
Change the %s to 50%, 75%, 100%.
It's to weak right now. All it does is save 5 seconds to the game.
I wouldn't mind that, it could use a buff.
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Healing takes 16 seconds so it saves 8. It's still a weak perk, however, because of how conditional it is. Not to mention you usually spend 3 seconds fighting with them to let you heal first so that wipes out a lot of the benefit.
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let it be used with med kits at least
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If it was buffed to heal 100% I would start using it
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When I proposed this change, everyone was triggered: "TOO OP" Lmao, this community
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And this time everyone here is up for it XD
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No, that would make it way too powerful. It's already fine how it is, though I agree it should work with medkits. Same with Autodidact. Why it doesn't work with medkits I will never know.
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Solidarity and autodidact need auras like we’ll make it has to let survivors know you have it so you don’t have to fight people for heals.
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Instaheals are broken as #########. Saying that just because something exists like it is stupid. That's like me saying "well Billy can insta down, so NOED isn't broken"