Playing as survivor is not fun

Killers have lots of great perks to choose from, much more then they can fit in only 4 slots.
Survivors should be the same.
That is all.
I see more perk variety from survivors than what I do from killers..
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Same as se... and a lot of numbers survivors have more perk variety.
But also if you don't find a role fun don't play them.
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I have a lot of fun with survivor perks. I've been using Quick and quiet & Head on for a month now and I can't stop. This is a cry for help ;-;
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Killers have so many good perks that its hard to choose from. Like any meta it has its top tier perks.
Survivor perks are just all mostly useless and boring, doesnt matter what you use for the most part.
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Out of all the Killers in the game, you can only pick four/five tops that are actually viable and you have to play them every single time to have a chance to pip to higher ranks, usually using a combo of BBQ + Ruin, or something like Enduring + Spirit Fury at least. Now THAT is not fun.
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Survivor perks are a lot more diverse wdym
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Well said, I think all my killer builds involve Ruin because you have to be crazy not to take it in red ranks. Spirit Fury + Enduring are almost a must have as well since Ruin usually vanishes instantly and survivors have become way more capable of ignoring Ruin anyway. There's simply not enough time in a game to NOT use these perks.
Basically I get 1 free perk slot to choose a perk I desire, but that's just how it is for me. And since it's more difficult to hook someone and have no idea where anyone else is; you usually have to take BBQ, discordance or something else...
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Killer Meta is less static than survivors, partly because killers get their powers/abilities in addition to perks. Survivor is fun, it's just stale by comparison - people deviating from meta in higher ranks risk crippling their team.
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Ok wait.
Counter play
Sprint Boost : It has no counter
Adrenalin : Noed is the counter
Selfcare : Slobby Butcher is only a little counter
DS : Dont tunnel and dont down survivors real quick
Noed : Destroy the totems
Ruin : Gen tapping or destroy the totem
Enduring : Drop the pallet early
Spirit Fury: Drop the pallet early
BTW killers are the powerrole
4 Survivor perks = 1 Killer perk
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There's chase builds, there's gen rush builds, there's loot builds, stealth builds, confusion builds, detection builds, anti-slug builds.
Say what...
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Not necessarily, depends on their level of ability. TBH, for me, I like need DH, but there's people out there that will run no exhaustion perks and run the killer 10x as long as I ever will.
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What are you talking about? It might seem like killers have a lot of options but once you start hitting high ranks more and more builds start to close off untill you start seeing the same killer builds every game. Survivour in comparison has significantly more viable options since survivour at base is already incredibly strong due to map design.
The gameplay is always the same with survivour and thats probably what you find so dull. Loop do gens make saves and heal. The most excitement you can have is maybe with flashlight saves or hatch plays. Survivours need a more dymamic objective options then just doing gens.