An idea to help with Exhaustion Recovering to make Exhaustion Perks more Sufficient

Stunning the killer with a pallet recovers 25% of exhaustion. This'll give the survivor an opportunity to use their exhaustion perk a second time during chase and allows their exhaustion perk to be active more often. It's balanced because it requires the use of a pallet and a stun off the killer which doesn't happen all the time; depending if the survivor needs to drop the pallet early to avoid getting injured/downed. Survivors can benefit from this even more if their playing against a killer who eats pallets.

"Well what is the survivor camps the pallet?"

Just pretend your gonna lunge to get them to use the pallet

"Does a stun from decisive strike recover the exhaustion as well?"

No, it only applies for pallets

Vote up if you like this idea! I would very much appreciate it and who knows, this could probably make it into the game.



  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Remember, the stun only recovers 25% of the exhaustion status effect meaning that the survivor must stun the killer a total of 4 times which is not always guaranteed to happen.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    This mechanic I came up with is completely different from the one that allowed survivors to recover while running. It's a lot more fair than the one from the past.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Yeah i dont really see that happening and wouldn't it be the opposite pulling down pallet expends energy therefore it should increase exhaustion time than recover it

  • Mifian
    Mifian Member Posts: 18

    As much as I'd love having two dead hards in a chase I personally don't like this idea. Exhaustion works as is.

    Besides, pallets burn fast enough, I don't want more incentive to waste pallets when you could just take a hit and move to the next loop.

    As a baby killer I'd also like to say no thanks.

    Basically just no thanks D:

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Well what is the killer is tunneling you? Putting more distance between you and a tunneling killer is good. It'll buy your teammates more time to do gens and teach the killer that tunneling is not the best thing to do. I'm a killer & survivor main and I would encourage all other killer players to not tunnel as it would encourage the rest of the other survivors to get gens done more quickly.

    "Well use adrenaline"

    Could work but it depends whether your team is dedicated to doing the gens or not. NOED can easily counter it as well.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    im sorry, but i really dont think exhaustion perks need any buffs.

    they are already the strongest perks survivors have, letting them use them more often during a chase would do nothing good to the games overall health.

    also, this would only really buff toxic behavior...

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Vigil has been bugged for ages now. It doesn't reduce exhaustion at all. The patch notes for the upcoming patch say it's gonna be fixed, though.

    As for the thread I think most exhaustion perks are "ok" at best except for balanced landing and adrenaline. All the other exhaustion perk make little difference when I want to down someone mostly because people rarely manage to get the most distance out of sb, lithe, dh or... Well... Head on (which should be a cooldown perk rather than an exhaustion perk since it's highly situational and doesn't work at times).

    Therefore a 40 second exhaustion is way too much. Survivors used to be able to get rid of exhaustion while running (80 seconds) AND speed up the recovery (33%) by crouching (till patch 1.8.0).

    That was when survivors were a lot stronger and maps were more survivor sided than now.

    Personally I think the 33% exhaustion recovery WHILE CROUCHING should still be a thing at least. Wouldn't have much of an impact on most trials anyways.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    What about against Killers who are not tunneling you? This is still allowing you to keep the distance from them and make it much more difficult for them to catch you.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Dead hard... no; It's easy to counter. As for the rest of the exhaustion perks survivors would normally use the perk if they feel the need to do so. But once their exhausted and the chase continues they'll have to stun the killer a total of 4 times to get it to be used again. The killer perk spirit fury at level 2 & 3 can still be quite useful against this mechanic. If the killer lunges through a pallet and manages to hit the survivor, it's the survivors decision whether to save that pallet or not. If they choose to throw it down then the burst of speed that they get when hit would be wasted.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    So after four pallets, the Survivor gets to extend the chase even longer? How about no?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    So what happens if there is no Spirit Fury in play? What stops the Survivor from keeping the chase going long enough to regain their Exhaustion perks other than misplays?

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Well what if your playing against a Myers who's in tier 3? Or a ghostface who has you marked? Survivors are gonna want to drop down the pallet early to avoid getting one tapped.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    "This'll give the survivor an opportunity to use their exhaustion perk a second time during chase and allows their exhaustion perk to be active more often."

    Didn't devs implement "Running denies recovery" to PREVENT Exhaustion Perks to work twice in a chase?

    I'm not saying who's in the right, but your idea would go directly against the devs' ideas of balance, so it wouldn't happen ever.

    I mean yeah, they can change their opinion some day, but so can you.

    Rather, we should focus on making weaker Perks stronger.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    I suggest using Quentin perk Vigil, it is really good perk if you would like to recover from the exhaustion status faster.

    40 sec - now becomes 32 seconds

    50 sec - now becomes 40 seconds

    60 sec - now becomes 48 seconds

    This is assuming if you have tier 3. Which allows you to recover 20% faster. It may not seem like a lot but ever sec in dbd matters.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Certain killers like hillbilly, trapper, doctor, huntress, nurse, legion, clown, etc.

    The fear of being insta-downed by Myers or ghostface is enough for the survivor to drop the pallet early to avoid getting downed. Remember that the pallet vacuum is no more so survivors won't always make it to the pallet in time.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Even a survivor who is simply injured would not always take the chance to stun the killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think you are underestimating the better Survivors here.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Ignore this, I can't remove it for some reason lol.

    I've played a lot more survivor than killer (since early 2017) and with everything that has changed since then I wouldn't want to risk taking a hit just to get a stun off. If I do stun the killer than great, but I normally try to avoid it as the killer can simply still get a hit off even though you already began dropping down the pallet.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    The new Freddy will be able to trick survivors with dream pallets as well, making survivors guess whether the pallet is real or not. Freddy will be able to capitalise on the survivors greed to stun him with dream pallets.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Why make exhaustion perks way stronger than they already are? Do you want survivors to have a indefinite survival? Do you know how worse balanced Landing would be? Balanced Landing should have been the same when the nurse came out for the game, which only decreased the staggered fall, but for some reason they added a burst to it, which should have never been added in at all, and makes no sense. Sprint burst with give huge distance more often, dead Hard would fix survivors mistakes more often etc. You think it sounds good on paper, but when you actually start thinking of how that would execute in game and implemented, it's really not that great. And so, Killers who wants to eat pallets, so that they can get rid of pallets, or to gain their Spirit Fury, should benefit the survivors and then punish the killer afterwards? Sounds like to me you want a hard counter against Spirit Fury and enduring.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    This can either turn out incredibly strong or weak during a game. Some killers respect pallets, some killers try hitting through pallets. The thing is, exhaustion perks are already super strong, why buff them further? I'd love it since I'm a survivor main, but it sounds ridiculous!


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    But you see that's you. Not everyone plays like that. And even then, 10 seconds of an exhaustion can be recovered during a chase, thus making it even 3 stuns. (and tbh this would be super weak)

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Spirit fury at level 3 only requires you to destroy two pallets, making it still useful especially with enduring. Also dead hard is easy to counter. As for Sprint burst, survivors spend most of their time running anyways; even if a survivor waits till the killer comes to use it, they'll still have to stun the killer a total of 4 times to regain it; also killers try to avoid being stun most of the time. Even if the survivor manages to stun the killer 4 times, they've used 4 pallets. An experienced survivor would try to use the pallets as efficiently as possible.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    itd be okay with head on. kinda too good with sb,bl ,maybe lithe, and dh

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Balanced Landing: opens potential infinites. Also strong by itself at creating safe zones.

    Dead Hard: bad players faceplant into walls. Good players reach another safe pallet with the dash distance and extend the chase by a lot. There's a reason why it's the most used exhaustion perk at high ranks.

    Sprint Burst and Lithe aren't as good, but can still gain you time. And Adrenaline is VERY good.

    Head On is a meme but a very good one.

    There's absolutely no reason whatsoever for survivors to be able to use any of these perks twice in a chase, especially DH. You could, instead, talk about buffing other, significantly worse survivor perks to give survivors a reason not to run exhaustion+Adrenaline+DS/Iron Will/BT/the occasional Unbreakable.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Dead hard can be useful but most killers are starting to learn how to counter it which doesn't make it too viable; you can probably get away with using it at high ranks though. Also it's not a guarantee that you'll be able to use your exhaustion perk a second time which is why I find this mechanic fair; it's 50/50

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "Also it's not a guarantee that you'll be able to use your exhaustion perk a second time which is why I find this mechanic fair; it's 50/50"

    I mean, have you considered why the devs perhaps made it so it is nigh impossible to use an exhaustion perk twice in once chase instead of making it closer to 50/50?

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279


    I completely understand, trust me, i've been around long enough to know. But in certain situations it can come in handy.

    What kind of situations? I don't know, but whatever situation a player might possibly be in this can help save them.

    Try to give me an example of how this could possibly save someone in a specific random situation. Think.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The problem is exhaustion was changed because it could activate twice in a chase.

    The suggestion you gave will incentivise respecting pallets which is not a very smart way to play Killer.

    The way it is exhausted works pretty well. Maybe this could be a perk that lowers status conditions by a percentage upon a stun but other than that I really don't think it's a good idea

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279


    Although I respect your opinion, try not to think about it as "game breaking" or "overpowered". Remember the killer can easily do things that can easily counter this.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Yes, I play killer as well and the big problem that killers deal with is gens.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Getting stunned 4 times in one chase already means the killer must be struggling so god no.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279

    Remember, killers have their abilities that can help them deal with chases.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That is an overly simplistic way of viewing things.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279


    As simple as it may sound, it's simply true.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    Exhaustion perks are fine as are. Just run vigil or deal with it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    You only name a buff for the realize that exhaustion perks are insanely strong right? If you were to buff these perks like this then the killers should also have a buff. But in the end, since there are more surv players than killer players the killers wouldn't get a strong buff since the surv community would start crying over that again.

    So no thanks to this whole idea.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019

    Ok how about this... after being put into the dying state you fully recover from exhaustion. So if you have decisive strike you can use that and have your exhaustion perk available to use again. This will be especially useful against tunneling killers and help deal with slugging


    Post edited by RaginRendon on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2019

    The only reason I would oppose the idea is that people would be dropping pallets left and right just to get that extra use out of the perk...thus wasting pallets that they wouldn’t otherwise have used. (By no means am I saying people can’t use pallets, just pointing out there are legit people who drop pallets because they don’t know how to loop).

    I think It’s an interesting idea on “exhaustion” and considering some killers have add ons that literally cause you to have exhaustion, and pretty much rendering the perk useless it would be worth at least looking into other ways of managing exhaustion itself.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Wow, just no. Game is already too easy dude.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    How about we don't try to buff some of the strongest Survivor perks?

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    I'll just copy over my comment from when you made the other post on the same topic:

    I mean, if you're good enough at looping, you can get your exhaustion back a few times in a chase. I got my sprint burst back four times in a three-gen chase [yesterday] by knowing when to rest. The guy DCed after he'd had enough pallet stuns while desperately trying to mori, but there you go.

    Overall, I like the idea. Maybe a perk, though, giving 15/20/25% exhaustion reduction on a pallet stun.

  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019

    This mechanic being in the form of a perk isn't a bad idea. Considering that survivors would have to use a perk slot for it.

    Post edited by RaginRendon on
  • RaginRendon
    RaginRendon Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2019

    Killers themselves are not weak, the in-game mechanics is what makes most killers struggle.