My thoughts on the reworked Freddy.

There is no downside to the dream world, yeah there is traps but as the Devs said themselves, all you gotta do is pay attention, if you can do that, Freddy's power means nothing and him warping to gens as well means nothing since Survivors gets a long 3 seconds to escape, his power is only available every 45 seconds, the only reason to escape is just not to give his power a faster time. 60% was the reduction rate and that would make it 45 seconds, it's cool that he can disappear at a range but it seems he'll be another add on dependent Killer, before you call me out on judging before release, I am going off what I am told and that should be enough.
We'll see more through PTB but since Survivors get a 3 second alert, I feel that his cooldown timer should be 35 seconds, not 45. Visually the gen explosion and Freddy appearance looks interesting but mechanics wise provides you little to no chance to get a hit after warping gens. You cannot Dead Hard past his traps and they work a bit like the Doctor which is cool, I have no idea how useful his traps will be, trapping right near a pallet won't matter, nor gens, they would be a good detection tool but have no stealth value, they seem to only take care of window vaults.
With all said, excited to see how Freddy turns out, not trying to bash him down, I just find that he definitely needs more look into from the Devs, I hope he is adjusted, with how easy it is to get out of the dream world, his power is not super useful. All you have is warping and even that isn't super strong, even with infinite range.
I suggest spending BP on him for his add ons so you an test all of his different new add ons, have fun all of you! Maybe you'll like him after change so it might be worth it trying to get more perks for him as well.
(I changed numbers because the legend Peanits corrected me, thank you Peanits you absolute beautiful gentleman.)
For the traps, paying attention alone isn't necessarily good enough. Realistically speaking, you're not going to memorize every single pallet. Doing so would require you to search the entire map before falling asleep, but even then, as soon as someone gets chased all of that goes out the window; they could have used a real pallet and it could have been replaced with a fake one. For the snares, you might be able to see them, but seeing them won't change the fact that they're there. If it's in a loop, you're still going to be slowed. If it's in front of a window, you're still going to get a medium vault instead of a fast vault.
The dream projection is three seconds, not five. Assuming the survivor reacts instantly- they're not going to- and starts sprinting right away, they could only get 12m of distance. They would also leave a trail of scratch marks, effectively allowing you to hook someone, spot another person with BBQ/TT, then teleport and immediately start another chase. Bonus points if you've got Pop Goes The Weasel. It definitely has some practical applications.
Good luck on the PTB! Hopefully it all goes well. It's good to hear that you're excited to try him.
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Thank you so much Peanits, appreciate the advice.
To implement a forced medium vault is cool, thanks.
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Broken pallets leave debris on the floor.
If you can replace broken pallets, wouldn't that just scream "HEY LOOK. FAKE PALLET!"
Kinda like if you're spy in TF2 and disguise yourself as a scout, it's obvious you're a spy. Scouts don't run that slow, lmao.
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I agree but here is the thing, on the livestream they announced that the broken pallet pieces will not show in dream world, it will be invisible in dream world so a non dropped fake pallet will look like a real one.
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So Survivors will WANT to Wake Up near the end of the match because once they have 1 Gen left Freddy has 3 Gens to teleport to and if everyone is asleep then his cooldown for teleporting is really fast. If everyone wakes up during this time then he can't teleport as often and his pressure during this time is decreased. Everyone knows that when Survivors 3 Gen themselves they're basically screwed unless the team is decent and has a runner but with Freddy they don't need to 3 Gen themselves to be in danger since he can teleport. He just needs to use Surveillance on the 1st Gen then teleport to the 2nd and walk to the 3rd, rinse and repeat.
3 seconds and not 5? Damn that is getting nerfed to 5 I'm calling it right now.
I am very excited for the rework, I already have plans and strategies ready I am going in with optimism. Tinkerer, Pop Goes, Overcharge, all the Gen perks will be best on Freddy I am seeing his Gen teleportation as his best ability and the Snares/pallets as his side dish.
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Know what would suck on him? If he was able to warp to hooks, you could have Make Your Choice and down the dude fast.
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Well #########, lets hope the Basement always has a Gen ;)
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@Peanits every time there is a criticism of the dream world, you respond by quoting the fake pallets, practically saying that krueger is a killer dependent on an ultra rare addon and that without that it is effectively useless, do you realize it?
so put the fake pallets in the power and not in a addon..
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Why would a killer be dependent on a ultra rare add on? make the pallets add on common or like Doc's green. Ultra rare is really absurd as far as dependency
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"switches to pallets" so if you add the pallet addon, you won't have traps?
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hmm I disagree, an addon should be an add-on, not something that replaces.. "addon" means "add" not "replace"..
I keep saying that for me fake pallets should simply be implemented in power, and if the addon is even common, being common to you, so it wasn't better to add it directly to power? what is the difference of putting it as a common addon or adding it to its Power kit? I would be curious to know why this strange choice
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@Peanits Sounds really strong but really strong is what people have been complaining about bhvr not making.
Would've been interesting to at least PTB a version that can do both imo.
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My prediction in red ranks players won't get out of sleep state. Instead, if Freddy places snares at loops, people will run over those snares when Freddy is not there and therefore can't capitalize on the slow(Like hag). If you are asleep and Freddy places traps on a loop, you will place pallets down early and since most of loops are too large for a killer capitalize on 15% slow, you will be forced to break the pallet. so in essence, Freddy will be like a worse version of clown. People drop pallets early on clown and people can still get all generators done before all pallets are gone. I think people can react on his teleport even if it was 1 second and even if you use perks like BBQ or Thrilling Tremors to teleport to correct generator, Freddy will be unable to defend hooks when he commits to a teleport, so people can literally just run at hooks with no fear. The fake pallets are interesting, however they require an add-on and I think you can guess which pallets used by terror radius for where other survivors are running. so for example, if there is terror radius chase by killer shack, there's good chance that killer shack pallet is "used up", So you can guess which pallets used up. The irony is that some people might place pallets down for which they think are fake by accident, so that has potential to be abused by Spirit Fury+Enduring. I wouldn't be surprised if fake pallets got weaker after ptb, it just seems that way for killer powers.
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@Devil_hit11 He'll be a stronger clown since he isn't slowed placing the traps. Pre setting will be a bad idea for reasons you mentioned.
Unless its a long loop then things will be in Freddys favor.
For example iron works window his traps don't go away like clowns gas so place 2 mid chase on the side with the pallet and they won't make it around.
Couldn't you mind game the teleport? Charge it to 99 then cancel?
Running at a hook with no fear is fine. You want them off the hook asap since hooking them again is faster than waiting out the stages.
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Forcing people to repeatedly drop pallets early sounds like that would work in the Killer's favor in the long run, would it not? The good thing about pallets is being able to loop for as long as possible and then dropping the pallet before continuing to the next loop. If you just waste pallet after pallet because you're scared of some slow-down, what saves you later on?
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You say that like the slowing ability of the clown is tearing up the meta right now and he isn't one of the least lethal killers.
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Right, but Clown has nothing else outside of that. Plus, Freddy can trap jungle gyms with no slow-down on his part and with no need to reload, forcing Survivors to cross those parts precariously.
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Yeah dude you can 99% and cancel to make them run away, won't use your bar up since you are not using the power.
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You can hook people near generators for the same effect - it's actually pretty smart and scary to do so :O