First Person Survivor

I thought a good fix to all the game balance issues/complaints that have always been around would be to make survivors first person similar to killer with slight changes.
Can give them a camera turn radius of 180 degrees similar to games like rust, this would allow them to check behind while working on generators, running, sprinting, all that jazz, but inhibit their ability to see where they are running to at times, this would solve many issues and complaints for killers like ghostface or any future killers that will share some of his drawbacks, if any.
I love playing killer, and sometimes the tunnel vision gets to me and the veins on my forehead start to pop out, if survivors were first person, it would be a shared frustration.
This would remove any doubts about whether or not ghostface has been/should be revealed, because if its first person, obviously they are looking at him if hes in the middle of their screen. Can even make it so if they are not looking at a generator they won't see the skill check, because thats their priority at that time, it must have their full attention to be repaired, they can only hear the skill check while looking away.
Similar to Rust and other games, they can press Left ALT or something to enable the turn while working on a gen, while they can 180 while running/sprinting. This would bring balance to the force by preventing corner peaking with their cameras and would make mind games all the more important to a survivors survival. Just my 2 cents on game balance, would like to hear other thoughts on the subject.
I forgot to add it that first person survivor would bring in more of a horror aspect to the game play.
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Brought up before, blah blah blah, no thanks. The limited visibility would outright cripple survivors since the killer moves much faster, survivors need a bit more awareness.
Now if you were willing to give up the killer's advantage of higher speed (or lessen it at least) and force survivors into first person, that might be more interesting.
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yeah but with a 180 turn radius while running and doing objectives they would still have the same advantages, they just have to be smarter about how they play. Popping the camera around corners on a ghostface for example and breaking him out of his power when the survivor itself is out line of sight is not only too unrealistic for my tastes, its broken towards the survivors favor.
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I would like to test it. Like a different game mode or something like that.
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"not only too unrealistic for my tastes, its broken towards the survivors favor."
In a game where you can get chainsawed, get a hook through a shoulder and be totally fine afterwards with some back rubs.
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I'd be 100% down for that, tbh. It was be super cool to have an actual horror movie mode, with a slow-moving killer using everyone's lack of awareness to take care of them.
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The limited vision of the killer force you to mind games survivors.
In this forum all (rank 10 or 1 btw) cry, if you give limited vision for survivor this game will be not fun anymore.
If the bad vision disturb you (example on nurse or huntress) just use shadow born, it work well!
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That would be interesting, if the killers also received a nerf for example they walk at 102% the speed.