Freddy is OP

Well, everybody had problem with Legion. I dont know why. I have problem with FREDDY!!! All game I have been playing so far are rank down, no chance against millions freddy skills. Teleporting to gen, traps, faker pallets also add idiotic campers andf tunneler and add-ons. All survivors down, 5000 - 7000 poins, while killer get double pip...

Really balanced game. If you create something like this, you should let survivors - players decide, which killer will be in game. Because I dont wanna definitely play against freddyshit


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Least Freddy lost his map wide wall hack.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    he ain't though

  • TrapperKeeper
    TrapperKeeper Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2019

    Freddy isn't OP. Once more, every game is situational. Your team and their player skill-level. The killer's skill-level. All players knowledge with the game, perks and maps etc. Everything needs to be taken into consideration. Not to mention, he can't use fake-pallets or dream-snares at the same time, you can only use one. So he has two abilities like Legion.

    If you're playing against Tunnelers, campers? Then you're playing against jerky players, but that's nothing to do with the Killer. Honestly, Freddy needed this re-work and now it's made him a more viable killer and not one that can be jerked around. The fact that you even mentioned about survivors - players, being able to pick the killers in the game, speaks volumes.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    The thing is there are too much things going on, the blood, the pallets, the gen transportation, the sleep state and slow gens, what about risking something instead of winning in a cheap way.

    Not very balanced, as long there are no tunneling penalties these kind of killers are OP.

    If you are getting unhooked you should take 2 hits even if you are not fully healed.

    And DS should be a mandatory thing in the game, not a perk, once in the game you have a chance to escape.

    Most of these killers where killed by dumb weak teenagers in the movies, what the hell are you doing guys?

    Im rank 9 after the reset and all I see is ruin, mori, noed, and lot of tunneling and I play solo, mori should be only from rank 5 to 1.

    Not something you see in a daily basis, ruining the game for everyone.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    The fact that you are fine with campers and tunnelers without any kind of punishment also speak volumes too, because thats all Im seeing from rank 10 to 5, guys that want to kill using 1 button and viola, they are awesome and talented!

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Playing against him today, he's literally an m1 killer. The snares barely do anything if you just drop the pallet early, and as for fake pallets- that means he doesn't have snares, meaning you can shut down his whole power if you just have a memory better than a single red ant and avoid dream pallets. Actually manages to be worse than a properly played Old Freddy.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    edited July 2019

    Maybe... just maybe....

    give it time and learn to play against him :)

    I'd suggest small game if you don't like the pallets. I ran it for my first round against him, was the pallets, and I was able to destroy the decoys often and not get caught out by them. it was like being chased by old freddy.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    He is an m1 killer, that has lots of things going on around him so he can just relax and use 1 button to get the job done.

    You say survs only have to evade, memorize, get awake, escape from gens and he only needs m1? seems unbalanced to me.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    Is this whole thread a bait, or should it be taken serious? I´m not really sure about this?!

    Regarding the points:

    • Teleporting to gen: First of all, this power needs to fill up after the match started. He´s the ONLY killer who´s in need to wait until he can use his power (which is, imho, bs). Legion, Spirit, and so on can use their power after the game starts. They are able to move faster than normal to the ruin or a highlighted gen (when using discordance). And if he teleports, this power needs 5 seconds, where everyone can leave. If this is the big problem, than good luck with Blinky Girl or Spirit, where u get no warning and they just appear. The only good reason to use this power is after hooking someone, u can PGTW a gen
    • Traps: Are bs, sorry to say. Same effect as the gas from the Clown, and Clown sux without addons. Even the Clown can through his bottles over a pally after it´s dropped. So, in which way should this snares be op? It´s the same counter as against Clown, just drop the pally, and fast vault the pally every time, cause same as the gas, the snares dont afflict fast-vaulting pallys.
    • Fake pallets: So u know, he has no snares, if u encounter the fake pallets. And he has to force u to this pallets, as the Trapper has to force u into his traps, same as Hag. It´s DBD-Memory, not more, not less. Yesterday a survivor "annoyed" me, cause everytime he saw i created a pally, he dropped it. So, same bs as with the Hag or the Trapper, when someone´s near to u, they just destroy your traps / hag traps or fake pallys.
    • Idiotic campers and tunnelers: this, i think, is the main problem of Freddy, cause he´s the only killer who´s able to do so. Kappa.
    • 5000 - 7000 BP and killer gets double pip: maybe aat green ranks, at red ranks this means, the game was too fast, the killer had no chance to 3-hook everyone, so maybe one pip. On the other side, if everyone had just 5 - 7 k BP, this means to me, there went something absolutly wrong.
    • Let survivors decide, which killer is released: of course, maybe than every killer has the movement spped of a non-blinkin nurse, and only feral frenzy as possibility to attack. So u just can injure everyone, but that´s it. Sure.

    I guess u missunderstood the definition of a M1-killer.

    I honestly invite u to play all M1-killer, one after the other, and pls, relax and press just one button. But, stream or record it.

    If u think, playing killer is relaxing, just listen to survivor-main-streamer, who dont play killer cause it´s too stressy.

    "evade, memorize, get awake, escape from gens and he only needs m1" - just for the sake, the killer has to use M1, M2 for his traps /pally, Ctrl to teleport. Maybe "R" to drop a survivor. U r using M1-simulator, sometimes u hit space, maybe Ctrl to crouch, and Shift to run. Ah, sorry, forgot bout "R" to drop an item. Not that big difference.

    U have to evade, he has to search survivors, and chase them. U need to wake up (i dont see the reason for waking up, but ok), he has to set traps or fake pallets.

    U need to escape from gens, he needs to port to them or run to them.

    He only needs M1 - and u? I nearly never play with medkits or toolboxes or so, means, my only interaction is M1 to repair, hittin sometimes Space. When i get chased, just Shift and Space. I´m not writing an essay while playing, that i have to use my whole keyboard.

    just as Saveatznick said, at the end of the day, he´s just a M1-killer. No chainsaw, no puke, no hatchets. Just his bas attack.

    And, cause i saw rants bout his add-ons in another topic - they r quite #########. A very rare addon, which comes with a hemmorhage effect for 60 seconds. Wow. Surely as powerful as prayer beads (also very rare). And once again, stupid timed effects, BUT... No exhaustion addon, as Huntress, Clown and Pig have. So, same bs as Legions buttons.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    You don't need to wake up against him unless you know he's using dream pallets, and even then it's almost better to be asleep because you can drop the pallets you know are fake while he's occupied. Survivor gameplay against him has a few quirks that may or may not come into play, but in the end, he's still a loopable m1 killer.

    If you really think playing any m1 killer is a "sit back and relax" kind of deal, you probably need to play killer more.

  • Unapippa
    Unapippa Member Posts: 34

    not op, but fake pallets need a rework imho, there is no counter for them, don't say to memorize throwed pallets, cause you can't remember a pallet that you haven't throwed, 90% of the cases, fake pallets it's a free hit.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Legion is an M1 killer and I killed lots of survs by just running jumping pallets and pressing gens, whats your point? that sometimes you use space occasionally?

    You talk like playing killer is some exhausting thing like Quake 3 or Quake Champions, when in fact you will never die, you can use ruin to hang a couple times before the first gen gets done, close hatches and there are a trillion of campers watching the hook from a distance to tunnel the hooked surv, you are faster than them, you never run out of anything like flashlights, toolboxes, etc and perks to see survs after hooking or if they are doing gens in coop...

    Lets not forget those boring gen locking matches.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Exactly. also who told them we need to be experts and memorize every map to know everything just for one killer?

    Like hey the match has just started, Im gonna scan the whole map to check pallets, in 5 minutes I will check totems and then while killer is drinking coffee I will start doing some gens.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Maybe you need to play another games, this is a very fun game, but is not deep in mechanics at all, to say playing killer is hard is too much.

  • TrapperKeeper
    TrapperKeeper Member Posts: 22

    Woah, woah, woah. I didn't say at all, that I was fine with campers and tunnelers. I said you're playing against jerky players. Of course it's not fun if you get camped or tunneled, honestly the only players that deserve such treatment are toxic players imho. As I said before, it's not the killer, but the player that causes the issues you're complaining about.

    Not mention when you progress through the ranks and start from Rank 10 towards Rank 1. The game gets consistently more difficult, so you'll have to expect players are going to become more desperate for points/pips, especially when there's the gen-rush.

  • Lumi83
    Lumi83 Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2019

    I don't have an issue with the rework.. bar 1 thing. who the hell thought it was a good idea to let him teleport to ANY gen. this is super strong with 2 gens and less to go. its crazy. perma 3 gen strat? I have seen a lot of things rated too OP since I started playing dbd that weren't. Watched people bicker about OP survivors OP Killers. Campers, Loopers, Tunnelers.. and I did not care.. as everyone has the right to play the way they want with what the game gives them. but gen teleporting is a step too far imo. its too strong.. or at least needs to be disabled with 2 gens to go or limited like the hag, needing to be in a certain distance. I play DBD a little over 2 years now with over 2000 hours.

  • Virayn
    Virayn Member Posts: 9

    Gen locking happens because the survivors do all the gens in one area, the killer is just taking advantage of the survivors' mistake. It's not the killer's fault that the survivors decided to lock down their objective options by not thinning out the remaining gens.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I'm glad you didn't have a problem with Legion, but I did have a problem with how weak Freddy was. Sure, he had some strengths (Red paintbrush on The Game), but overall was weakened due to survivor complaints.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The teleport takes so long that you end up using it very rarely. The more survivors that die, the even more rarely you'll use the teleport. I think you're over exaggerating its' usefulness. Most just use the ability to scare people from the gens. Besides, it's a dream, shouldn't he be able to as the dream demon?

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I'll just drop this off here...

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    If they use lame tactics to try to get a pip there should be a punishment, I play mostly solo and its very frustrating to have 80% of the matches with killer exploiting lame stuff.

    As I said before, if the entity is so killer friendly, why even bother? those killers bit the dust getting wasted by dumb kids in the movies.

    At some point killers must accept they will never beat those rank 1 SWF because its too much, but that doesnt mean EVERYONE must pay for their suffering.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Is not surv faults to play solo and have no communication at all, and there you have it, a 40 min boring as hell match where 90% of the times the killers lose, almost the whole team escaped 9 out 10 times.

  • TrapperKeeper
    TrapperKeeper Member Posts: 22

    It's clear, that there's no clue at all. The game, and how it works and even for movies lol. I can't help but feel a trollish presence here. Good luck in your future games. xD

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Mike Myers, bullied by a teenage girl

    Freddy, the same.


    Trapper is an unlicenced Jason Voorhees.

    Nice try to chance history.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    What mistake? playing solo? having no form of communication at all?anyway the result is 9 out of 10 times the killer lose and almost the whole team escapes.

    The only time it went bad it was because it was a nurse.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    So... you're simultaneously saying that killers are OP and should be nerfed, and that 9 times out of ten the killer loses and the whole team escapes?

  • Lumi83
    Lumi83 Member Posts: 66
    edited July 2019


  • Lumi83
    Lumi83 Member Posts: 66

    well then... take his ability away to hit survivors that are awake. its not part of freddys power anyway. I have never in all my dbd hours.. seen such a horrible killer rework.. it was only a matter of time till gen teleporting became a thing. it needs ot be nipped in the butt right away. I still stand by what I said.. gen teleporting is too much, no matter how slow. it is the 1 and only issue I have with this rework.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    i dont wanna be that guy but... if you really have problems against the new freddy than you just need to get better and adapt. he is slightly better than before, nothing to crazy about him. so stop being angry and whiny try to improve instead.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    "Do you want to know the secret to pain? If you just stop feeling it, you can start to use it." -Robert Englund.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    So you are saying CAMPING and GEN LOCKING are the same thing that being OP.

    Great, tell us more please.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Aikanaro, please get banned.

  • Chuckyyo
    Chuckyyo Member Posts: 65

    Playing both sides, I find the new Freddy fair and fun on both ends. There's nothing OP about him imo.

    The teleport is useful for map pressure and great to quickly start a new chase after hooking someone, but it gives survivors enough time to react and run away.

    Neither Snares nor Pallets are that powerful, and both can be countered by waking up, which can be done three different ways.

    I get that part of his powers can be frustrating to go against, but once you get a hang of it there's nothing overpowered about him.

  • deadlycast
    deadlycast Member Posts: 45

    WOW, your that bad to want something nerfed, 2-3 games in against? lets just nerf all killers. so they cant even move. they cant even attack. the just throw blood points at survivors.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    I mean, it's hard to tell what you're talking about half the time because your English isn't the greatest. That's not your fault, it's a global game and your English is probably far better than what I could do in your language, but... posting the same post four times (the last 3 8 hours after the first one... you could have just used the edit post button, dude!) is a little excessive and you do seem to jump topics a lot.

    But you do seem to be saying that killers are overpowered and needing a nerf. Is that correct, or am I misunderstanding your posts? And yet if killers manage to guard 3 generators (assuming that's what you mean by Gen Locking, which, assuming they're not just sitting there and doing nothing else the whole game until those 3 nearby are the only ones left, is good strategic gameplay) that it 9 times out of 10 leads to almost all survivors escaping. That seems to suggest that killers aren't OP, they can't even make a successful game (not even a 4k, but killing most of the players) in a situation that favorable. If they can't win in a 3-gen strat, how do you expect them to win if the last 3 generators are spread throughout the map?

    Camping is a problem with gameplay, but it's not a problem with being OP and killers shouldn't be balanced around those who camp (except to a very limited level with ideally making a killer's perks and powers not reward it)

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Freddy is OP, right.

    And Nurse needs a nerf.

    Next your gonna tell me Hill Billy is to strong.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    The games I've had with Freddy, I've pipped. I think it's a you thing. He feels fine to me.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Thats because the stupid page doesnt work on firefox, and a mod told me to threat you like a queen because it was probably hurting your feelings.

    You are making a giant straw man out of nowhere, are gen locking, camping tunneling and being OP the same?

    If not please stop this nonsense.