and looking at the generator gives you a 10% buff.

    It's a small change but it'd make stealthy killers a little more viable. Survivors could still 360 the camera around when repairing, but they're not working at maximum speed if they are.