We need more people vocal about Legion.



  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    I am simply responding to the OP, I have not read the majority of the responses on this.

    There is no counterplay to Frank's Mixtape with old Legion. You could juke a hit, but then just get hit right after again because there was no penalty to missing a hit.

    And overall there was no counterplay to Legion's power. Splitting up is not the counter play I am talking about. Being able to avoid a hit in some way was just not there with the old Legion.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Franks Mixtape was op without a question, but that didn't justify the rework patch.

    That would have justify to remove or rework this specific addon and nothing else.

    The hits of the Legion were avoidable. At least not more or less as by other killer.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Watch from minutes 6 onwards, we fail to kill Jason so we decide to bully him until the end if the match..

    Very sad!

    That's the problem with asymmetric, one side, the majority pushes for unbalance. That's why Jason is weak and why most dbd killers are a joke

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Sorry, the first minutes were already enough for me. This game is so undemanding after what I have saw there, I can only shake my had.

    Would they change Jason in something cute, that game could easily named Hello Kitty adventures^^.

    I don't see the point in playing a horror game and then behave like the survivors there.

    A horror game should be thrilling and sometimes even scary, imo.

    Sad part on this is, that you are right, and some people in dbd really like to make a game for 3 year olds of it and at the end of it, nobody will be happy with what he is playing.

  • lmao ######### is that! i prefer to play as jason and my first game i got 6 kills... at least you can play with bots and choose their difficulty

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    We are pretty vocal but it's apparent they don't give a damn about Legion's state, they just made so they won't be an issue ever again and called it a day after overly butchering their power

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    well hold off now they might be at the live stream. at this point i dont even care sincei h ave plenty of other games to play thx to the summer sale 80% drops lul. however i would like DBD to stay as my favorite assymmetrical game until something else pops up, and assuming it will take a long time for that, i would like them to remove the missed penalty since the power can't even down anymore. Oh and waiting until mid chapter for 1 single change will be pretty mad but at least it is a change.

    nevremind y did i except something else other than freddy

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Consider we were very well trained Jason hunters that's why Jason got bullied, BUT we shouldn't have been able to do so because we were NOT thr killer!

    Dbd isn't that better though killers can be bullied as well :(

  • Welp they (entitled survs) want to nerf nurse and spirit so they are not scared at all lmao

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Yes we are.

    For other companies, that would be already enough.

    As example: After enough comments, Blizzard announced lately that they will set up classic servers for different languages. That was something they had say no to before.

    But it seems the dbd devs like losing money if I think on what I said before. Luckily, as user we can sit back and just looking at this scenario with a "how long they will need to realize what need to be done?" face.

  • Setting up classic servers for different languages cost money. Changing a game doesn't cost money. They are changing the game and killers to favor survivors, and as survivors seem to be the majority of players, survivors buy skins and they get their income. Legion got them a lot of money, so when they were done with him they changed him to a money trap for players who have no idea... They even had the audacity to keep the Darkness Among Us Spotlight in the DLC.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Yeah, but we both know what happens, if a new player jumps into this moneytrap. At least we can asume it just with common sense and because of comments in this forum and also our own experiences.

    The majority of those players will stop buying dbd stuff and tell their friends how they got tricked by this game.

    Imo, it would be better for the devs, if they would get money from the majority of Legion players and survivors. Focusing only on survivors is the wrong way for doing that.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    Same with ghostface people were bitching about him when using his addons which they did as intended made it harder to detect, instead of learning they cried nerf within a week of him being released.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    It's fascinating. Entitled Survivors think only of their own fun, and can not be used to losing. They think that just because Legion, who is not even as good as Spirit, counters looping should be nerfed. Then, they say "get used to it" "exploiter" "you deserved it" to people who played Legion the way the player wanted to play him and did not moonwalk or use exploits of any kind. Now, they are done with us in half a year. They still say "Legion has no counterplay" when all you had to do was split up and genrush. Devs are blatantly only caring about Survivors, because asymmetrical game.

    I'm just stating facts here. Those survivors who said Legion had no counterplay when they were genrushing him and winning most games against him are the same ones who ask Spirit to be nerfed. They want Easy mode, and the devs are giving it to them. They are sad they can't bully the killer by teabagging in front of pallets and taunting the killer. All they are asking for is more Nurse's and Spirit's. Which is why they want them to be nerfed too. IF and when that nerf comes around, i will camp basement with Leatherface until i get banned.

    Forgot about the Survivors who say "Camping is not a strategy" when the first 2 killers have powers that allow them to camp...

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    A great example of those "no counterplay" survivors have we already in this thread on page 4.

    I have write a long posting with counterplay tips to the old Legion that have worked and the answer of a survivor:

    "I don't have read it and the few things I have read of it, I don't like to use."

    Nobody can help those survivors, if they don't care at all or are learn resistant.

    Sad thing is, devs have listen to this minority of survivors.

    If the devs not stop listening to those part of the survivors, db will become so insignificant as f13, or contagion now.

    I like to see which decision they make.

    Anyways, I hope that they don't touch nurse and spirit and buff the rest of the killers. For the greater good of this game.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    They were not avoidable? Do you even play survivor?

    Not only is the frenzy hitbox huge, there was no penalty for missing a frenzy hit despite the huge hitbox. So even if you managed to avoid it, you would most of the time still get stabbed because they could try again right after. It was 100 percent bullshit.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    It depends of the situation we are talking from.

    If we talk from a "ordinary" chase, then the hits were avoidable.

    If we talk from hits, from a Legion that is direct behind you in hit range, then yes... You got most likley hitten, but that shouldn't be surprising, since that is by every killer the case.

    But back to hits that are most likley happen during a chase, because they were as said before avoidable. I have describe it in my long posting on page 4.

    Please understand, that I don't like to write a huge text like this again. Just go on page 4 and read it.

    If you have still the same opinion after reading this, I don't know how to help you then. But I will look on YouTube if I find an actual serious videos about the Legion, or also general survivor tactics.

    Sometimes are videos better as any written text (especially since I am not a native english speaker).

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    I have found a video... Surprisingly easy (it was the first one with the search tags "dead by daylight legion survivor tactics" on YouTube).

    In the video, you can see how a survivor has survived against the pre patch Legion. I have even seen better survivors in the game, but as a YouTuber he can't just think on playing like we players, he need also to think how to show what he likes to show to his viewers.

    I think video shows very good how the gameplay against the Legion was, if the Legion has not use that one op addon, or exploits.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    You are not entitled to win a chase, you are entitled to have equal chances to win the match.

    Even if legion was able to down survivors with not much coubterplsy thst doesn't count because you could still win by completing your objectives.

    A guess what? It was fairly easy to defeat the old legion.

    This isn't a one vs one game, it's a team game and the balance must be made on team vs team, once you accept this you will see that old legion was weak, and

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    legion's hits were not avoidable. stuff that worked against bad killers isn't counterplay

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    They were. Don't come please with that excusment for yourself "bad killers", because we could also turn that argument around and then it would be bad survivors.

    Different killers need different tactics for the killers and for the survivors and if someone is not willing to respect this... Then I will never agree with him about this topic.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    PS: I need to say, after I have write a long tutorial in this thread and search for you survivors a video on YouTube, that this would actually be a task for you survivors.

    Because, I as a Legion, don't need to know how to do it as survivor. It is a nice addition for a killer to know this. Nothing more.

    To get answers back in return like in the last postings, proofs only what Legion mains (including me) have write here in this thread.

    It is not always someone else's fault if something is not going well.

    ... and sorry for the doubleposting again... But high cpu usage in this forum, no editing possible and so on...

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Before, Legion could miss you multiple times in a row and still manage to get a hit off by the end. There was only so much you could do and you had a timer, too. If you couldn't lose him within that time, you were going down. Additionally, he was slower despite his power being nonlethal. I quite like the changes. I like that if they choose to not heal for whatever reason, I'm going at a normal killer speed and it's more dangerous for him. I like that their bodies are smaller. You can do mind games easier and it feels as though you can take loops tighter. They essentially made it so that you didn't have to tunnel down someone to get kills. They made it so that you weren't required to have very good add-ons to be time efficient. They just made it harder to cheese people in return since that didn't feel good for the other side.

    That's why it was a rework. Given I'd like if some of the add-ons were more useful or just completely changed, but it feels fine playing as Legion.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I think every Legion main knows why this Legion patch has come. Not important if he likes the changes, or not.

    But btw. "to get a hit off by the end."... I have also play sometimes other killers (mostly Meyers and Clown) and when I was near enough on a survivor I have also always hit with them (if no lag had occur). That is imo nothing special if we realy talk about a short distance.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    @Talmer, please @ or quote someone. They're not gonna know you're talking to them otherwise. I'm guessing that was for me, though, since you were the last one to post before. The issue as I was describing was that it took little thought. You followed people at fast speeds where they often couldn't outrun you. You could see blood, so following them was very easy and a lot of people were cheesing it and just looking at the ground to avoid chase so that the timer would go down. If you failed at tunneling someone before, I don't know what to tell you. It was very easy (and brain dead) to tunnel someone down before and there was no penalty for missing multiple times in a row. You get pentalties for all other killers. It doesn't matter if it's Meyers or Clown. That pause when you miss is the penalty. Legion didn't get that, they could just swing again if you happened to dodge or they happened to miss.

    Part of the patch was a movement increase and they changed some things to balance for that. While I didn't like all of the changes, it's changes I can work around and I think they're fair changes. The change was due to both sides not liking things about Legion. His movement speed decrease didn't make sense with his power. It was non lethal. Now he's a normal speed killer who often gets a free first hit, faster speed mode, and a time waster if you happen to get more than one person. It's just about knowing how to play Legion and learning to track and pay attention to where people go. You can also counter loops and keep up better with their normal killer speed.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    You are right with the @ thing, but what should I say? Old habits... This is the first forum, which I have learn to know with a function like this. Maybe one day I can get rid of my old habits (hopefully) :).

    The penalty you are talking from is one reason why I hate the patch. I have love to run behind survivors, wild swinging with a knife. Of course, not actually with the motivation to hit them if they were to far away - more for my own pleasure.

    I also don't like to feel pressed in one specific role. Imo, for me is a good killer, who lets me enough space to do my own thing (Meyers as example is also a killer with enough space to let the player develop his own playstyl).

    It is for me ok, if someone likes the new Legion, but she is absolutly not anymore the funkiller I have love to play and that is why me and others are still posting in those forums.

    Besides that, I could live with a Legion how she is today, if the devs would take that freaking penalty away and give the Legion her old frenzy speed back.

    I also think that would not change too much balance releated, as long as all the other nerfs are still active.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Give Legion everything back but keep the deep wound change so the exploit doesn't come back.

    @fluffymareep Any killer will eventually down a survivor. As far as it being too easy then keeping the missed attack stun, removing blood trails, and the deep wound changes would be a good fix.

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121


  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Legion now is the shittiest design for killer there could be.

    He stabs you so hard that you get internal injury so bad... that he can stab you one million times and you are fine. Just stay in terror radius and rush gens... So scary killer...

    He was perfectly fine as he came out (wasnt good killer, but at least wasnt useless garbage as he is today).

    And this is why you will see only Trappers, Spirits, Nurses and Billies on higher ranks. Every time devs come with something fresh and interesting they have to nerf it to the ground in ways that don't even make sense.

    I bet reworked Freddy will be nerfed soon after release aswell.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The only part of his nerf I actually agree with is the miss pulling you out of feral frenzy. If you can't land the hit then you either need to get better or stop playing Legion. The rest of it is terrible though.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I was just confused if you were talking to me at first @Talmeer Thought I'd mention it in case you didn't know. c:

    I want the pins to apply to the first stab and the jumping over while in frenzy to be a bit faster. I also wouldn't care if they included the deep wound damage again, but kept all the other changes. I feel that would be fair. From what others said from when the changes were going through, it's more of a redesign for the character so that they could hopefully give the killer some more meaningful buffs/changes later on without it being overkill for survivors. Gives him a good base to go from. I think the old Legion may have been part of the reason the changes to Thanta didn't go through.

  • Stupidest argument ever. I am not even going to talk about how it is stupid, because i have told it many times. All you need to know is the game is not optimized. I should not be discouraged from playing Legion if i have lag that makes me miss. I meet Recommended settings too.

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    They removed it because people abused it.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    I've summed up my thoughts on Legion design including his power and addons, which were posted partially in this thread.

    I'd like to hear opinions, especially from Legion mains

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Yeah because people kept downvoting bad changes in the patch notes, I'm pretty sure that's the actual reason because everything else was harmless, stupid but harmless, lol.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2019

    I like how many people have posted here bringing support to changing Legion one way or another. We may disagree on exactly how but most seem to agree he's in a very bad place. Still hoping for surprise changes this mid chapter despite no word about it in the livestream or dev update.

    Post edited by Kabu on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    To see so many people that have rise their voice is amazing. No matter if we talk about this thread, or the countless others.

    I don't even know how many Legion threads really exist, since not every Legion thread runs the "Legion tag".

    I think we can be happy already about this alone, because it shows clearly the interest of the community to this topic. No matter how Behavior someday will react to it.

    That they stay quite for some time was something, that was btw. to be expected, imo.

    It is hard to justify and to explain this "nerf bundle" to Legion mains, who understand the changes and ask themselfs, why this huge nerf was necessary even though some adjustments here and there would have been enough.

    I guess they still hope, that the complains end at some point and I think, that will be true someday, but it will change nothing under the table.

    May one day, nobody writes anymore something about the Legion patch in this, or the steam forums, but even then, the people will still be upset about the patch and/or that they have bought the Legion with a wrong expectation, because of the advertisement.

    That are the reasons, why I think, that they can't run away for a second rework of the Legion. All what happens in the time in between, is just time wasting and we can only hope that not to many time passes until they grab the Legion up again.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Imagine, to see a Jane vault faster as you... Or a Ace Visconti running away for you in a mid sized loop while you are in frenzy.

    I get still a ######### face when I think back on my experiences on the Legion patch day^^.

    Poor Legion has over night turned from young adults to 50+ old guys with real health issues, that gives survivors almost a "sorry" feeling, for playing against the after patch Legion :|.