Balanced landing needs a cooldown on its stagger reduction.

Balanced landing in my opinion is the best exhaustion perk in the entire game because of its remarkable ability to turn poorly designed structures on various maps into literal infinites thanks to its no cooldown stagger reduction. The Myers house on Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn Asylum, Asylum Church, etc are all nightmare fuel thanks to this.

Rather than completely reworking these structures it would be easier and much more straight forward to add a modest cooldown to balanced landing. A flat 15 seconds would be a good cooldown and fix the infinites this perk has created.


  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495


  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Can you elaborate as to why? If you disagree what would be an alternate suggestion in your opinion to address the balance issues this perk causes?

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I agree. Springwood sucked but it was not the defacto worst. Haddonfield should have gotten fixed first and foremost. It is the worst map in the entire game. Even without BL causing all the infinites it is still aids for both sides.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    Killers should get a cooldown on their base kit Balanced Landing stagger reduction, in that case. There are no infinite loops in this game and there haven't been for years. Just chase in a straight path and you'll catch them.

  • MrSunbro
    MrSunbro Member Posts: 111

    @michaelrandom27 and by the time that happens the gates will be open with those maps

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    You gain one second of running distance on them every six seconds, bloodlust excluded. If it takes any longer than thirty seconds to catch somebody, you did something wrong.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @michaelrandom27 unless they jump through a window in a house.

    As for OP, i don't think they should add that.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    OP, no. There's not actually infinites in the game currently, if you're seeing one there's a suboptimal killer doing the chasing. 73% stagger reduction is also, while impactful, not complete like the killer's version of the same. While there's some balance issues involving some loops being stronger than others, they're already addressing that with the map reworks and pallet changes.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2019

    I don't think Balanced Landing is the problem. Nerfing the perk would hurt it on all maps instead of just the one it's broken on. It's more of Haddonfield being heavily Survivor favored. It still has a lot of loops that are basically infinites. Trying to chase a Survivor through them as any Killer other than the top three (Nurse, Spirit, and Hag) is going to be hell. Heck, Spirit and Hag will actually struggle without the right add-ons. Nurse is the only Killer that doesn't need add-ons to combat the insane loops on Haddonfield. It needs to be the next map that gets reworked. Badham might have been easier to fix, but Haddonfield has been broken for far too long. It's the only map where a Killer DCing does not surprise me at all because of how unfun it is to play on.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Only place where this does not apply is the Myers house in Haddonfield. With balanced landing it is the only place in the game where you can infinite a killer unless you are nurse, trapper, hag. They cant catch up because there is no bloodlust thanks to LOS blocking.

    With the responses in this thread though i am coming around to the fact that we should not blame balanced landing for this. Poor map design is the culprit here and i agree the maps should be fixed versus nerfing BL landing.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    Just make this effect not active while exhausted. Boom

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    All that balance Landing needs to be changed, is to not give the small Sprint burst effect, simply because it just doesn't make sense, you have already used your energy and muscles to ease your fall, how would you have enough energy and muscle to run afterwards? especially after a long fall? You see beforehand, when the nurse came out, all that balanced Landing did, was just reduced the stagger from falling and landing, but then they gave it the Sprint burst effect which was stupid, and it doesn't realistically makes sense.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky i always thought it always had a sprint burst. Or was that tier specific?

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    yes it did, to be more specific, it only had that burst effect at tier 3, and before then, the way balanced Landing worked, is that through each tier, it just increase the percentage that decreases the staggered fall. But now it's just that you have a flat 75% decrease across all tier, and a burst effect for 3 seconds (before hand it was 2 seconds), and it only changes the exhaustion timer. It should have stayed like that, it should have only affect the staggered fall, it should not give any sort of burst, at least only make it last for like a second or two, 3 seconds is too much, survivors already have Perks like lith, Sprint burst, adrenaline.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Yes, and don't give aura reading to B&C. Killers already have dozens of perks for aura reading.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I disagree. And I'm as killer biased as someone can possibly be. BL has its limits, sometimes you get chased in an area with no elevation at all, so it has a strong downside. It's nice to have one Exhaustion perk that has a reliable secondary effect, I don't think it should have a CD.