Hi, i'm your worst nightmare! (?) And i'm here with another discussion on how this game is gonna be great again! (???)
I keep hearing about "Gen rush meta" and i keep having games where, it doesnt matter how hard you try, gens are rushed this bunch of a hell. My question now is: Is this kind of game FUN for any of the 2 parts? We all know that the answer is no. I thought a lot about this problem, and i figured out that facts are: Gens are too easy to be done, seen that survivors can bring perks and items to rush with no limits at all and in SWF this thing is abused as F. and the other fact is: you only need to make 5 gens and open exits to achieve "victory" as survivor.
Even if there are a few things you could actually do as survivor, everyone just goes for the gens and the exits, so what about another objective in the game to be done b4 actually exiting? I understand when ppl says: there are killers who actually have other objectives to delay the game like pig or plague, but what about the rest of killers? They are just non viable end of the story? I feel frustrated when i think this could be the only answer received... Since that i play all the killers AND survivors the same way.
My suggestion is: Make gens a little harder to be done and a little harder to be done in coop! Like the more the gens grow little the more the time needed to be done! Fix items to have ALL less Charges and to cover less generators OR put a limit to items, add-ons and perks brought in game by survivors. (And fix chests to ALWAYS JUST give basic common items improved just by perks and offerings)
Thanks to whoever will reply this thread and share ideas with me, cheers!
Last thing this game needs is longer gen time.
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Say your rank plis, because i'm talkin about red rank games where ruin goes insta and the first 3 gen are unexistent
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Maybe you are not that good then then?
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Avoiding my question means you are not red neither purple rank :) And probably ur in game hours are less then 300. Things are different in red ranks, if you don't know what i'm talkin about it's better quittin this conversation
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We literally just got the best gen stall perk in the game added, Pop goes the Weasel. It works very well for stalling the game. How much have you used it?
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I actually agree with this. Before the pitchforks come out, hear me out. Generators from a gameplay standpoint are kind of boring. You just sit there and hold M1 with an occasional skill check. I am in favor of extending matches, though there has got to be a better was to do it besides making it take longer to repair gens. For example, they could implement a mechanic where you have to find gas to activate generators or something like that.
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My everyday build: Ruin, PGTW, Spirit Fury, Enduring (Mouse one killer talking, so no Spirit or Nurse)
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This could be something at least, but i'm afraid the majority of survivors wouldn't like to play that kind of game since community atm is just about "I wanna 1v1 killer or rush gen and t-bag him cause he is just a puppet no more no less" Honestly, i'd prefer all this kind of players to leave this game so, if this is gonna happen, i'll be more then OK!