


  • Xx_Daniel_xX69
    Xx_Daniel_xX69 Member Posts: 214

    The amount of people saying survivors will just stop playing the game is crazy. I felt like killers said this stuff a while ago and nobody cared. Honestly if survivors leave the game ques could be quicker so I'm all for it. Sure you need more survivors than killer but since killer ques take seconds I don't see any worry. Tunneling is a strategy/tactic/whatever you wanna call it to help the killer create pressure. Not all killers can create long distance pressure or be speedy enough to cause it.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I'm fine with tunneling because it's gonna cost you 5 gens and both exit gates (I don't even need to use DS). Camping is also fine in my book as long as the other survivors actually acknowledge that you cant be saved and do the objective.

    Your "legitimate strategy" sucks ass.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah from my experience. If the killer is just staring at the person on hook and not moving from the spot. That often just leaves the rest of the players, if they can figure it out quickly enough, time enough to get the gens and get out. If the person on hook doesn't kill themselves and is willing to buy others times. That or the whole team doesn't go, well time to rush in and save them, only to all die.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    Speaking as a 70/30 survivor main I would say I am fine with tunneling. Does it suck when it happens to me at the start of the match? Of course I hate it at any stage of the trial. But the thing I hate even more is having garbage team mates who are so eager to go for the save yet have no protection for me should I get tunneled. No BT no distraction hell they won't even take a protection hit for me. They just unhook me and adios amigos outta there. As said above its all about perks. Survivors have plenty of tools to counter tunneling yet don't utilize them. On the killers side there are plenty of reasons to tunnel (my personal being to get fat Dying Light stacks) and it creates plenty of pressure a team no matter what. So I concur that tunneling is a legit strategy.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    So many flawed arguments in this thread.

    First off, to every survivor who claims tunneling will make people "quit the game and killer queue times will go through the roof" if you actually played killer you would know that the change to Hex: Ruin already decimated the killer population months ago. I could personally be responsible for making hundreds of people quit this game as survivors and STILL get insta-queues because killer has become a situation where you have to play sweaty tryhard at all times otherwise you're probably going to get skunked.

    Also to every survivor claiming generators are your only objective, you are correct, now. This is why so many killers harp on the change to Hex: Ruin, which actually provided a secondary objective, at least for the early game, of cleansing totems. This is why generators didn't pop after the first chase pre change to Hex: Ruin, because survivors were usually looking for totems to cleanse.

    The irony is that some killers have compensated by running NOED, and survivors complain about NOED WHEN THEY ARE PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF ELIMINATING NOED FROM EVEN ACTIVATING. Like seriously you have a secondary objective, it's called bones, do them.

    As far as tunneling as a strategy, a guy on death hook can hold M1 and complete objectives just as easily as someone who hasn't been hooked yet, and getting an survivor off the board early is a HUGE advantage for a killer.

    That being said, survivors already have a metric ton of tools in place to prevent tunneling, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, but that just obfuscates the issue.

    If you are the unhooking survivor DO NOT HIDE AFTER UNHOOKING. Seriously because if I am coming back to the hook I AM going to hear your fellow survivor who is still injured, and at worst I'm going to slug them to buy some time and exert some pressure, or I may just hook them again if I realize they don't have DS.

    Now that said, to the survivor mains, DON'T FORCE MY HAND WITH YOUR DS. In other words, if I'm not chasing you, but you get into a locker right in front of me like a complete blithering idiot, I'm gonna open the locker and eat the DS, because now you don't have it, and I know this, prepare to get ran off this map fast, because I'm not going to just leave you to open a locker and start working on the generator two feet away.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Did it ever occur to you that when Killers lost one of their only means of early game generator slowdown in hex ruin it might just drive THEM away from since, I dunno, THEY CAN'T FINISH A CHASE WITHOUT 1-2 GENERATORS POPPING? There is zero point in me loading into a match when a wiseguy like you just hardcore gen rushes and ignores totems and then say "It'S a LeGiTiMaTe StRaTeGy"

    And wow, you're going to talk about empathy and playing nice? Yes I can't wait to "play nice" with the flashlight t-bag crowd who literally run for the broken infinite on a map every single time I'm even close to them and pretend like they're some kind of god-looper. The same ones who get Disturbed Ward and then talk nonsense after a game. Yeah I can't imagine where killers developed this "######### survivors" mentality.

    Maybe clean your own house before worrying about how we run ours. Survivors caused killers to be toxic a long time ago.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You're funny. You assume my playstyle.

    Gen-rush annoys me enough on both sides. It's an extreme rarity I use an item, and I NEVER use a flashlight.

    The only "meta" perk I use too on Surv is DS because of all the rampant tunnelling. I run SELF-CARE ffs.

    And I play both sides, so don't you DARE come at me with that housecleaning crap. After being camped and tunnelled all week, with terrible killers justifying it with "I payed money, so I can play how I want" and "It's a legit strategy", I'm over defending them.

    I try to me a mediator, I try to be unbiased, I try to he fair to both sides, but when KILLERS are camping and tunnelling, leaving only the objective to survivors, then I'm sorry, but killers have no right justifying their position right now.

    If they all clraned up their acts and played as intended, with no camping or tunnelling, and get rushes to all hell, then survivors will slow down as they can't rank up OR the devs will do something.

    How does that sound?

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    "played as intended, with no camping or tunnelling,"

    Hold on right there.

    Camping and tunneling are obviously intended. How do I know?

    They would've been taken out 3 years ago if they weren't.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Just because the developer's DON'T have restrictions on those "tactics" doesn't make them intended.

    Point is let survivors have their fun for a bit, changes regarding generator times and what-not will be implimented after they see that people will rush the objective, OR they'll slow down in order to increase emblems. Gen-rush can hurt survivors and their rank too.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm not a daycare teacher. I'm not "letting Survivors have their fun for a bit." I'm looking to have fun for me and me only. And I've been having a blast playing the way I have.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm not the only killer on Xbox. Other Killers can facilitate positive change. I am not one of them. I'm looking to have fun on a game. If that means Survivors don't, so be it.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    BT is a cheap perk and should be deleted, not implemented as base kit. Killers need perks as base kit not you overpowered survivors.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I play both sides on Xbox and I hate your style of ideology. It ruins the game for 4/5 people.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I play both sides as well (like 60/40) and while I have been on the receiving end of my own mindset, I can empathize with those who see it the same as me. I understand your point of view too; I just look for my own fun and not everyone else's.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Tunneling a survivor in the right situation is an effective way to create "pressure". By removing one survivor the killer dramatically reduces the survivor's effectiveness and creates more time for the killer.

    If you want borrowed time at base, prevent injured survivors from working on gens, or dramatically reduce their effectiveness at doing so.

    A killer won't need to tunnel to remove a survivor and would be incentivized to chase and injure multiple survivors rather than focus one down.

    The rest of the game mechanics could be tweaked to adjust for this change.

    Alternatively, make stop unhooking survivors while the killer is nearby.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    I've been of the opinion for a long time now that being injured needs more consequences than "being injured". If injury did something like greatly slow down repairs, slow move speed, prevent fast vaults, prevent or slow unhooks, slow pallet drop time (not all at once, obviously), then Survivors would have a LOT more reason to heal up, which is time not working on gens. Would also be an automatic upgrade for Legion, probably.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I disagree simply for the fact that it doesn't take any level of actual cognitive function to understand "Hmm, the killer is watching that hook very closely, I should't go a save."

    I understand that many folks dislike tunneling and being tunneled. However, BHVR actually encourages tunneling with the current emblem system. The current system rewards lots of hooks in the Devout Emblem while also rewarding not letting survivors heal with the Malicious emblem. Tunneling actually helps 2 of the killer emblems gain points quickly. Until you tackle the root issues of tunneling: Generators being repaired too fast and emblems encouraging tunneling. All adding a basekit Borrowed Time would do is hurt everyone.