Killer Adepts

I've asked several times and i'm still being refused an answer. Could you please make killer adepts less frustrating? Getting 4ks with bad perks is challenging enough without the added requirement of the survivors playing well enough for the killer to earn a double pip. If you loosen the requirement a bit to where it's only 5 times harder than a survivor adept, as opposed to 10, i'd have a reason to not run bbq, spirit fury, enduring, ruin every game.
I totally agree that the killer adepts are harder than survivor ones. I believe they should stick with the 4K requirement, but leave out the 2 pip part as that largely is not influenced by how well you play (I.e. gatekeeper). That being said, are there any particular adepts you are struggling with?
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I agree. The other thing is that some killers struggle in certain areas. For instance Chainsaw killers struggle with brutality of all things, Pig and Plague struggle with Deviousness, and Clown can struggle with Hunter or Deviousness points, whichever comes first (since chases can be short and you can run out of bottles easily).
I'm honestly amazed that I got pre-reworked Adept Freddy.
The point is, these need to changed.
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Well, that's just one killer. The others still suffer. Besides, it's a big waste of time to puke on EVERYTHING.
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In the past few days since rank reset I have obtained at rank 10 and up.
Trapper, Myers, Leatherface, Pig.
Since the reworked pipping system I have also obtained. All being rank 10 and up except Spirit.
Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Freddy (before rework), Clown, Spirit, Legion (before rework)
It's not impossible most of these I got my first try. I'm not even that good of a killer personally. Also I have never run the build you use.
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My main struggle is not killer specific. It's actually survivor specific. If they leave someone on the hook too long then I can't get the achievement.
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you must be very lucky then because i keep 4k'n and not gettin it due to any number of reasons. the main reason being the survivors not saving each other in time. after several 4ks and no achievement i just give up and play survivor or use my main killers. my main point is that survivors can get adepts by potatoing all game and walking out the gate but killers have to not only play well but rely on the survivors to save each other/not dc.
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Ah, yeah it took me 3 4K games with GF to get his adept so I know what you mean. You honestly need to guide the survivors playstyle, which is a ridiculous requirement, but until it gets fixed like we want we have to make do.
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not only do we have to guide them but we have to prevent them from dc'n. after too many games like that i get angry and decide to burn through a mori or 2.... or 10 lol
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@ggallinftw Toooo realllll I don’t understand dc’s. And they happen so frequently! I hate having to consciously go “I can’t do this or this survivor might dc” for something as basic as following a survivor towards a hook. There is so much thought that goes into it it’s like I majored in Psychology 😂
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Yeah lol but in some cases even the psych degree won't work. I've been denied the achievement by as little as finding the first survivor. Anything could set them off!! 😂
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Just keep trying. Some of these are frustrating, but you'll get them eventually. Unfortunately, your success mostly depends on how potato survivors are. If they are genrushing like they should, you'll lose too much on Gatekeeper.
Go for the difficult ones right after rank reset.
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I've tried to do it after reset. They just end up quitting or suiciding on hook.
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Yeah the MOMENT a survivor goes into stage two while hooked, dc's, or kills themselves on hook, odds are there's no point in going for the Adept in that match anymore.
As others have said, while resets seem like the best time to do this, you tend to get more dc's THEN than just about any other time in game. You get a dc and... well... see above paragraph.
That's something that's truly irritated me since this change to killer pipping. I can ANNIHILATE all four survivors before a single generator gets done, but I only get rewarded with Brutal Killer because I didn't let ththe survivors attempt to do enough in the match for myself to gain points from stopping them. The system seemingly penalizes good gameplay survivor AND killer side as totally wrecking face rewards you with next to nothing in terms of ranking.