Balancing certain Perks and Mechanics. [Feel free to share your ideas aswell!]

JustZsolti Member Posts: 8
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

!Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
With this post I want to share some of my thoughts with you, about balancing certain things.
Think about it as a fan-made patch note :D

Survivor changes:
-Make decisive strike a single-use Iredescent item, that can't be dropped, can only be found in somewhere in the match and if not used will disappear. Just like pocket knife in Friday the I think it's a more effective way to nerf decisive strike, instead of causing No mither without grunt reduction.(It's maybe just me, but I don't see the connection between the survivor escaping from the killer's grasp and staying unhealable.)

-When using No Mither the survivor starts fully healed and the unhealable icon only shows up for the survivors.
This way this perk would been playable.

Killer changes:

-Make Iredescent Heads trigger the "bleed out" state instead of the "dying" state.
Survivors are op, but if there's something broken about the killers then that's it.

-Make No One Escapes Death (on tier3) will no longer be a "hex perk", but instead remains active until one Survivor is escaped.

**Sacrafice changes: **
-If the killer stands 10 metres far or closer around a hooked survivor the sacrafice won't process.
Camping ruins the game for the survivor(s). Here is a fair-enough solution, but as I said, I'm gladly hear out your opinion as well!

Thank you for reading, and sorry for my English, I'm Hungarian ^^
Have a great day Lady/Sir. :3

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