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Why should I kill myself?

Pirate Member Posts: 427

I played today for 4 hours DBD only Killer today, and I play a very fair killer. I always try that everyone is having his fun (because the other 4 also paid for the game).

I dont camp, I dont tunnel (at ALL!), I dont use ANY Addons on Nurse or Hillbilly and I dont use the OP stuff on Spirit e.g., I try to take Party-Streamers if I can (because I also play survivor and know that BPs are not balanced), I try to give the person who played most well the hatch if i can or do even let severel people escape if I think that they might have had a bad match.

But from about 16-20 matches I played today I had 6 times in post chat people telling me to Kill my self IRL... they attack me and my family members very hard...

I... I dont understand this... I play SURVIVOR and I have never seen a Person playing KIller is nice as I do, dont get me wrong I do get my 4k (with double PIP) most of the time (at 12-8 Ranks, I usually dont have the time to push higher)... but still those people... I was in therapy for 1 year because I had suicidal thoughts and an attempt SO this hits me especially hard.

One week ago I had maybe 1 out of 10 games that someone wished me or my family death...

I dont want to CHANGE because I dont do anything bad I dont do anything wrong, I play the game this way, I try to be nice because for me ITS a GAME and I also like to chat with people afterwards when they are happy that I let them escape...

I reported those people ingame and told them that I will do it and then they started even more insulting me/family... Why are the punished not SO strong that people stop? in the country I live its a crime insulting someone I have been and can be punished with around 3 years of prison! So why are the devs not ban people for ever for insulting that hard?

I must say DBD killed all the happynes I had today...



  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    my best advice is to report them for being abusive in postgame chat (IIRC, chat logs are recorded automatically) and try not to worry too much about it, which is easier said than done if you've experienced suicidal thoughts. anyone saying something like that (over a video game, no less) is the one with the problem, not you

    i believe people do get banned for being abusive in postgame chat, so this is the best course of action. if you feel that it was very severe then maybe submit a ticket as well? people who say stuff like this shouldn't be playing online games with other people

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Did you report them out of curiosity?

    The ACMs will ban them, and if not, permanently ban them since they can skip some steps in the escalation system. If you didn't report them, then sadly they will keep doing what they are doing. :(

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    But I dont feel that it works! They are not scarred that I am reporting them, I even watch out for some accounts that insulted me that bad but even after weeks noone is banned (they have still playtime in DBD).

  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495

    You can't do anything else tbh. Report them and expect more people to do the same, but don't let them bother you because you don't even know them, so why should you care anyway :)

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Well most of the time I do TELL them That I will report but if the insults are not that bad (nothing with family or suicide) I dont do it because i feel like those people might just have a bad day and need to let of some steam... But I dont know... reporting someone with a ticket, does it work better? I really dont want to get to much into it because I want to avoid beeing confronted with those thoughts again. I just wish soo much that penalitys are so high that they will stop on their own

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    You shouldn't have to change your play style for other people, but unfortunately, this is where society is at now. Report them and even submit a ticket to the devs if it helps. If they start getting to you too much try to talk to someone and relax for a bit. Also would recommend taking a short break if it starts to get to you too much. Sometimes you just gotta take a bit to get your head about. All those messages back to back just make you feel worse.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited July 2019

    don't bother telling them that you'll report them, talking to them at all is a waste of time and energy and they aren't worth either of those things if they're telling you these things. just do it and close the chat, and block them on steam if they do things like comment on your profile or try to add you

    reporting someone with a ticket (i believe) is done through the customer support option, which can be done in the postgame menu. i can't speak for its effectiveness since i'm not a member of BHVR's staff, but it involves giving them actual information about the player's steam account and is more detailed, so i would assume it gets looked at with more seriousness

    if that's too much (and i understand if it is) then just use the in-game report system the way you usually would. like i said, people like this don't belong in online communities, and reporting them helps root them out

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Thank you! It just hurts so much...I am getting hurt for nothing, I have tears in my eyes right now because of the pain.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    also, keep in mind that no in-game playstyle warrants what these people are saying to you, and it's entirely on them. it's not your fault at all

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Thank you!

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words!

    I am so happy that there ARE some nice people playing this game!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Report, ignore, move on. Those people aren't worth the energy it takes to think about them nor the time it takes to reply to them.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I want to make a joke about this, but I can't. They are just being ######### and you should take satisfaction in pissing them off that badly. It means you did so well that they couldn't even properly justify hating you (and thus use improper justification instead).

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    That's so sweet, wished there was more people like you! 😊

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    unfortunately, i don't think anything like this will actually prevent truly poisonous people from saying horrible things

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454


    Hey don't let those scubs get to you

    Its only a game so play and have fun.

    Report when appropriate and remember

    We all on here care about ya and have your back. Hope to see you in the fog.

    This message was payed for by the entity.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    That's actually news; I assumed reports went straight into the dumpster. Statistics, at best.

    Does commending a player do anything? Because I forgot to upvote the best team I've ever played and feel bad about that.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    O and hey pirate . a salt free game would be nice. but the devs don't have any real power.

    All they can do is ban u and in the end as we all say it's only a game so they dont care and would move on or try to cheat the system and restart. And if they cared they wouldn't be acting like that.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    for me i don't conversation with other players and just get out from end screen

    you can check your earned bp at any page so don't try it

    theres many people want to taunt killer with any method they have

  • jus10four20
    jus10four20 Member Posts: 6

    Sticks & stones,man. Their life is probably just as ######### as their attitude.cant change some things.they dont know you,they dont matter.avoid the chat and keep on truckin'

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    I wish I could report the disgusting messages I receive from playing this game on Xbox. Life would be grand if you could ban over there too for poopy messages.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    sad thing is its not just kids saying horrid ######### like this.. i've had quite a few "adults" tell me to off myself, one in fact told me that i was an n word and to go shove it up my own self before offing myself (steam accounts say age around like 27 and up)

    its just immaturity in all honesty. take the loss or win i don't care just like leave me alone

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    many people want to see how they did in the match though, so will wait for emblems. that gives enough time to also see what people have typed

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    It seems the greatest danger to this game are the ppl who play it. I play on PS4 and have disabled messages, so my biggest annoyance is ppl who disconnect. I can't imagine the abuse some players have endured. It seriously makes me wonder what is wrong with people...

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,140

    Report to the dev and to whatever console/ pc to get them ban I'm pretty sure they can get hardware ban too

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Yup. I knew* quite a few adults that played this game that would send death/rapey/######### messages to people.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    try to minimize endgame chat. Or, just say gg and leave. Try not to let them get the best of you and just enjoy the game. :)

  • Netharon
    Netharon Member Posts: 29

    I’m also curious about the positive reporting. Does commending have any impact?

    Also, do players get a warning on first offense. Any sort of escalation process?

  • johnshark1031
    johnshark1031 Member Posts: 17

    Dont fell discouraged this Community is toxic play killer and have a good time

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I have yet to give in but I am heavily debating it. It's sad that in order to have peace you have to disable your messages because someone in a game you enjoy playing is too ######### to care about another's well being.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I can confirm this. I have had adults join my parties/come into my inbox on console saying that I should get a life, kill myself, hope my family dies, etc. What you said is 100% true. It all boils down to immaturity

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    You could take my path and be proud you got under someone skin enough to make them say something. Wear that message like a goddamn gold star.

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    I'm a survivor main and I appreciate your style of play. Too many toxic players from both sides sometimes makes this game a pain to play. Ignore the fools who send insulting messages or block them. I wish more killers played like you (no camping, no tunneling).

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    Bhvr actually does ban people for that so don't worry.

  • Listen, I understand where you're coming from. I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts the last month and half now thanks to a manipulative lying ex. But I'm telling you no matter what someone ever does to you no matter what they say, never take it out on yourself, you sound like a very cool person to play with. These people are sore losers who never learned to take an L. Please dont think this way there are dozens are people like that everywhere but there are more than thousands of friendly kind hearted souls. Please dont do that to yourself. A moment of sadness is wiped away by seconds of happiness. I promise you. These feelings will pass.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    @Pirate here is a suggestion: Ignore them. However, every time they tell you to ######### or other general salt. Simply lol it. Then say: I hope you have a good rest of your day... Have fun in the fog. Kill them with kindness. They are simply trying to get under your skin. It will irritate them that they failed to get under your skin. Then simply report them. They want to see a reaction. Don't give them the satisfaction.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2019

    I don't know how young you are, but people are real dicks over the internet, like seriously. Don't take it so hard, letting things get to you is the worst thing something can happen to you psychologically. People who actually do the act in reality, no disrespect, but let it get to them to the point where they ended their own lives. That's not the way to go out, no, stay strong and don't let your imagination overtake you. A good exercise ethic is to breath in and out, think to yourself, "Am I really thinking about this when I could be destroying and getting through the ranks rapidly and having so much fun!".

    People just try getting into your head, annoy you, make you feel like crap because you did yatata. Acknowledge that this is the internet, and although something can be done to minimize the amount of toxicity surrounding the game, pshh.. believe me, there will always be someone else there to fill in the role.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    "Death is not an escape"

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Disable post game chat or messages?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    As said before, use the "powers" the internet gives you.

    Report those people and depending in where you active - if in dbd or something else, set them on ignore.

    Well and to get a thicker skin could also help. It's maybe not what you want to hear now, but it is what will you help most on the internet and sometimes in real life.

    After all, the people that insult you in the internet didn't know you in real life and imo, nobody can really insult you, if he didn't know you in real life, because they didn't know who you really are.

    Just read their crap, report it, or ignore it but don't think about it. That's the best advice.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I would suggest screwing with them by not killing yourself. That'll teach them!

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2019

    That's the magic of the internet. People don't realize they are interacting with other real people and think their anonymity makes them immune to consequences. They don't know you so don't think their attacks as personal, consider them some primitive chimps that haven't developed empathy yet using a technology they don't understand nor deserve. It might seems a bit harsh, but those wishing death to others over a videogame deserve the worst, and it helps not taking them seriously. Bonus points if you learn to laugh at them.

  • Perfectsavage_13
    Perfectsavage_13 Member Posts: 23

    This ######### right here is one of the exact reasons why I will NEVER be a fair nice killer and cater to survivors. You have too many people in this game that are toxic and will trash talk to you regardless if they win or lose. While I personally will just laugh it off when someone tells me kill myself, I understand your frustration and hurt dude. I've been hospitalized for suicidal tendencies too, but in my personal opinion, just work on you, condemn the people that ######### talk you and commend those who actually defend you. Because I usually am a survivor that just plays nice and such and usually only trash talk a killer if they absolutely deserve it. If there was post game chat on consoles, you can bet your ass I will be nice to killers and give them a "Good Game" comment to them, regardless if I get camped, tunneled or such. Though if I do get mad and salty and end up disconnecting, I usually never blame the killer.

    All and all, your comment is why I will never be a nice killer, survivors will never get that fair treatment from me, I don't need to camp but if will tunnel especially if a survivor is toxic and usually could care less about how I get my kills, and there are prestige 3 survivors that love to butt dance and such and happen to 4k them I'd love to mock them with the "GG EZ" quote I see them use, but yeah I am a very dirty killer, will do anything scummy to give my kills, besides camping though, that's just me begging to get gen rushed in that case. XD

    But yeah man, focus on you and forget what those ######### say about you and your family, the only time you'd take them seriously is if they harass and stalk you, or worse case scenario, dox you. Regardless if you quit this game, I don't blame you, this along with other multiplayer games like CoD and GTA all have their toxicity and in those games, being nice is a sin and you will be punished for it. Take care and stay save my dude!

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,666

    First of all, it's so heartwarming to see so many positive comments from the community, i'm very proud of you!

    Dealing with people can be hard, a lot of them talk without thinking, they don't imagine what others are going through while they tell them horrible, awful things. And we are not always strong enough to handle it, we can have our bad moments and words like that can be the final straw.

    It's in those moments that we have to focus on ourselves, on our happiness and on those things that make us happy.

    Don't let those people get to you, report them, ignore them and move on.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    I'm also on PS4 and have had to disable messages, some people have no life and forget this is just a game that's supposed to be fun. It's a bit sad really.

  • demontra1993
    demontra1993 Member Posts: 1

    Play with me i got your back my gamer tag is demontra1993 . if anyone say anything remotely close to an insult to you i will take care of it so you can just enjoy gaming . Im 1000% positive that is the point of gaming in the first place HAVING FUN wether or not you fail or succeed . so for the people out there that take gaming so serious to the point they insult or threaten peoples lives my tag is in this message try it with me but . Be WARNED i will give you the love you deserve