You need to get rid of looping

I don't understand why you let this become a thing when it could've been solved when it first emerged 3 years ago, now every killer you release you have to create a power with loops in mind, all you needed to do when this game first came out was put an extra emphasis on stealth, but little by freaking little you all shied away from that by including aura perks for both survs and killers, creating horrid map designs.
Killer is stressful as hell and you keep believing its so fun. When you get to high ranks hell even mid ranks you have survs which all they do is loop, not only that it's especially infuriating because you're screwed up matchmaking is giving my ranks wayyy higher than it should be. I can't even play the killers I really want to or else I'll just get looped and genrushed to Oblivion.
Why didnt you handle this epidemic when it first started, why did you let this become the future of your game?
Simple. The game needs about 3,5 times as many survivors as killers. Survivors enjoy chases more than stealth. Gotta cater for their wishes too. And yes, I agree looping is stupid, yes I wish stealth was more of a thing. But most people are not patient enough for it, so... looping is gonna stay.
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Not all survivors enjoy chases more than stealth, but with dozens of killer's perks to find survivors we can't do anything else.
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You know, I would also love for the game to have a more stealthy approach, to be given the chance to do so. As a survivor, all you do is running. Once the killer finds you, he's not gonna let hold of you until he downs you, even if he has to chase you for 5 gens (most of the time). All you can do is loop, because even when you stun the killer with just the first pallet you find, and even if said killer ISN'T using Enduring, stuns last too little to give you any chance of making the killer lose sight on you. You want to live, you loop. If we have to be fair, though, there are many things that should be removed, killer side too. Yesterday I played a match against a Hillybilly. Now, once you are facing a Billy, you already know he's only ever going to down you with his chainsaw; the vast majority of Billy players won't even try to hit you with their main weapon. Not only that though, he was also camping. After hooking a survivor, he placed himself in a bee line from the hook, far enough not to lose points for camping, with his chainsaw active. Then, when someone came in for the unhook, he sprinted from where he was and downed him. Now please, don't come and tell me this is a legit strategy or anything like that. If you want to be taken seriously, that is. Being hit through pallets or windows is another thing. The same cheap Billy guy aforementioned also hit me with the chainsaw over a damn brick wall. I'd say killer mains have much more stuff going on for them than survivors do, even though I know the pain of being looped.
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The game is just terribly balanced overall tbh, I love the game to pieces, but it's issues run very deep
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To get rid of looping you have to remove buildings, pallets, windows & walls.
Have fun in an empty map with survivors running in straight lines and going down instantly, sounds super exciting.
Sorry, but anyone who thinks "removing looping" is good for the game has absolutely no clue.
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Can't argue over that. Too true to be denied. Feels like some stuff isn't even properly tested. There are totems spawning in places where survivors cannot interact with them on new Badham variants, for instance. And we still don't have dedicated servers yet. I mean, one more month and summer 2019 will be gone, and they said those servers would have been released during this summer, right? And even if it isn't a balance thing, feels like they are going on the cheap side too, when it comes to licensed stuff. We are only getting paragraphs now, either killer OR survivor and no licensed map.
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I think they should nerf looping after they buff stealth in my opinion.
Maybe they add more vegetation, or increase the amount of solid LoS blockers.
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How do you "nerf" something that happens because an object is in the map.
Stealth is trash and it'll never be a core part of gameplay given how many tracking perks killers are running, people need to stop pushing the "stealth" aspect when they're all crying about how dark survivors outfits are.
"We want more stealth but every outfit should be bright white".
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Agreed looping must go, survivors need to be able to break line of sight and escape the killer.
Running in circles is simply stupid for this type of game
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@SenzuDuck Pallets and Windows would be enough you can't gain distance without them.
Not counting exhaustion perks obviously.
Remove detection killer perks, balance door placement, remove those and it'll be an immersion battle where you don't want to be spotted before the other 3.
Instead of a 4v1 its everyone against eachother the goal isn't escape its be the last alive to reach end game. An endurance/last man standing.
Sounds fun to me tbh.
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Stealth is about positioning yourself out of the killer's LoS, it's not about using a skin and hoping to the Entity they don't see you in plain sight.
Anyways, having more vegetation, hiding actions, and LoS blockers will give survivors more options when the killer is nearby. Looping is pretty easy to nerf, just increase the survivors' collision box, or decrease the killer's collision box.
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Can you actually think for a second.
How does a pallet work without anything around it? It needs to operate like it does right now, should we just have freestanding pallets? lmao.
Survivors already die most of the time, people are already pushing for more objectives, the survival rate at rank one is like 43% or some ######### and you want even more, ridiculous.
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"The survival rate at rank one is like 43% or some ######### and you want even more, ridiculous."
However, the most frequently used killer, and the most strongest, is the Nurse at rank one, so of course you're going to see a 43% survival rate.
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duh, silly me, just disappear while you're bleeding, moaning & leaving scratch marks, not to mention killers are faster than survivors, just hide behind an object. duhhhh.
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I'm not saying you don't have a point that looping will always be there, but it certainly can be mitigated. Why is the first reaction to do laps around a car rather than go and attempting to hide. There are honestly somethings in this game that are ridiculous.
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Stop lobbying for a mechanic that ruins the game.
You reduce looping by putting doors in all the major buildings which are a real cause of concern, like ironworks of misery as an example.
Pallets are either unsafe (90%) , like the new badham or super safe (10%) like the ones close to the basement in the game or the shack pallet.
The purpose of a chase becomes to escape, to make it a stressful and dangerous situation, not the Benny Hill show like it is right now
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Yeah, smart thinking Senzu, you shouldn't hide while in a chase, but before a chase even initiates. 😉
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For reference this is DBD with a funny music, it doesn't look that good does it?
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Do you play survivor at all?
"Just hide behind something and hope the killer doesn't see you"?
jfc I'm glad the devs ignore the forums for suggestions.
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"Just magically hide while walking and hope the killer doesn't see you"
"Hide everytime you hear the heartbeat because we've removed half the "loops" in the match so you better not get caught or you're insta down".
Imagine playing against billy with nothing to run around, or a huntress with nothing to block the hatchets.
I'm sure you guys don't actually play this game.
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Not gonna lie I hate stealth no matter wether I play killer or survivor. Nothing is more boring than checking ALL generators MULTIPLE TIMES because everyone's urban-ing around like a scared chicken and nothing is more frustrating than getting chased by the killer for minutes just to eventually see an immersed player in the bushes while you're looping the killer.
Unlike others I want to chase people as killer and want to have intense chases against the killer when playing survivor. Isn't this supposed to be the fun part about dbd? Literally every single map consists of loopable structures for a reason.
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They have started to experiment with new tiles that can be found in red forest for example. They are much more fun for both killers and survivors compared to dull loops that can be found in macmillans and autohaven where neither parties have no outplay potential.
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I never said anything of what you put in quotations, and also, why are you getting so hostile? Chillax, and take deep breaths my dude! 🙂
Now, before the killer sees you, try hiding instead of running away because the killer can't hurt you if they cannot find you, that's the power of stealth.
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Seeing as you're so good, tell me how that helps in a chase situation, dude.
You do realise survivors are slow when they walk? Killers are fast, you can't just instantly hide, killers have tracking perks like whisperers, which makes it pretty easy to find someone even if they're hiding.
but sure dude, you keep pushing the trash stealth ideas and pretend this game will work solely on stealth and a couple of pallets and windows.
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Excuse me? When and where did I say that? I didn't. So idk where you got that from.
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@SenzuDuck Hide and Seek is fun.
The point is to never been in a chase but to hope other survivors are and hope they die fast.
Ever watched vince play scaredette? That but unironically
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The point is to never be in a chase? IF a killer camps and you never enter a chase you depip, but sure chases aren't important at all.
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I escaped countless times after being chased and running iron will. You can juke the killer while chased.
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" Why is the first reaction to do laps around a car rather than go and attempting to hide."
Is essentially the same as telling people to hide and not let the killer see you.
how do you "go and hide" with a killer in your ass and you're spewing blood and scratchmarks everywhere while moaning your head off?
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There needs to be a balance of both types of play, and that's what I myself an getting at. Currently stealth isn't as viable and that's because of some perks but also because the majority just wants to chase, and that's fine but there need to be other mechanics which would encourage stealth as well. Right now this game is just all about loops
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No it's not, I said that in exaggeration and it was also a question. You're misinterpreting so much and then on top of that you sound real pompous.
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We are talking about a hypothetical future. Of course emblems would be changed if this happens.
They're reworking ranks anyway.
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As you're such an expert, I'd love to hear how you encourage more stealth without just saying
"go and hide".
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And then, shouldn't you not want to be found in the first place by the killer?
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Well, I mean - with the tracked leaderboards of 43,000 players I'm in the top 300 of killers that have most kills on survivors, I mean, it's not a high number, but I play a lot more killer and have no issues with loops, lmao.
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i typically try to stay awake when I play games so I'd prefer not to make the game super ######### boring
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Get off them and get in a closet or head to a corner and crouch if you hear heartbeat?
If its a stealth killer, nurse or billy RIP hope the other 3 do gens while you're on hook/ they save you.
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@SenzuDuck , you say: "Have fun in an empty map with survivors running in straight lines and going down instantly, sounds super exciting.Sorry, but anyone who thinks "removing looping" is good for the game has absolutely no clue."
I disagree: the game gives options (and it should give more) to lose the killer during a chase. Dance With Me + Lithe combo is great (and stylish too!), there are some plays with Quick and Quiet, Urban; and, if you have enough distance, simply stopping running and hiding may be an option. But there's some truth to what @prayer_survivor says, with so many detection perks for killers, it can be tough.
That doesn't change the fact though that Looping. Is. Stupid. Mostly the "survivors are slim, killers are fat" aspect. Just doesn't make sense, and not worthy of a horror(ish) game. Understand, survivors being able to vault faster, drop pallets is fine, it's a good concept: killers are faster, survivors are more agile. But the size difference is horribly annoying.
It's going to stay though. If we want more stealth... we have to find another game. Sorry Gardenia.
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These are already options anyway, you act as if a survivor trying to hide is suddenly not visible from halfway across the map by the killer.
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This is because people like you lobbied fir looping, the essence is escaping and avoiding chases should be a viable tactic.
And yes with looping gone tracking perks will need to be nerfed
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or, I could engage in a chase and try to enjoy playing the game. sick advice btw
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"Lobbied for looping" Is there a secret council I'm a part of or something?
Looping will never be gone because the only requirement needed to loop is an object in a map, to remove looping you need to remove EVERYTHING, I've looped killers on a gen before, maybe we should remove them?
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Lets hypothesise.
This new anti looping update that's coming, it's to encourage stealth and it removes 80% of loops in the game, however it requires you to run Dance With Me + Lithe because they help stealth, without it you're ######### out of luck and have nothing to do other than go down and sit on a hook until you're saved, SOUNDS AWESOME.
Additionally, with all these object removed, and this push for stealth, what do survivors actually hide behind, you know because all the loops are gone?
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no that'd be impractical. let killers walk through objects. it's fine because just stealth!! it's that easy!!!!!!
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No, again you're misinterpreting things. The essence of being a survivor is not to be found by the killer, so shouldn't you not want to be found by the killer rather than trying to get into a needless chase?
Not attempting to hide or evade increases your chances of being in a chase.
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Killers: "We don't like stealthy clothing"
Killers: "We want matches to be more stealth based"
Devs: ??????
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I try and hide 100% of the time when I hear the killers radius, sometimes you can't tell where a killer is coming from, sometimes they see your bright ass head from across the map, sometimes they hear the grass move.
You can't hide 100% of the time, and when you don't killers are hear complaining saying survivors are forcing chases.
I've never facepalmed so hard on a thread before, this is ridiculous.
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Lol you know your argument is partisan right?
Looping is used in this context as a short for pallet looping and looping semi infinites.
Nobody cares if you loop a gen because its not a guaranteed safe spot like now.
Maybe you shoukd go back and see the start of dbd before looping was discovered. It was never an intended mechanic but survivors lobbied for it and now here we are.
Do you not see how desperate the dev team is to reduce looping without upsetting survivors?
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Why comment if you don't want to discuss something if your opinion is already biased. You're not changing anyone's minds here same as we can't change your mind. Maybe leave if you've nothing else to say?