The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Maps with more unique parts and lights!

I really enjoy how maps like The Game and Purgation Temple open up doors when you finish certain gens and I'd like to see more maps that do that! Maybe unlocking an area on a map could open up a new place for the killer to be looped (new window and/or pallet)?

Something I also would like is more colorful lights. Theres plenty of opportunity in colorful lights in maps, such as, a noir esc city strip (the map layout would be akin to haddonfield or springwood) itd be damp, musky, and dark, with a lot of flickering lights from store signs that glow brightly when the generator is finished.

A Highschool dance map could have potential, the gym being the center of the map, full of bouncing colors from a discoball, finishing the gen there makes the ball spin and a faint music start to play in the gym that echoes throughout the corridors of the school.

And my favorite idea so far- a totally not inspired by TCM 2- map based on an abandoned theme park. The park has an above ground area and a below ground area. The above is full of lots of holes to fall into the below, the below being full many fairy lights and skeletons. Ok so maybe theres some big inspiration from TCM 2 here, HOWEVER, please holy crap Texas Battle Land would make an awesome map!


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Treatment Theatre, Gas Heaven, and Grim Pantry all have map elements that change when generators are done, as well. I think it would be good to have a tile per map that was capable of changing if a generator was activated within it.

    The high school would be a good tie-in to Stranger Things, if we're really getting that.

    The theme park is interesting as well.