Jigsaw boxes

Huntress lullaby: This is a hex Totem something that could be destroyed and removed from the game very quickly but even if it doesn't. The perk only really has an impact when you hit 4/5 tokens and at that stage the perk is already impacting healing and generator progress meaning survivor are going to be already looking for it. Considering the amount of time it takes for it to reach it's potential and the fact it could be destroyed I don't see this being unfair to apply to jigsaw boxes.
Thanatophobia: This perk's numbers are already small as it is and just like huntress lullaby you have to stack it up by injuring, downing or hooking each survivor separately however unlike lullaby where the stacks are permanent until the totem is destroyed simply healing will reduce your thanatophobia. When fully stacked it has a 15% reduction which is only 1% higher than bag of gears (if it actually worked) but trust me keeping even two survivors injured is a task in itself let alone four. So I don't see it having a massive or unfair impact on the boxes
Please no. Just no. Why would you want this? Its bad enough the mask makes you easy prey as you sprint around looking for thr right box. On top of that, you are unable to work on generators AND it has the ability to kill you. Stop relying so much on the mask and learn how to zone properly.
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That's because most survivors get downed at the boxes.2
patroclus said:
Please no. Just no. Why would you want this? Its bad enough the mask makes you easy prey as you sprint around looking for thr right box. On top of that, you are unable to work on generators AND it has the ability to kill you. Stop relying so much on the mask and learn how to zone properly.
Not only that the boxes run on standard skill checks so unlike something like the doctor's snap out of it you can actually search the boxes even quicker if you get greats. I have only died to reverse bear trap once and that was simply because the pig was chasing someone around the Jigsaw box that I needed to work on and I was playing for too cautiously and didn't just go for the box.
In their current state reverse bear traps do not inflict any pressure unless you're on a large map and even then only if the boxes are spread out. what I'm asking for is just 2 perks that require you to stack to actually affect the boxes.2 -
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What high tier pig is using these to explode heads?!?!?! The best use is at the end game so survivors cant escape via the exit. You save the helmets for the last gen or 2, so that the survivors can not escape after they complete it. ALSO, with only 1-2 gens left, the area to patrol is much smaller making for finding these people even easier. It DOES NOT need a buff. Just learn to use her. Her mask is not meant to be a mori, lmao. Its meant to stop them from using the exit end game. Got to learn how to use her before complaining. Save the helmets for end game and youll stop having an issue.
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patroclus said:
What high tier pig is using these to explode heads?!?!?! The best use is at the end game so survivors cant escape via the exit. You save the helmets for the last gen or 2, so that the survivors can not escape after they complete it. ALSO, with only 1-2 gens left, the area to patrol is much smaller making for finding these people even easier. It DOES NOT need a buff. Just learn to use her. Her mask is not meant to be a mori, lmao. Its meant to stop them from using the exit end game. Got to learn how to use her before complaining. Save the helmets for end game and youll stop having an issue.
I have main Amanda since she came out you're not going to be able to tell me anything about playing her that I don't already know. Literally you telling me to save my bear traps is like telling a billy main that he could use his chainsaw for mobility.
If You find yourself frequently dying to a bear trap you should probably learn how to play Survivor.
But you're considering you're having trouble let me break this down slowly for you the main reason they are used for end game is because they have no real threat in early to mid game.
The she mostly have to rely on end game is the problem other than that don't apply enough pressure these perks can simply apply pressure
As I stated before it is easy to get a bear trap off if you don't and you die to it it is because you either wasted way too much time being immersed or you simply had a piggy who is good at chasing you away from boxes.0 -
@Hillbilly420 said:
@patroclus said:
Please no. Just no. Why would you want this? Its bad enough the mask makes you easy prey as you sprint around looking for thr right box. On top of that, you are unable to work on generators AND it has the ability to kill you. Stop relying so much on the mask and learn how to zone properly.It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is. Even if you're using the absolute best add-ons it's extremely rare. I don't think you realize that.
@Aari_Piggy66 right here actually. So, i wasnt being smug, please read. Ill take the quote out for you,
" It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is".
Do you see it? Explode heads. Im editing the comment after realizing these arent your words. Thats my mistake. But, my comment is addressing this post. About exploding heads. So, i can read, maybe you should learn though. Cause it was indeed said. " It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is."0 -
patroclus said:
@Hillbilly420 said:
@patroclus said:
Please no. Just no. Why would you want this? Its bad enough the mask makes you easy prey as you sprint around looking for thr right box. On top of that, you are unable to work on generators AND it has the ability to kill you. Stop relying so much on the mask and learn how to zone properly.It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is. Even if you're using the absolute best add-ons it's extremely rare. I don't think you realize that.
@Aari_Piggy66 right here actually. So, i wasnt being smug, please read. Ill take the quote out for you,
" It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is".
Do you see it? Explode heads. Im editing the comment after realizing these arent your words. Thats my mistake. But, my comment is addressing this post. About exploding heads. So, i can read, maybe you should learn though. Cause it was indeed said. " It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is."
That quote was in response to you stating how these shouldn't be a a thing because the bear trap has the ability to kill and as the person responded even if you practically build to try to kill people with a bear trap it's still extremely difficult because it's easy to get it off.
As I've said I have played a Amanda since her release and I could tell you from running with very different builds on her (ranging from tracking builds using Amanda's letter to unnerving presence distressing to try to see if I can get bear trap kills) even if you have a build fully dedicated to get in bed trap kills not only is it still incredibly easy to get the better off but because it's based on rng real way of impacting if someone can get it off or not.
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patroclus said:
@Hillbilly420 said:
@patroclus said:
Please no. Just no. Why would you want this? Its bad enough the mask makes you easy prey as you sprint around looking for thr right box. On top of that, you are unable to work on generators AND it has the ability to kill you. Stop relying so much on the mask and learn how to zone properly.It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is. Even if you're using the absolute best add-ons it's extremely rare. I don't think you realize that.
@Aari_Piggy66 right here actually. So, i wasnt being smug, please read. Ill take the quote out for you,
" It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is".
Do you see it? Explode heads. Im editing the comment after realizing these arent your words. Thats my mistake. But, my comment is addressing this post. About exploding heads. So, i can read, maybe you should learn though. Cause it was indeed said. " It is insanely rare to make someone's head explode as-is."
This is a quote from which you previously stated if you cannot see the smugness then there is literally no point in talking to you.
Amanda players have realised her in game potential within the first few hours of her release. you're not stating something that is revolutionary even survivor mains know what end game piggy is and how deadly it can be but they also know how very easy it is to counter why because it actively relies on no one escapes death and is a very telegraphed way to play.
I'm not exaggerating about this, Amanda has one of the most telegraphed end game of any killer in Dead by daylight. As once you've already used two traps most survivors will notice the fact that you're saving the rest of them and immediately start hunting down totems if they haven't already for the simple fact that you are the pig a killer well known for running endgame along with the likes of Wraith, Trapper and Freddy.0