Nurse experiment (400 kills)



  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    We already know she is the 2 best killer in the game after Nea!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's an exaggeration and using the same standard as when survivor nerfs are mentioned.

    Fact is, most Nurse players are bad. That's why she has such a low kill rate at the most populated ranks. Therefore, since we're balancing for the average, she shouldn't be nerfed, and outliers should be ignored.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Better try this experiment:

    Gather the top 10 nurse players in the world

    Then, the 40 top survivors.

    Make them play 100 matches, making all the possible swf/killer combos.

    And here's the twist:

    Put some money in the line. That way, real results are guaranteed.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    You think that experiment is useful ? Lel.

    He's playing on the actual patch that allows to see auras of survivors on gens, use tons of add ons and plays very defensive... Nice try.

    See you guys on next nurse thread.

  • mapleqaz
    mapleqaz Member Posts: 1

    (I am japanese and i am not good at english so i hope that u guys understand what i say) You guys know that? the much player of the Asian(include Korea,japan,china...etc) have certain opinion that Asia server hardly broken. u know why? cause u guys don't know the recent situation of the Asia server. have u ever played d.b.d on the Asia server? so just what i want to say is that don't think the d.b.d's level of difficulty should be adjust to Asian level. I know. there are prettily problem on the us server. but u don't want to admit the real situation. come on! u guys know what make nurse issue, and why most people say that we should nerf the nurse. there are some problems on anything, and there are not absolute things on the world. we just want to say the problem of the balance on the d.b.d. don't be sarcastic on my comment, and just think a few moments about my comment. this would be valuable all of us

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    I played against some Asian killers before (benefits of being an Aussie sometimes).

    I feel your pain with Nurse.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    No, I'm applying the same standard to both situations. Fact is, I acknowledge that the Nurse has OP add-ons and they should be nerfed. However, base Nurse is 100% fine and makes the game one of skill vs. skill. If you lose against the Nurse, you're worse than the person playing her, end of story.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If you don't think his twitch views are higher now then you are not being honest. More twitch views = more money! I don't have a problem with him making more money, lucky to him for being clever enough to figure out how to do it, but he doesn't care about DBD if he's trying to prove the nurse is broken by versing randoms on the internet. All he cares about is his bank account. He has an enormous amount of hours, he has overwhelming experience of how the game works. I watched a few of his matches and he has so much experience he is able to slug at the right moments and have "game sense" of where the others are on gens and halts the game when most nurses are not able to do that because they might have only 500, 1000, or 1500 hours. The only fair experiment would be for him to verse four expert "survivor mains" with similiar amount of hours (5000 or more hours so it compares to him) over the course of 100 more matches and look at the outcome. They need to be on discord for one experiment and not for another. You'll see a completely different game. He would be genrushed before he could blink his eye.

    I am not scared of losing Nurse. I am actually scared of the future of DBD and the community is ruining it. While Legion needed worked on because he was genuinely unfair to verse, the community is now spoiled by the devs reworking Legion and Freddy and now they are demanding Nurse to be reworked/nerfed. The only killer in which the character can actually "scale" with the skill of the player and is not limited by game mechanics that is exploited by survivors. I have played a hell of a lot of rank 1 killer and I can bet my right arm that when nurse is nerfed that some survivors will never lose. When her addons are nerfed, the best survivors that are discord that know how to genrush will never lose because 2 blinks is not enough map pressure. Call me bad all you want but its the truth. You'll be better off playing Hillbilly where he can get to the other side of the map a lot faster. You will see nothing but Hillbilly after Nurse is nerfed. Be ready!

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander. Bring back the depip squad and squash all the random rank 1 nurses and other killers and lets nerf gen speeds once and for all! Nobody wants to talk about that on a nurse thread do we?

  • O_o
    O_o Member Posts: 3
  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Plenty of people agree SWF needs to be looked at. I've said it several times. No point saying it again. Yes, please ask the de-pip squad to do it again. Ask them to find actual good nurses this time. I would love to read your comments then.

    Heru_Ra_Ha it is fun reading your warped interpretations of streamed content, but it is becoming too much of a headache. He started using those items because he was being sniped by *gasp* SWF groups. I didn't watch every single game. Of the (numerous) games I watched, I saw several SWF groups that I myself have played against. Same players. Same names. Are you just going to tell me I haven't played against those players, and that they aren't grouped? You saw 1 insta-heal? I saw several while I was watching. I saw every single player in many games equipping iron will, dead hard, ds, perks that work best against nurse at a MUCH higher frequency than I usually see. Why? To beat his nurse. But yeah, 1-3 percent survival rate. Fair.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    So these stats are incorrect?

    Hag is always at the top of the kill rates, now nurse it top?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @DrDeepwound your stats are from April. Things change. @O_o stats are more relevant.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I thought I was the only one seeing this guys as a camper and playing defensive. Ruin, add ons. What a great experiment.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    That's... that's a tournament. What you just described is a tournament.

    And I agree this is the only way to actually prove anything about Nurse, because this is the only setting where 1) all ridiculously overpowered stuff like insta-heals and omegablinks can be removed from the equation (or they should be, else it is a very ######### tournament rule set), 2) all the players are of comparable skill, and 3) all players are incentivized to play for a win.

    Sorry but anything else is just BS. This is partly the reason I dismiss Depip Squad so much, though I applaud them for at least trying for consistency.

  • O_o
    O_o Member Posts: 3


    Yes, devs said those stats were incorrect because of the emblem system back at the time.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    These people still complaining lol. She isn't getting nerfed, deal with it.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    They did play actual good nurses. All at rank 1 and P3. If nurse is sooooo broken, then surely a few hundred hours playing nurse can stop a genrush! They also played a well-known nurse at the time that had thousands of hours. They couldn't do a thing to stop the gens. They don't necessarily need to redo their experiment if you are taking this Korean experiment as the gospel. He is playing vs. random rank 1s, just like the depip squad vs random rank 1 killers. Same experiment flipped around with the exact same results. You are being biased and disingenuous.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    So you didn't have the slightest enjoyment, just like how...survivors feel when playing against good nurses. Wow. Amazing.

    Did you have fun watching the de-pip squad games, with the survivors doing nothing but Gen jockeying?

    Optimal play on both sides is not pretty. Are you just learning this? That's why the de-pip squad played the way they did. Do I see you criticizing that play style?

    I appreciate your extreme exaggeration, though. Like basement bubba? What a laugh.

    The killer can play however they wish. From what I saw, there was some camping to secure kills, but not much more than that. I, myself prefer to play "fair-play," something you might describe as "prettier" but when you're criticizing a player's play style and using that as an excuse to shy away from balancing to a nurse's potential, you're just being willfully Ignorant.

    This is about what a nurse CAN do, not about how you think other players should play. I think a leatherface face camping in the basement is soooo boring. But guess what, it makes escape for the other survivors easier if they do the right thing. But a nurse who knows where to be and when to return to the hook and when to leave it? There's nothing you can do.

    Again: 99 percent kill rate when not counting hatch escapes. Highest kill rate of any killer. 77 percent across red ranks was it? And that is brought down by nurses boosted into red ranks by her busted power.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    The groups THIS killer faced all had perks, items, were ready to face him. Real knowledgable survivors trying to win. You are the one being disingenuous by not even watching those de-pip nurse games and claiming what you are claiming. How on earth did these survivors (with the huge advantage of perks and items) not perform as well as perkless survivors who despite also being knowledgable survivors themselves, showed no true exceptional game play during their chases against nurse. It was completely standard good red-rank survivor game play.

    It all comes down to killer skill. I'm truly sorry you don't believe that. I'm truly sorry you seem to have never faced an actual good nurse yourself.

    Other killers not being able to beat the perkless de-pip squad? Understandable. Gen rush is too real. Nurse? No. Too much pressure. Too much power. Too much potential. How can you even suggest that nurses who had multiple minute long chases against perkless survivors are good?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Don't have time to watch over 300 depip matches but I watched probably a 1/3 or half of them. I'm telling you it is the same results flipped around. And I have news for you: the killers all knew about the depip squad and tried their damnest to win; moris, NURSE ADDONS, Iri-Head Hatchets, you name it. They couldn't stop the power of good survivors!

    Nurse can't be nerfed in anyway unless SWF is completely removed. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    And here we finally have the truth: you think one game of nurse a day is a lot. You don't play optimally, and expect others to follow your play style. You are scared that when nurse is rightfully nerfed, your main killer won't allow you to reach a higher rank than your true skill level at the game.

    What you saw is a COMMON experience against players playing at the highest rank, against the most common killer at that rank. If you think that fact is ugly, fine. You are allowed that opinion, but claiming blatantly false things in order for your main killer to be left alone is just...selfish, and truly not helpful to the discussion of how this game should be balanced.

    Nurse main. Who didn't see that coming?

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    Nurse is definitely powerful in the right hands. I play on console so really good nurses are rare, but you know what isn't rare? Good clowns. I have yet to survive against a good clown. Obviously I'm just not the best at the game, but I see that nurse is as hard as clown sometimes, but I think I'm alone in that thinking because I never see anyone complain about clown.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    If you consider how he played the "cheapest level of play", ha... Ha... I dont know what to tell you. Laughing when closing the hatch - oh no! What a bad guy! Returning to the hook to try to intercept a save, and waiting those few extra seconds for the 2nd phase to begin - how dastardly! Actually playing to win - how dare he?

    He did what he set out to, prove that if a nurse wants to win, the nurse wins. Sorry you don't like some of the things he did to get there, but the results don't care about your feelings.

    It must be difficult since the emblem change, staying in red ranks. Only nurse gets it done, right?!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m a PS4 player, I’ve played a mean nurse before and I’ve seen good nurse players. She isn’t trash.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    You're right, it's a tourney. And it's not happening, so, no point.

    These threads are pointless.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    So to be a "god nurse" you have to be an unsecured try hard... Okay. Did you know a game is designed around fun and some gamers are actually playing to improve and have nice moments / challenge / memes ? Tru3talent killed your brain mate.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    I'm also a ps4 nurse player and yes she isnt trash, but no ruin no addon will not be an OP experience.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    You guys keep using the depip squad as an evidence of how strong co-ordinated survivors can be when they play optimally, but disregard this experiment because the streamer is playing optimally? Please guys stop the double standards.

    I mean, his target is a bit too extreme even for a god tier nurse so it does make sense if he played super tryhard. Especially if the survivors are well prepared.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    bro imagine thinking having a lot of hours in a game means youre good 🤡 he actually doesnt even play nurse and has a lot of hours in billy so you might wanna go back to the circus before you turn into clown of the day 🤡🤡🤡

  • dkprozzz
    dkprozzz Member Posts: 3

    nerf nurse = nerf swf, nerf swf = dead game

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    You act like all he did was wait out of hook range and basement camp every game. I feel sorry for you that that is how you interpret what you saw. Claiming the survivors are not playing well, too? When I have personally played against a large number of them and know them to be skillful survivors? Hmm. You don't like camping/tunneling in any form, so you choose to completely disregard facts and results.

    Most people when they watch will see a broken killer and a player proving that if the nurse doesn't want any survivors to leave the trial, she has that power. Did you not know that try hard nurses are common in red ranks? Is this news to you?

    Experiment survival rate: 1 percent (ignoring slugged survivors crawling away and randomly finding the hatch). Nothing more needs to be said. Bye.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    Alright, then the depip squad proved nothing as well. You can't just dismiss his efforts and accept the depip squad experiment, not for the reasons you have mentioned. With all due respect, this makes you look very biased.

  • GodGame
    GodGame Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2019

    I just hope you guys all plz come to Asian server red rank and just experience it... It really is crazy to play here. There's only three killers here: Nurse, Spirit, Hillbilly (over half of the killers you meet is, of course, Nurse) When you meet Nurse, what you can do is just to pray not to die too early before you do sth so that you don't lose your pips. Think about a survivor with only 456 blood points at result screen. (you can find him in Salgu's video) Nurse is too op to enjoy the game. Once got searched (mostly with Whisper perk), all I can do is just pray to God for her mistakes..Or else you die within a few seconds.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    So if I played trapper and get 200 kills in 50 games, trapper is OP?

    Anyways, the problem with his experiment is that one of two things

    • The way the survivors play and/or what they did
    • and how long each survivor survived and/or kept him in chase

    If there are survivors in any of his games that throw the match or kill themselves on hook, it should not count as a kill as they are not fully putting their work into going against him

    If I am able to keep a good or god nurse in chase for quite a good time and survive longer then 5 mins against one and still pip, I consider that as a win, but everyone wants to consider escaping as a win. Really escaping means nothing if you still piped and died. Its just that everyone expect themselves to win every game by escaping and that dying and still piping is consider a lost.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    He already failed a challange then...

    Maps need changes.

    Too many maps consist of mostly safe loops which are great for the nurse because when she can see you she can blink on top of your ass.

  • GodGame
    GodGame Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2019

    If you can do so in Asian server 1 rank, I will call you as God of the Trapper. It's impossible. I understand those who killed themselves on the hook because I know that it's impossible to win against Nurse. Survivor's game skill does not effect much as her mistake does. Playing a game with promised defeat is not enjoyable. It is far better to go next game and play with other killers except Nurse. In addition, most of the survivors knew this experiment and they prepared themselves with counter perks. However, the result was 99% kill except 4 lucky guys who escaped by hatch. Well, I don't believe other killers can achieve such kill rate too..

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    If you are playing against a good nurse and surviving for 5 minutes, his monitor is turned off. Why are there so many low-ranked people commenting on what they don't know?

  • GodGame
    GodGame Member Posts: 6

    If you can do so in Asian server 1 rank, I will call you God of the Trapper. It is impossible. I also understand those who killed themselves on hook because I know that it's impossible to win against Nurse. Survivor's game skill does not effect much as her mistake does. Playing a game with promised defeat is not enjoyable. It is far better to go next game and play with other killers except Nurse. In addition, most of the survivors knew this experiment and prepared themselves with counter perks. However, it was meaningless to Nurse, and Salgu killed 99% of them. (except 4 lucky guys who escaped by hatch) I don't believe other killers can achieve such kill rate too.

    I definitely agree with you. I hope people go red rank first and comment here.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Or that I'm making my movements less obvious, constantly trying my best to break LOS n such. Also I don't know why you assumed that I'm a low rank player. I could easily assume that you don't know what your saying either, but am I right? No.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I like it that when we get a great nurse against survivors that are also great at the game we have relatively balanced game.

    If great nurse goes against bad survivors it's killer that is OP.

    If bad/mediocre nurse goes against great survivors it's survivors that roll over her or just DC for the heck of it.

    If bad nurse goes against bad survivors survivors still win because she can't hit anything.

    Her addons need changes as they are mostly useless but other then that she is fairly easy to counter. If you are out in the open, she will kill you quickly... then why don't you not be there?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Survivors x4 dictate flow of the game: fine and balanced. Using external means of boosting performance, allowed.

    One of FIFTEEN killers dictstes the flow of a chase instead of dully reacting to survivor loops: OmG nErF ThAt oP....


    Survivors got bad and dont get better because they dont have to.

    Killers swap to nurse because she's one of the few to RELIABLY compete with survivors.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    devs know how broken she is, she's just not fixed yet

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Basically what we have learned is that nurse mains who aren't nearly as good as they believe they are, and thus greatly underestimate what a nurse is capable of will defend this broken killer no matter what.

    From the other thread: a self-proclaimed nurse main claimed that it would be better to bring a M1 killer to the new huntress map because the big house on that map is too tough for nurses. I assume they also think the iron works building is too tough too.. For good nurses it ain't..