The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Checks and unbalances

Munix Member Posts: 24
edited July 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Once and a while Behavior has to be patted on the back for the cool stuff they do, but this isn't one of those times.

IMO, Behavior making the Ghost Face power what it is, then buffing it, is telling me how little they know their own game (or the dev's only play killers?).

Let's stop this whole M1 killer crap. Nothing feels worse than getting exposed by some dude who couldn't see you until he held down the stalk button just long enough to see a silver outline to guide them to the promise land. I know that'd be hard to fix because someone could actually see a person and want to stalk, but that's why I'm saying to stop the M1 killer crap now.

Do I expect Behavior to like this? No. I'm crapping on the "hard" work they put into the game, but criticism is what gets lawns mowed, showers taken, and teenagers into trouble.

Begin the list of the cry baby survivor main. me (:

  1. Behavior, look up the definition of lunge. Forward is a keyword in most of versions. M1's should be a forward motion if they're gonna lunge. I should not get 720 no-scoped around a corner due to a lunge. The time they have to wait after a failed attack isn't even that long.
  2. Perks disparity. Do you even look at perks before making game changes? Left Behind is useless now due to the end game mechanic. Déjà Snooze, and Sole "outdated by Distortion" Survivor? I think they speak for themselves. Please spend more time redesigning old perks. I know there's not much or any money in it, but losing existing players doesn't really have much money in it either.
  3. Nothing is more fun than having to skip the mechanic of getting hit 2x before you're dying. We're just making things like Mettle of Man useless with that. With that kind of 1-hit-then-hook gameplay, I feel like they just want gen rushing. STOP making M1 killers that don't require skill. Can someone time how long it takes Ghost Face to expose someone without addons.? Oh, I did. 6-7 seconds without leaning and about 4 with. That's fast AF considering most people who play killer use addons.. Plus the range is pretty dang good.
  4. SWF - Yeah, Killers, I'll hook you up too. Nothing can be more frustrating than a killer vsing a SWF. I'm all about gaming with friends, but damn can a coordinated group do some wild stuff. Make it so if more than 50% of the survivors are SWF the game puts them against a higher ranked killer.
  5. Punish killers more for slugging. If they kill 1 person, then hook another.. I can't tell you how often they camp/soft camp the hook to try and get a slug going. By then it's just 1 dude left hoping they can find the hatch.

All in all, I just think you guys could do better, and I sure as heck want you to. I like this game and want to be able to have fun. Not worry about whether the killer is going to be honorable or if I can't use a perk because setting it up makes me play like an idiot.

P.S. buff DS to last 20-30 seconds longer. It's a good anti tunnel perk, but doesn't last long enough. Especially if they tunnel then slug.

P.P.S. I'm welcome to killers feedback on this. That's how we get stuff done, baby! Let's come together to get this game into a great spot for everyone.

With love,


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    Ghost face is not that strong dude if anything using his powers sometimes can be a detriment, alot of times i have given up a free M1 hit just to try and stalk them more to get that 1 hot, then i get taken out of my power super easily, end up hitting them and i lose all the stalk progress, also you need to crouch and go in at unexpected angles or people will see you coming and just run, thatt requires you to crouch and basically go the long way around to try and find a angle on the survivors or they will probably just here you if you just walk to the gen, all this requires time then add on top of that the time it takes to stalk them then chase them and you are wasting more time on GF then just using another M1 killer. his power needs to be buffed to make it worth spending that time to get an angle and stalking them for that one hit. i think they should make his power permanent or after getting a complete stalk on someone he gets a small speed buff to help catch his target

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    Legion is more powerful than Ghostface. . . and that's saying something.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718
    edited July 2019

    All of that seems to be nerfs to killers and buffs to survivors. Also, Ghost Face is trash past Rank 12. Without add-ons, he is a joke and I enjoy going up against him because he is easy to beat. He has a 30 second wait period to use his power. As long as you are watching, it's not hard to see him first. It's definitely not hard to break him out anymore without add-ons. I disagree with everything.

    (Edit: I'm ADHD. It is not some kind of joke. Please don't make cracks at mental illness. In my videos, it's hard for me to concentrate longer than 10 seconds. I get easily sidetracked. It's why I sing a lot. It helps me focus. Something I learned to do as a kid. The lunge is fine. They even made the animation match the swing because of everyone complaining. Now someone is still complaining.)

  • Munix
    Munix Member Posts: 24

    I have ADHD too... calm down bud. And you disagree w/ everything, but you haven't given feedback on anything other than 1 thing. And if you think M1 killers are the future of this game then :\ some of the better killers are ghost face and mike meyers right now.. soo uhh, what? lol.

  • Munix
    Munix Member Posts: 24

    He isn't actually that bad my dude.. and if you're giving up free m1s then maybe its how good of a player you are that's the problem. P.S. Try to lean stalk. You can get the exposed in 4 seconds w/o addons. With addons it's obviously less.. that's not much time if you count.

  • Munix
    Munix Member Posts: 24

    I just see a lot of what seem to be killer mains crying about Ghost Face. IMO that's the problem. People that are probably just not taking the time to practice with him and saying he needs to be buffed. It's like a new player trying Nurse saying she needs to be buffed.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Wouldn't that be equally relevant for this thread? Couldn't you take time to get better against GF and learn how to most effectively break his shroud? I mean, he can't stalk at all if you just look at him for a while.

  • Munix
    Munix Member Posts: 24

    That's a good point, but I never said I had a hard time against ghost face. I just don't agree with the meta he brings.