My Problem With NOED

No One Escapes Death is the most discussed perk in the game from both roles. Survivors think it's crutch, and killers think it's balanced for the most part. However, I have my own opinion, that being No One Escapes Death is not a skill perk for the killer, but it's not a crutch.
You as the killer, can be terrible or God-like and still get No One Escapes Death to activate. This perk doesn't curve with the killer's skill, and it feeds off of survivors' laziness. Talking about laziness, the perk is practically dead if you get a group of dedicated survivors.
Do you want to be rewarded for your skill, or for survivors' laziness? Pick one.
Hex: No One Escapes Death
You're lust for a sacrifice gets out of control when your prey is on the verge of escape. When all survivors have been at least hooked once, this perk will activate if the Exit Gates are powered. While active, your attacks will cause the Doomed status effect for 70/80/90 seconds, and your successful attack cool-downs is decreased by 20%.
Doomed Status Effect is like a personal Blood Warden; survivors cannot leave through the Exit Gates while affected by this.
As someone who use to play killer, it's pretty easy to hook everyone because I often get the full benefit from BBQ. However, I prefer this version because it gives both the killer, and the survivor control over the perk, but most ultimately, this perk rewards the killer for their skilled play.
Let's say you tunnel someone and camp them, survivors gen-Blitzkrieg you as a result, then they don't have to worry about No One Escapes Death because you as the killer wasn't skillful enough to hook everyone.
Hopefully, this change will make the perk into a more skillful perk rather than a perk that only works because the survivors are too lazy to cleanse a totem.
Its not a crutch, its an endgame perk. The killer prepares for the situation that all generators get done.
It's trigger isnt neither dependant on a players skill, but the game reaching a certain stage.
What makes it different from survivor endgame perks is thast NOED is a hex, and thus can be prevented BEFORE and AFTER its activation.
Sorry for the rant. Back to topic.
I think your idea is weird, for the lack of better words. It is more of a bloodwarden rework, and honestly doesnt need the "generators are powered" anymore. Personally, i also think your "skillful" condition of hooking ALL survivors is more difficult to achieve than cleansing 5 totems.
The effect itself becomes rather weak because survivors will, unlike with bloodwarden, be aware that they cannot leave and thus will hide away from the gates, if affected.
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Honestly there’s a lot of ideas people have for noed and while they all seem great there’s a lot of people who disagree and don’t want it changed. I even had one that makes noed not a hex perk but a totem based perk.
A perk rooting its power on lack of objective awareness. You are animated by the power of your totems when the survivors are on the verge of escaping. Once the exit gates are powered, NOED becomes active for 60 seconds. For each dull totem remaining on the map, 20 additional seconds are added onto the timer. While noed is active
- Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect
- Your movement speed is increased by 4%
Movement speed remains increased after the timer has ended.
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Survivors have to do all 5 gens to activate No Ed.
Survivors have to cleanse totems in order to counter it.
Survivors get no other benefit from cleansing all totems (aside from BPs), even though it took time away from doing gens/healing others.
What exactly do killers have to do in order to active it? Nothing.
That's the main problem I have with it. Say whatever you want about perks like Adrenaline, but survivors at least HAVE to finish all gens and get to the end in order for the perk to take effect.
So I definitely agree that there needs to be a condition (At the very least) on hooks that needs to take place before it activates.
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I'm sorry but does survivor gets any notification of the said hex being present unless he completes every gennys.
For example with Ruin you get to know it as soon as you get a skill check.
So like you should know right if the killer has it or not
Because then every round will be destroying totems.
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I think NOED should always sustain the effect of exposed, since survivors can just bully you to the point where you don't even get a kill. It does sorta force a second objective if you asked me. I will say adding a whole new status effect for NOED would be atrocious and BHVR should build upon the idea they've created and establish it for both sides as a used perk, but not over the top.
I have no suggestion other than keeping exposed for it, even as a survivor main. xqcL
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People complain about NOED not requiring effort on the killers part to activate but survivors have plenty of perks that give them benefit for no real effort and with no downside.
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First of all, the Killer not getting any Kills does not mean that he got bullied. He can simply play vs Survivors who are better than him. Getting no Kills does not mean the Killer played vs some form of Bullysquad.
Furthermore, NOED will not help to get him Kills except for the Endgame. Because, when you have the Instadown, you only need half of the time for a chase than usual. Furthermore, with 4% movement Speed Buff, you will end Loops without any need to mindgame. And if you can simply get your Downs and Kills (even if it is most likely not 4) with your training wheels, you will simply not learn how to play (a) Killer.
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To the first point, that's why I said "can". By kills, I obviously meant Endgame and referring to if the killer did come across the situation where they did in fact have a real difficult time, NOED doesn't guarantee, but it improves your chances of getting a kill, setting a side the possibility of being broken before then. :)
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This actually looks interesting as a perk. But it'd make blood warden look weaker than it already is however I think the time they're affected by doomed should corralate to how many dull totems are left
1 - 40
2 - 45
3 - 50
4 - 55
5 - 60
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Maybe noed could put all the healthy survivors in the injured state and give deep wounds and mangle all survivors. Now that there's a countdown at the end of the match, there's much less of an argument that you can just do bones after you find out they took noed.
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Do bones before opening the gate. The timer doesn't start immediately after the gates are powered.
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Its a 1000% crutch perk and the fact you can play the whole match without getting touched only to get obliterated by NOED is a joke. The killer has to do nothing but suck to get instadowns at the end is crap. I play killer about 75% of the time at this point and onlybrun NOED when I'm running chill games where I'm trying to get everyone points and show people where my totem is at the end. You're being rewarded for being bad and it needs a rework.
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The fun thing about noed threads is knowing all the complaints go nowhere because the devs said they're not changing it.
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The devs have said a lot of things. They change their mind pretty frequently. You don't have to read these posts, you know.
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¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ And yet I do anyway
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If you are not touched the whole match and you are touched and downed at the end is your fault, why you don't stay untouched at the end too? Also, always the same, your argument can be expressed for the opposing team, why if you have played bad as survivor and downed and hooked two times and you are downed again and the gates are opened you get a health state and speed buff with adrenaline?
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The only joke here is you
If you have no interaction with the killer the entire game that means you have more than enough time to do totems. But you didn't. Because you are bad and you absolutely deserved to lose in that game. The only problem with NOED is that players like you who ignore totems and then cry on the forums have a chance to survive instead of being just straight up mori'd
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Not to mention the reason why MOM got change "cause survivors had to do nothing but get hit" but noed gets buff exposed on all levels
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My only problem with NOED: survivors who don't break totems.
You are not exempt from countering a perk and also exempt from its effects. This is entitlement of the highest order.
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I wouldn’t care if they left it as is, with the one condition being only survivors who have been hooked once become exposed. Killer wants to camp, forcing survivors to rush gens to counter that? Go ahead, you might only end up with one survivor exposed as a result. Sounds a lot more fair to me.
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Why cherry-pick NOED?
If you are arguing that killers should see adequate rewards for their investment and practice(something which they don't currently get due to the low skill-ceiling of most killers), then you can't simply make this about NOED and ignore everything else.
To argue for this standard, you have to support massive buffs to killers, across the board. I don't think that's your purpose here; focusing on NOED is what gives that away. You want to superficially use the issue of skill and the consensus killers have on it, to push for something that is entirely for the benefit of survivors.
Do you actually think we can't see right through this? Do you think killer-mains are just survivor-mains, who just happen to have picked killer instead? We're not that gullible, shallow or craven.
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Oh i like the "survivorS have to work for adrnaline and hope" - argumentation because its totally
false.possible for those running the perks to activate them without touching a generator. Most vids i see on yt proccing adrenaline are NOT when finishing a gen yourself.There are no free kills unless a survivor rages or gives up and just lets himself get killed. ANY other scenario involves the killer doing something, even NOED.
Also survivors shouldnt complain about others on "not having to do anything" for a free win.
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2019 and NOED still triggering survivors like 2016 🤩
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Maybe because Orion doesn't like your idea and thinks the perk is fine how it is.
The problem is literally that survivors don't want to do their optional objective, even though people keep whining that survivors need something else to do.
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And now that totems (both dull and hex) give Lightbringer points, totems are literally part of their objective now.
As they walk right by every dull totem on the map....
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Probably, but I would like some counter points from him since he seems to understand a lot more than I do. However, my point still stands, No One Escapes Death feeds off of the survivors' laziness, and is useless when you get a group of dedicated survivors. My idea for a rework to involve a little more skill, plus changing the perk to not be completely destroyed when you do get dedicated would be great.
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I’d prefer current noed, honestly it’d be hard to rework noed. Until it gets something continue doing the bones like you said you do. :)
Here is a tip guys, at the beginning of the game don’t do gens and look for totems.
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I do every totem I come across, and I often bring Small Game or Special Maps to locate totems easily. However, in most cases, you're likely forced to do all of them because your teammates are lazy. Like I said, this perk is very viable when you get lazy survivors, and is near useless when you get dedicated survivors. See where I'm coming from?
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So what you are saying is the perk is balanced and is not OP.
Not only can it be countered, but it doesnt even work much of the time.
Yeah I see where you coming from. It's a team game, if your team sucks, not the killer or perks fault.
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The perk isn't consistent, that's what I'm saying. You as the killer have no say on whether or not the perk activates because you're hoping to the holy Entity that you get lazy survivors.
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Perks like Technician doesn't have much of an impact to the game, so they don't need a condition nor a downside.
Lightweight is in the same boat with Technician, you won't be able to tell a difference to be honest.
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Yeah exactly, it's a killer perk with effects that are determined by survivors and not the killer. I'd like to see these entitled killer mains name one single survivor perk with effects determined by the killer instead of the survivor other than Alert, Boil Over, Borrowed Time, Iron Will, Distortion, Kindred, Mettle of Man, Sole Survivor, and Spine Chill.
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Yep, all hex perks are. It's why many killers, myself included, don't really run them. I play without ruin etc,.,.. I'm not much of a gambling man.
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See I was thinking perks like Balanced Landing, Sprint Burst, Borrowed Time, Iron Will, etc. Ones that are strong and don't have any downside.
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Decisive Strike, the killer has control on whether or not it activates and if it triggers on them, for the most part.
However, this isn't what the thread is about tho, No One Escapes Death doesn't have a skill curve attached to it. You just have to hope survivors are lazy, and you're guaranteed a strong End Game.
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Which survivor perk requires no effort that compares to NoEd?
I'm talking a perk that activates at endgame, that has as big of an effect as No Ed.
I'm genuinely curious.
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Balanced Landing can be troublesome in certain maps, but otherwise, the perk is balanced around exhaustion and drop points.
Sprint Burst doesn't give you control on whether or not the perk activates, unless you're always walking around, which is very slow.
Borrowed Time doesn't make both survivors immune, which means the savior can be downed and hooked.
Iron Will is a stealthy perk, but stealth isn't really viable in Dead by Daylight, so I'm okay with it.
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@Papamodzz If I could give you 1000 likes I would.
I have no issue with what NoEd does, I have always had an issue with how it is activated.
You don't want to get me started on the MoM topic, because that would steer away from the topic at hand. I can tell you though, the outcry was huge in comparison to No Ed threads.
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That my issue as well.
I don't give a ######### if it one shots. Just its mechanics.
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First I want to clarify that I'm not claiming any of these perks are broken by any means in their current condition.
Listing things these perks DON'T do means very little, since those aren't drawbacks. Like saying a drawback of NOED is that it doesn't reveal survivor auras. It's just not relevant.
These perks(and most others) all have their own restrictions but not drawbacks. The survivor gets a wholly positive outcome with 0 cost and typically minimal effort. The big difference being that the killer has little to no way to actually counter or stop these. Which is fine. NOED is a risk free perk because even if cleansed, the killer gets extra time during the match as a result so you're guaranteed to benefit at least a little.
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People are once again forgetting about Rule 5872 of the Survivors Rulebook for Killers! Of course Survivors don't have to do bones, otherwise how could they complain about NOED!?
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I agree the issue isnt the one shot its how its activate aswell the fact it got buff so killers can walk around with kmart noed and enjoy lol
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Theres ways to counter the exhaustion perks some killers have add on that gives it like doctor huntress and a few others i think could be wrong
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I'm not counting select add-ons that low tier killers may or may not be running. An add-on is not reliable counter play, nor is it a drawback of the perk.
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True but still exhaustion doesnt go down mid chase so ehh
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That's a mechanic, still not a drawback. It's still a positive effect with 0 drawback.