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You need to get rid of looping



  • Member Posts: 862

    if only stealth was viable, the clothes werent pastel bright pink and survivors didnt make whale noises even when just breathing i bet thered be more stealth

  • Member Posts: 636

    You don't cite a specific person or post and I'm not going to make assumptions.

    However, when I suggest stealth it's because I know what the next response is going to be: 'but it's boring' or in effect that. If someone keeps coming across a scenario where looping is not working(Nurse etc), pointing out that stealth is an option that exists completely neutralises the demands that are often attached to complaints about looping not working. People can not say 'Nurse ignores all mechanics' as if looping, windows and pallets count as 'all mechanics'. People who say this are themselves ignoring all mechanics, except the ones they have tunnel-vision for.

    Then the discussion moves on to whether more generally stealth is viable, which of course it generally isn't: but what started the topic was not a general thing but a specific scenario and even looping survivors do resort to stealth sometimes. The frequent abuse of the limited killer PoV(borked since the Unreal engine update, which the devs said was an unintentional bug but they had no plans to ever fix it) is a stealth strategy; they're trying to get hide from the killer right next to them.

    If I was being unfair, I'd suggest that Karl's earlier speculation about why killers bring up stealth was a case of projection: instead of 'killers wanting more stealth emphasis because they want easier and faster chases', what this reveals is survivors don't like a choice that locks them in but always more 2nd-chances. When looping, pallets, windows and get-out-of-jail-free perks are exhausted, they then use something which they claim isn't viable in any other context: stealth, usually to great-effect.

    I'm not going to be unfair though, because I don't know if that's true for anyone or survivors generally. I do think that survivors don't know what they want, which precludes me assuming they want that.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I just don't understand where this thread is coming from. I mean.... I get it, you hate getting looped. But on the other hand, how easy of a game do you want.

    The only way to get out the match is to complete gens which are stationary and in set places. The killer is naturally going to be in and around those set places. Stealth does not help you for very long, especially with killer tracking perks (hello Whispers) so the better way to play the game is to run perks that help you get away from the killer rather than hiding from them. In fact, the most annoying teammates are the ones who urban evade around the map doing next to nothing while you're looping the killer, waiting for things to get done and nothing does.

    If we were talking about a game that involved getting from point A to point B, more emphasis on stealth makes sense. In DBD where the objective is to get things DONE and LIVE against someone who is faster, stronger, and has powers, running makes more sense than hiding

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Yeah, Bill's Background on console is one paragraph, when you compare that to the Legion's background, or even Jeff's Background, it's sad...

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    In a game that revolves around killer-survivor interaction, why should there be a killer that denies every tool a survivor has at their disposal during an interaction.

  • Member Posts: 73

    I did read the post title. I also read the actual post.

    As a killer, I cannot speak for others, but I love stealth. It makes finding or listening in to catch survivors fun. I don't find circling a truck until I get head-bonked by a pallet as much so. I'm not saying stealth should be the meta, but I think stealth should still be a viable option.

    Even the points in this game shun you for being stealthy. I don't want to come off as rude at any time, but can you honestly say that being chased/chasing every single match is fun? Would you not like there to be an air of fear? Would you not like there to be a difference in perk builds and killer/add-ons at lower ranks?

    Imagine this like any other PvP, normal game. For Honor for example, since they also have immense balancing issues a majority of the time simply because of how the game works. Would you find it fun if you always faced the same class? The same ledge guarding? The problem with a game like this where the sides are just SO split down the middle (common in Asymetrical, for obvious reasons) is that each side will always want the advantage.

    I simply believe Survivors should have more benefits for stealth and other plays styles (hex hunter, generator mechanic, etc) should have more enticing rewards. I love the game, but it is absurdly repetative at times, primarily due to the limit of viable options for either side to select

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    That's because LoS blockers are really good for stealth, but hey, we can agree to disagree. 🤷‍♂️

    We just want a 1:1 ratio with stealth and chases, that's all. :)

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    and still no actual suggestions besides "hide".

    good job, another concealed gen that you walked down a stairs to avoid being seen, while two other people are on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    I look at something like "remove looping" like I look at players asking for devs to "remove wallbouncing" in Gears of War.

    You can't. Not without literally gutting the game. Both are inherent to the design of the game. It's impossible to actually remove. You can balance it, but that's about it. Unless you want DBD to be a totally different kind of game.

    Honestly if you legit think that looping can or should be removed, then you need to find a different game. Sorry to say.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Survivors have 2 options when the killer approaches: Run or Hide. There's isn't a third option.

    If you can hide, go for it because it prevents you from entering a chase, which was preferable in that clip since it was a Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    and that's exactly what happens now? What are you trying to change? If a gen has been touched it's likely a survivor has been there, the amount of times my first hit has come from seeing a survivor try and hide behind a tree and I've seen them go there is almost every game, but okay, still unsure what your apparent idea is, lmao.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I'm trying to tell you hiding isn't impossible, from those two clips, if you know what you're doing as a survivor, you can hide. You seem to think I'm telling you hiding is a 100% chance of success, but no, it's not always going to work. However, that's because the game is built around chases - Something OP doesn't want.

    We want the game to be built around chases, AND stealth.

  • Member Posts: 126

    why is it that some people just love to complain about core gameplay mechanics, plz stop.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2019

    I told you on the first page of the discussion on how to buff stealth, but here, I'll quote myself to show you what I've said. Also, you completely ignored the second part of what I've said, and said this: You didn't even read my suggestions.

    "duh, silly me, just disappear while you're bleeding, moaning & leaving scratch marks, not to mention killers are faster than survivors, just hide behind an object. duhhhh."

    Here's what I've suggested

    I'm just going to end it here between us, because you're getting way too hostile towards me. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    I don't think looping should be outright removed but some maps definitely need changes to make it less powerful. I don't think anyone would disagree that the MacMillan Iron Works loop is ridiculously strong. And if looping is going to be nerfed, then I think things like LOS breakers and hiding places should be added to give survivors the stealth option if they wish to do so.

    Both stealth and chases should be fun and viable options so looping shouldn't be completely removed. instead I think it should be tweaked so that the majority of the loops can be mindgamed and require a semblance of skill. And I wouldn't mind extra bushes, shadows, and LOS breakers to buff stealth to make up for it.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Oh dear.

    More hiding actions? What's the point, you have lockers? Any object you put in, no matter what it looks like is just a reskinned locker, lmao.

    Maybe let survivors climb up trees and have the killer shake every tree in the map to find survivors?

    More vegetation? Like corn, yea killers LOVE corn maps so much with all that vegetation, lets make every map like cornfields.

    More LoS blockers, oh so you mean more loops, you know, those things this thread is trying to rid of? Why don't we let survivors go prone and crawl inside little tunnels.

    this whole idea is ridiculous, especially when your suggestions are things already in the game, lockers, corn, loops.


  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077

    Ok enough, i gave this thread too many chances and even after i asked to tone it down, you still keep attacking each other.

  • Member Posts: 73

    My bad, I did infact get the speed precentage mixed up. I took the speed at which the pig moves and used it for the hill billy (Honestly sorry)

    As for dead hard, I wasnt saying you can use it to Outrun the killer. But the way collision with pig and Billy works, you can deactivate their lunges by using DH at the right time with no repurcussions other than exhaustion. So like... When they begin the swing, activating deadhard will stop the damage but still cancel their sprint.

    As for the video... That is more just ignorant survivor. If I am not mistaken, Billy has slightly longer strike when sprinting (i could be wrong). Enough of a boost that he could swing through windows if the survivor hugs the wall (which Jane does), instead of running forward out of strike distance. The only other idea I could have is maybe lag or glitch, since you seem to actually partially phase through the window to land your attack (look closely at the bottom of the screen during the hit).

    Of course, I don't mean to start arguements. I simply meant to stir up food for thought. But also, these are just two killers which are capable of moving fast enough to catch up to sprint burst. My point was that sprint burst is capable of making chases with slower killers nearly impossible (unless exhausted, they generally have a large headstart on you by using this perk.)

  • Member Posts: 73

    sorry for the mix up. Pig's lunge is slightly faster (160%) and I confused the speed differences.

    As for the DH, you cannot outrun. But you can stall. Due to sprint and lunge, they deactivate on first strike. DH causes collision but blocks damage, meaning you can disable their move (though a minimal advantage, I don't think DH is a problem)

    As for the video... I honestly don't know. I play Billy... A little less than some other killers, but about a dozen matches a week (yeah, I know. Real hour logger here for billy). That has never happened to me. My guess is that she simply hugged the wall too closely when she moves, or you partially phased through the wall (look at the bottom in those last crucial seconds, you appear to go through it)

    Of course, I don't want to start arguements. Sorry for the misinformation, but do you see where I am coming from that looping should not be the only viable play style?

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