General Discussions

General Discussions

Feedback from new players who didn't want to stick around.



  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Just as something funny - in between - for this discussion:

    You think dbd has many dlcs and is expensive?

    Look in the dlc list of this game and the price if like to buy this game + all the dlcs.

    I still laughing while I writing this posting, after I have read how many money those guys want to see from a customer for that game and all the dlcs...

    Fortunately I am not interessted in those kind of games :D.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Well, that's a game design issue. But the same goes for survivors. It won't take long for them to realize they can easily run the killer for 3 - 5 gens just by looping him from pallet to pallet, since there are more than enough of them.

    Both scenarios are tremendously unfun for the other side, but it's obvious the game designers had them in mind when coding the game.

    I mean it's obvious they wanted some kind of gameplay revolving around hooks, or else survivors would take 6 hits to get downed but would die as soon as they're hanged. Like it or not, plays around hooks were thought as part of the game.

    The same goes for looping. Whether it was intended from the beginning or not, looping is an essential part of survivor gameplay, and so far I haven't met a single killer that says "I love getting looped for 3 gens man, it rocks!"

    I agree though, that new killers should be explained thoroughly in the tutorial and additional in-game references, what kind of gameplay is encouraged and healthy for the game. There's zero information about that in the game itself.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Just out of curiosity, did you play the kyf mode with your friends? Because this way, you could regulate camping and tunneling in your circle of friends. If you didnt, why not? Was noone out of 15 people intrested in playing killer?

    Or was killer too weak and frustrating to play against a swf time and again?

  • Member Posts: 794
    edited July 2019

    @sulaiman We did with some of them. It varied in terms of quality game-wise. Biggest problem was that (a) it didn't net any BP and (b) the ones interested in playing killer didn't match the level of those who wanted to play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I wonder if these problems are even solvable within this genre. It's essentially meant to make people angry at each other by design, because each side is given frustrating mechanics that are hard or impossible to play around. It's easy to feel like a victory wasn't earned, or like a loss was not preventable.

    There are plenty of other competitive games -- Hearthstone, League of Legends, whatever -- where I can look back on a match and go "Well, I got outplayed." It's harder to consistently feel that kind of closure here, and I think it's a genre-wide problem. Friday the 13th often felt quite the same way.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Good talk.

  • Member Posts: 819

    OMG some still say that tunneling and camping is only within low ranks. Thats totally wrong. Even in redranks you get tunneled and/or camped purposely every second game. Thats the truth. The game has become really annoying and still nobody at BHVR wants to Do something against this issues. Dont blame anyone for quitting after few games. The only choice to have fun in this game is not playing it.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    The game isn't for everyone!

    The grind sucks!

    Being tunneled and camped sucks!

    Bad teammates suck!

    Get wrecked as killer sucks!

    Having to deal with numerous bugs/issues sucks!

    Ultimately though this is the game and it won't change . Learn to accept these things for your own sanity.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    But wait, point b) is still true with random killers, isnt it? Basicly, since you are matched based on your lowest rank player, you still will have the same skill difference, but instead of frustrating one of your friends you frustrate a random killer for whom you dont care. And if he tries to counter with what few means he have, people quit because its so unfair, but it was the swf that makes it unfair in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 794

    @sulaiman I wouldn’t think so, no. First, the matching system does not match according to the lowest rank. With that being said, I don’t know how the matching system actually works. What I do know is when I play with my friends we tend to get matched with a killer that is the average of our combined ranks. Ish. Second, I don’t think it was frustration that led to tunneling/camping (I’m guessing that’s the strategies you are referring to). The camping/tunneling would occur regardless of the state of the game (easy chase, no gens done and so on). But these are only speculations of course.

    Regardless, I don’t think it matters. The players still decided to leave. Their experience is their reality, if you will.

  • Member Posts: 794

    @Rydog I think you have been absolutely brilliant in this thread. You made me feel redundant. In my own post. :-)

  • Member Posts: 994
    edited July 2019

    @sulaiman & @kamisen the way that the matchmaking system works, is that it takes the average rank of the survivors and matches that with a killer. If the killer or the survivors have been waiting for 3 minutes or more, then they will be matched with the next available opponent regardless of rank. They’ve been playing with a widening of the range over those 3 minutes, but I don’t know if that is still in the system. In the end, if the disparity between killers and survivors is large enough, rank is completely thrown out the window to create lobbies as fast as possible.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    "The only fair way of matchmaking is to use a hidden ranking system that is solely based on hours played, tiered in a progressive manor. "


    I know people with over 1000 hours that, not to be mean, suck at the game. They play for fun with friends and don't even play meta or use broken items outside of an occasional key.

    I also know players with 500 hours that are really good at the game. Not amazing, and not good at everything like players with more experience, but they can do certain things well that you'd think they have 2k hours.

    Also smurf accounts are a thing, this would just make it easier to smurf.

    Any ranking system that would factor hours played is inherently flawed because hours =/= skill.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I think that this is hugely important, cause too many of us forget what it was like coming in. New players don’t have the knowledge or the experience, and as such have to deal with camping/tunneling and higher skilled players smurfing more than others. For the sake of everyone, even if it can be tough, we have to keep new players in mind.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    mate you are dense. The post is from new survivors who won't play the game again, it's not an agenda, it's feedback. Re-read the post because you missed the point.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Nobody should ever rank reset more than 5 levels from their best rank. So if I top out at rank 5. I should never rank reset past rank 10. To do so is setting up newbies to face an unwinnable situation.

  • Member Posts: 102

    What about the whole unable to play the game because it keeps disconnecting you as a killer? This you need to be to be internet needs to stop.

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