I beg that for Legion

Please remove this "lose all your power gauge when miss a attack while in Feral Frenzy". It's the only thing I ask, you can decrease the duration of FF to make it fair, it's been so hard to me :( I see no purpose to bring add-ons with Legion since I never use their power.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    BHVR is satisfied with Legion as it is and some think its okay if there is a Killer Minority who feels ripped off and angry about the changes, that's just the danger with these always patched games.

    What you need to do is play Legion and then don't forget to vote if you had fun after the match so they know how much you enjoyed playing them.

    It won't be long before they start banning these Legion posts, because honestly it does flood this forum, but apparently its not as bad yet as it was when Survivors were complaining about Legion. So there is that.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Honestly if there's ONE thing about new Legion that I feel was done correctly, it would be removing his power when he misses an attack. It's proper counterplay.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    To me, counterplay doesnt speak being able to immediately lose your power because of a survivor, just like ptb ghostface

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    It's not that losing your power upon missing an attack is the issue, it's that the punishment of losing your entire power gauge and having your power literally removed from the game for 20 seconds (24 if you include fatigue) is extremely harsh. No other Killer literally loses their entire power for missing an attack, except for maybe Ghostface—and even then, he could have marked a Survivor beforehand and can still use his crouch for certain special mindgames.

    Not only that, but the fact that Feral Frenzy is already extremely easy to counter, with a plethora of ways to make chaining hits a total waste of Legion's time, means that the extremely heavy punishment for missing a singular attack with your already-godforsaken power is just insult to injury.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @KillermainBTWm8 So Legion should just constantly have his power up for 10 seconds while chasing a survivor, which gives him 5 m/s in a survivor's vicinity? Imagine that with unrelenting. He'd be allowed SEVERAL failures even without Unrelenting, unlike your situation where a survivor "messes up once", and if you're talking about a survivor getting hit, if one hit downs were a thing Billy would be a waste of a character pretty much.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019


    After the first hit you still have your power. If you don't miss, you get rewarded by seeing every other survivor in the game while also slowing down the survivor you just hit while ALSO getting a full refresh on your power. If you MISS, you're an M1 killer, but that's because you missed. You shouldn't have constant uptime on missed attacks. Ghostface doesn't have constant 0 terror radius, Pig doesn't have infinite traps, etc, and there are SEVERAL examples of killers being forced into being an M1 killer mid chase. There's nothing wrong with being an M1 killer at times.

    As for your comment about Billy, he's not the only one who would be affected by everyone having one hit downs. Myers, Ghostface, Bubba, and Plague would also be affected. Should we just delete/rework ALL those characters just because you want to one hit down people? Let's not even mention that the fact that you will EVENTUALLY hit someone you're chasing regardless of how optimal they're being.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I'd quite like if they take away the complete depletion, but 25% being depleted would be fine, too. I'd say that and the Pins need to apply to the first hit and the frank's need to be reworked since it doesn't make sense to use it anymore.

    They're not going to ban posts discussing wish list stuff and criticism. I believe I've seen a mod post something about that already.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    The vaulting is atrocious, but I think the movement speed during FF is fine. I believe it was adjusted to make up for their movement speed being normal.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    I think it's fine for their power to be canceled, but I'd like if they'd keep the amount of their gauge so that can reenter it sooner. Otherwise you can just spam until you hit and can make dodges feel unrewarding if you get hit, regardless of them missing multiple times in a row.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    True, you'd counterplay old Legion at a loop and he'd miss, not get a penalty and hit you. I'm so happy that was changed, and also how they can't tunnel you down with frenzy anymore (bye bye Frank's mix tape)

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    But was that fair?

    Taking the fun out for the whole playerbase, just some addons were so strong, that they could even count as exploits?

    How would you act, if your favorite killer gots reworked like that, or survivors?

    What would you say, if bhvr would remove keyboard keys from the table of survivors, so that you only can move with your mouse (like in wow, when you are to lazy or sleepy, to actual use your keyboard and just move with your mouse^^)?

    That you don't have deserve this, because you were always a non-toxic, fair playing and non-exploit using survivor?

    Well... Welcome in our world :).

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Edit: That with the keyboard keys was just a overdrawn example to illustrate what has happend to the whole Legion playerbase.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Hillbilly can sprint at 230% speed, cancels his chainsaw: barely any stun, chainsaw again almost immediately

    Legion can sprint at 130% speed (or somewhere around that number), cancels their power: stun for 4 seconds

    Both balanced are they?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    I don't believe that is the right way to approach this topic. Legion's full power refresh is for nothing if you're just gonna chase the survivor for more than 20 seconds after you hit them in Feral Frenzy. Getting to know where other survivors are in 16m is mostly worthless because they don't stay still. Slowing down the survivor that you just hit is another way of saying 'I'm not gonna chase this survivor because i know i can't reach the other survivors in my Killer Instinct radius within the given duration of Feral Frenzy." and that is fine because they have to just stay within your TR to not have to mend. @Atrushan88

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    If anything, missing an attack triggering you to lose Frenzy is about the stupidest thing anyone can complain about.

    Spirit doesn't get her power back if she flubs it. Does she? Nurse still gets fatigue stunned even if she hits doesn't she? Huntress doesn't get her hatchets back if she misses, does she?

    All of the 0 counterplay aspects to Legion were removed and it's for the better. Any aspect of Legion that was removed was good to be removed. Missing an attack during frenzy is a screwup. And if you screw up, you deserve to be punished for it.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    What second chances still exist for Surviviors that can't be countered? Unbreakable? Don't slug. Decisive? Don't tunnel. Borrowed time? Don't camp. Mettle of Man? Don't give them protection hits. Dead hard? Bait it and it works once at best.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    ######### are you on? Bc whatever ur smokin I probably need in on it to get through the next few months at my awful ass job.

    Yes Legion mains who exploited the monster that he used to be don't get to have fun doing it anymore. You know why? Bc old Legion was no fun for 80% of the people in every game involving him. You were hard pressed to find any Survivior who liked being Tunnelled down with Frank's mixtape not being able to do anything about it bc of his ungodly MS in FF. You were hard pressed to find a Survivior who liked 10 minute mending times. You were hard pressed to find a Survivior who liked still getting hit at loops they won at. You were hard pressed to find Surviviors who liked the idea of old Legion and you were hard pressed to find any non-Legion main who didn't sympathize with them.

    Ur fun was at the expense of everyone else so you don't get to have your broken character anymore. Sorry you don't like that, but it's for the better.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Out of all the things in Legion's kit to complain about, I really don't agree with this one. If you fail to hit that's on you - whiffing hits is totally in the killer's hands. I think it's fine to punish missing an ability.

    There are many other things that would be better to tweak imo.

  • Out of all the fun things removed from legion, miss penalty revert is the least they could do.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    You should have put Billy there too then because he can basically teleport from one side of the map to the next.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @OKUL_COCUGU The thing is, you don't HAVE to have your power refresh 4 times. Just knowing where they are is more information than any other killer in the game has outside of CURRENT FREDDY. If you chase another target with KI, even if your power goes out before you reach them, you know where they were as you're making your way towards them after it ends. This is a big piece of information. You also know where 2 others were before, giving you knowledge of where to look. This is Legion's power, knowledge and slowing survivors down. Chaining hits is cool, but it's not the only use for his power. Also JSYK I didn't get a notification you @d me. I believe it only works if you @ at the beginning.

  • @Atrushan88 Now whats the point of chasing someone in KI if you cant catch them. What's the point of knowing where 4 survivors near only 16 meters for 10 seconds at most. You can't be at 4 places at once, and the power is just a free hit then chase after 4 seconds. Current freddy has map wide,, and thats a huge difference. H also has a real slow down in his power, not some get injured and heal after youre out of his tr.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @OKUL_COCUGU You CAN catch them. Just because you don't hit the second person while in FF, doesn't mean that the KI wasn't useful. Also current Freddy DOES NOT have map-wide, he has long range information with a lack of short range information, whereas Legion has the opposite. ALSO Legion has that knowledge within a 32 meter range, not 16. If you want more information, use something to increase your TR. Likewise if you want more information with Freddy, use something to REDUCE your TR.

  • @Atrushan88 Last time i checked, KI was nerfed to 16m. Mıght be wrong, if so that is my fault. But Freddy has huge endgame because i can see where everyone is in dream world; didnt know there was a limit. Freddy has base whispers then. And you cant catch to them after the first FF, because they just run away and split up, now youre left with 1 healthy person to chase after a 4 sec fatigue. He just has no threat to his power other than a free hit. Survivors can mend infront of him without a worry.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    @OKUL_COCUGU The description of the power specifically says "within his terror radius". His terror radius is 32m base. Freddy's is specifically "outside of his terror radius", which is 24m base. Monto showed it's possible to get Freddy's TR to 0, which would mean you could see every survivor wherever you were, inside or outside of a chase(because of Furtive Chase) with Furtive Chase, Monitor and Abuse, and Red Paint Brush.

    Survivors can't mend in front of you without worry because they're still injured, and my point still stands. The ability to find other survivors within your terror radius is a useful ability. Once Freddy loses that, Legion will be the only one with that, outside of Ghostface when he loses his power and he is only able to see one. Just because you turn into an M1 killer before actually getting to the survivor, doesn't mean your power didn't help you find them in the first place. You'd be looking around without knowing where they were otherwise.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    I'll always say this now, short and sweet that legion needs a rework.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2019

    Oh i see now. I think KI used to enlarge your TR once activated. Anyway, I'm honestly tired of discussing, and i know it seems like I am trying to avoid it altogether. In the end, it's the devs who decide. Let's just say we both have different opinions.

    P.S. I said mending infront of you because of the 4 sec fatigue. Almost all of the time they start mending right as i look away. That sucks, i just discussed again.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I am up to decrease a bit FF as well but removing all his power when the power itself is about stabbing multiple times it doesn't makes sense.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Ppl still dont understand yes legion could get some buff but they wont change the miss attack and you loss all youre power its suppose to risk it ppl abuse it alot when there were no punishment also gives you a speed boost while you lunge it to a survivor with that you just neeed to adapt