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Pip system

I think you guys know what I mean. The game is about killing survivors (when playing killer) and even if I kill all four of them, I don't even get a single ######### pip. You can say what you want about me playing with a mori that round, or even tunneling or I guess IF someone camps in a match. This is just plainly ######### bullshit! This ######### system needs to be reworked and whoever thought it up like this deserves a punch in the face.

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  • Member Posts: 271

    So you guys think I ''need'' the mori? I've also had this withouth using a mori and 4k'ing. I just used it for fun tbh

  • Member Posts: 271

    I'd like to thank you for answering this post considering it wasn't very friendly put out there by me.

    Do disconnects vs michael myers (1 disconnect last match) also decrease his pip chances? The player disconnected after I hooked him once.

    I killed all players in that match as well, without mori or anything special and still didn't pip there as well.

    Thanks again for answering.

  • Member Posts: 4,299


    I understand the Mori part but what about killer that dominate due to less skilled survivors?

    The one thing I do not like about the emblem pipping system is a lot of it is out of your own hands and subject to how the other side plays which it really should not be. The other aspect is it does not reward you for being much better than your opponents.

    Pipping should always come down to how well you personally play and if you play well you should be more rewarded especially as a killer. If you kill them all easily surely you should want them to be ranked away from those players as to allow them to stay in that rank bracket keeps them playing agaisnt less skilled opponents.

    Some of the emblems points are more about luck rather than skill which also needs addressed.

    Personally I hope the new system removes emblems as there have been more complaints regarding this ranking system than any other previous ones.

    The victory cube while bad as it meant camping almost guaranteed a pip at least it also rewarded good players for well being good at the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    Good killers will rank up eventually

  • Member Posts: 946

    Killers have no control over genrushing, dc, suicide on the first hook, survivors throwing themselves at you and if you are too efficient with your killing you even lose out rank up you need to play the party clown and still killing everyone in the game mechanic without any incentive besides "a feeling of pride and accomplishment" at rank 1.

    That's why I only play for fun and BP and hate toxic SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Just got another game with 3 kills this time, no mori or camping. No pip. Please fix this stuff quickly, getting sick and tired of this ######### to be honest...

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    @twistedmonkey The victory cube did even come close to guaranteeing a pip via camping, since you needed to get at least a 2k plus 1 hook in order to pip. However you only have enough time to get exactly a 2k even with flawless chases if you are camping, since camping 2 Survivors to death takes 240 seconds, but completing all of the generators while this strategy is in effect takes about 160 seconds. That leaves the Survivors with 80 seconds to figure out that the Killer is camping in the first place to start gen rushing.

    And that's a best case scenario for the Killer short of the Survivors throwing themselves at the hook (in which case that's the proper time to camp and should result in a pip anyways)

    If the Survivors are competent at looping then the Killer should rarely even get any more than the first kill.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Yep. If a killer wants to rank up at all, they rely almost solely on the survivors. THEY decided what rank the killer gets, because of all the reasons you said.

    You have no control it feels like.

    (Stupidest thing to me is that you depip for literally winning too fast. Shouldn't that mean you need to rank up since you destroyed that team?? On the flip side if you struggle and barely make the kills you double pip and go higher. Definitely makes sense.)

  • Member Posts: 271

    the examples you just mentioned are so frikkin true and relatable! I've had this happen a couple of times. Had a 31k points Spirit game today, only got 1 pip, while I didn't camp and they didn't get all the gens done...

  • Member Posts: 271

    I mean come on! Stop saying ''oh yeah we're working on it''... Just go back to the older system where kills mattered. Where points mattered.I think it was 12k points was a pip and 24k or 32k was a 2 pip.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont wanna say Trappers chaser emblem is broken, but...

    its broken. please fix it already!

  • Member Posts: 620

    Without memento mori same situation on high rank its hell for killer.u can kill without mori 4 surviviors and not get pip.Of course first need make survivor's emblem system but killer will be on a hell!!! and I don't understand why u make memento mori if it make bad stats for killer????????U devs 3 times made changes ONLY SURVIVORS SYSTEM EMBLEM!!!!!NO CHANGE FOR KILLERS EMBLEM SYSTEM!!!try play for example to nerf legion and rank up to red ranks1-4 him with ur useless tryharder sytem emblem!

  • Member Posts: 175

    I'd say punishing mori use seems pretty salty when they're rare, tricky to use, and replace other offerings, but the main issue is still probably the baseline Killer expectations.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Aside from the yellow mori please explain to me how they are "tricky to use."

    Also I have 53 ebony Mori's on my Stock level 50 Ghostface (probably truly level 130)

  • Member Posts: 1,527

    People who run Noed plus an Ebony Mori are seriously the definition of a skilless person.

  • Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2019

    I ended literally almost every chase in a matter of at most 1 and half minutes...get the ######### outta here with this ######### system. Forgot to add that I got 3 kills and one guy escaped.

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