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Camping, Tunneling and Slugging are fine and fair.



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @miaasma Did I say it wasn't griefing? Actually, let me just say it: I didn't say it wasn't griefing. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. So why are you pretending I said it when you know I didn't say it?

    (Ignore previous comment, it has a typo)

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i can't imagine why else you'd try to underplay 4 entire minutes of griefing as "slightly annoying", but backpeddle all you want i suppose

    but let's be real, you'd probably heckle somebody for disconnecting under those circumstances, so i suppose there's no winning in this discussion

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @miaasma Nobody's underplaying anything. Different people have different reactions to the same events. I'm expressing my opinion.

    You, however, are pretending I said something I didn't say, that you know I didn't say. There's a three letter word for what that is.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    all i did was read between the lines

    you're expressing that other people are being unreasonable in complaining about being mori spammed until their character bleeds out

    you have indicated that the onus is on the people being griefed to just find something else to do while they are being griefed, instead of on the people who are griefing them to just, like, not do it. not a surprising thing to read, but still baffling and kind of says everything

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There are no lines. You made ######### up. Just admit it.

    You're expressing that I'm being unreasonable for taking steps to deny the griefer any satisfaction out of their griefing. You have indicated that the people being griefed therefore must always make sure to give the griefer exactly what they want.

    See how silly that sounds? Because that can be inferred from your comments as well, but it's not what you actually said. I've been adressing what you wrote instead of what I can distort your opinion to be. You have not done me the same courtesy. Why is that?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Here's what I'm actually doing, since it appears the direct message was still too subtle for you (and probably others).

    1. I'm expressing my opinion on why I feel Mori spamming, while griefing, is not as big a deal as many people seem to believe.
    2. I'm explaining how I deal with slugging (never been the victim of Mori spamming myself, but since December 6th, 2013, there has been no difference in regards to time between the two), which people can try if they think 4 minutes is too long.
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Tell me where is the fun to follow survivors from loop to loop? How fun is to know that either the survivor must make a mistake in order to take a hit to spend an X amount of time follow that person?ย And before you say just go to another survivor if you do this you don't change the pressure in the game, the map still has a lot of pallets, you don't know if the other survivors will be the same or worst and most likely you as the killer you will waste a lot of time.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    If I am getting slugged for four minutes then I start crawling around or browse the forums(same with mori spamming). These are technically griefing but afking for four minutes isnโ€™t too bad.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    if you want to pretend that feeling the need to point out that you feel people are over-exaggerating when they complain about being held hostage for 4 minutes while a killer jerks themselves off mori spamming you has nothing to do with underplaying the griefing factor then sure, be as dishonest as you want

    it makes a lot more sense that i've been having this discussion with somebody who has never been mori spammed

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I might've been, I dunno. As I said, I go AFK.

    I don't feel the need to do anything. I do things I want to. It's funny that you call me dishonest when you're the one making ######### up and pretending I'm the one saying it.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    ah the good old "nothing i say means anything so when you read something into it i forfeit any responsibility", i love it

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Again, not what I said. I literally said that what I say means what is written. You're the one pretending that what I write doesn't mean what it says.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    can i ask why you felt the need to tell people that mori spamming isn't a big deal? since apparently my assumptions are so off-base

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I already said I wanted to correct a bizarre claim. The reason your assumptions are so off-base is because you're not even reading what I'm writing. You're making stuff up and pretending that's what I said.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    what claim is that?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The claim that Mori spamming could be done for hours, when in fact it can only be done for up to four minutes. It was my first comment in this thread.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Ehi, can we drop this last argument? It has derailed from the original thread and is not providing anything useful. Please stick to the topic, and if you need to clarify each other please use DMs. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    understood, i misinterpreted your comments then

    edit: just so you know, i did read your posts, but given the tone of the discussion i thought you were making those posts from a different angle

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    not get downed near the basement in the first place

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2019


    Wait, mori spamming doesn't pause the bleed-out timer anymore? Like, when the mori progress bar is on the killer's screen, the bleed-out timer doesn't pause?

    Edit: Sorry @Gcarrara, I didn't see your message until after I posted this.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited June 2019

    Camping is mostly done by low low rank Killers that rely on it too much to get a kill in any match. While this is considered a "strategy" it shouldn't be something you do every game to achieve a kill. Camping should only be done by beginners that're getting a feel for the game, its not supposed to be a primary means of getting anything done. Only during specific circumstances is it acceptable, like if you saw a Survivor previously where you hooked a Survivor, but if you don't find them in the area just move on. Or if you hook a Survivor right next to a open gate.

    Tunneling is a different story, while I can mostly say its taboo to do... Its only "acceptable" when a Survivor literally grabs the other Survivor off the hook right in-front of your face. You down the previously hooked Survivor, than go after the rescuer. That's about it, otherwise if you tunnel a Survivor to death its considered pretty cowardly and unfair, as I am a Killer main... but I also play Survivor and have been tunneled to death. Its sort of a "Treat people the way you want to be treated as a Survivor" type mentality.

    As for slugging that is by all means a strategy, it is utilized pretty often at high ranks, and by all means acceptable to do (in public standards I mean.) by no means should you be ashamed for doing... for example, slugging little johnny because a Nea with a flashlight wont stop following you for that sweaty save. Or slugging a previously hooked survivor like mentioned above and going after the rescuer. If you put slugging together with Camping or Tunneling than you're either a Survivor Main or uneducated in why it is very viable at high ranks.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    I want to correct this - mori spam if done over a extended amount of time is considered griefing and thus a bannable offense.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these.

    Slugging is necessary to win some games.

    Tunneling is the killer equivalent of gen rush. It's the killer doing their objective, and even more so it is often the most effective way to do their objective. If it's not the smart play than the survivors then get a chance to punish the killer accordingly.

    Similarly, camping is sometimes the correct and even necessary play. When it's not, survivors have every opportunity to punish the killer. The "bad" forms of camping are mainly a thing past rank 15 because survivors as an overall group aren't willing to do this.

    If you don't like any of these tactics, you should be lobbying the devs for changes instead of complaining about things people have been salty about for 3+ years now.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141


  • su11yboy
    su11yboy Member Posts: 38

    As a survivor main I've never ever had a problem with slugging, even when I was new. As for Camping and Tunneling they aren't really fair, because it kinda sucks for the survivor, but they aren't OP strategies. Camping and Tunneling leaves 3 ppl do whatever (in the case of tunneling it leaves 1 person unhooking, and 2 ppl still doing gens maybe briefly leaving to get the unhook then going back when the other survivor beat them to the hook), which means an easy counter is gen rush which is btw pretty unfun for killers. But is Gen Rush unfair? No, because they're doing the objective, just like the killer is doing their objective of killing survivors in the way they know how.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Because when it every flipping game it is removing all the fun out of the game, "Oh yeah lets wait 15 mins or so for a game 5 BPS/gateux are played, killer camps and tunnles eve1 to death in a ew mins, ppl quit the game.

    I started playing just b4 Freddy came out and have just about had enough of playing both sides, I made something like 40 friends playing this game now 1 of them plays regular and shes thinking of quitting too

    Last night I had a round got sandbagged by a David (admittedly thats a different matter) downed by GF facecamped til death got all of 1k points and had played a gateux. I get that its a game and the killers job is to kill but all that is happening and I am seeing it all the time now is ppl Dcing in game as soon as downed cos they are convinced they will be camped or if rescued tunnelled at once.

    I play both sides about 50-50 and since the de rank limit of 15 has gone there are loads of P3 survivors with all T3 purple perks bullying less skilled players or new players.

    Never mind the match making too, why the hell should a rank 13 killer face 4 rank 1? its broken and I am not the only one at th end of my tether.

    Tunneling, slugging Camping (at end of round to defend the sacrifice I get but making the game no fun for someone right from the start? Just bad form. Its a game, its supposed to be fun, whats fun about being dead 3 mins into a game after waiting for 15 mins to even get a lobby?

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    The same can be told for the gen rush how is fun for the killer to wait for 10/15/20 minute for him to play a game that lasts 5-6 min, how is fun for the killer when the survivors can take away his/her power and force them to follow the survivors from loop to loop. You can say " yes if you have a problem with gen rush and looping just put the X perk and you will be ok " but this is not true every single good killer perk have a lot of counterplay that weakness so the survivors can play around it without the need of specific perk. In the other hand survivors, perks don't have this and many time force killer to play with the X perk just in case they can have fun. How that fun?