Ideas for balancing for SWF

A few thoughts I have had on ways to balance SWF, especially SWF with voice comms.

Adding voice chat to any game generally results in toxicity (players abuse it with foul language, playing music, trolling others). This would especially be true if the killer was able to hear survivors actually speaking. But what if you added voice chat in-game for survivors, and if their mic is active, they emit a pre-generated game sound that is proximity/directional based on survivor position, essentially allowing the killer to "hear" them, but not actually hear what is being said. This would prevent any abuses via audio. Of course you need to add the ability for survivors to mute other survivors to prevent trolling from the same team.

However, this would require making Discord a banned program, which I don't see as something that would happen. This leads to a second suggestion that Tru3 has mentioned as well - adding a de-buff based on the number of players in the SWF - all action speed is decreased by a certain small percentage for each additional survivor in the SWF (for example, 5% for two in SWF, 10% for three, 15% for four)

This solution would be better, as there's no real way to prevent players from continuing to use Discord (banning it is untenable). By all definitions, Discord is a third-party program that gives players a potentially significant advantage in game (most people call those types of third-party program cheats).

Here's hoping the devs see the logic in this and work to balance SWF.


  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I don't think survivors should be be punished for playing with each other as that is more fun than solo queue. Punishing survivors for playing with each other will see less people playing survivor.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,556

    Or, or...we can be smart and buff solo survivors and give them as much information as a SWF group would have, then you change the game based on that and it wouldnt matter as much as to whether or not a group was in the game or not.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Adding punishment for playing with friends would never be a good idea, banning discord wouldn’t work since steam has a vc system (iirc), PlayStation has party chat (XBOX1 too) and phones exist.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm just hoping that dedicated servers bring a way for the game to tag swf groups. Then we can talk.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,704

    They need to just make Solo Q equally as powerful as SWF. This can be done by adding in game mechanics without voice chat.

    A totem counter and a chase indicator on the HUD would be a good start.