Nurse nerf incoming boys!



  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    It's always funny how Survivor mains like you just completely ignore all the nerfs Killer got throughout the years and the buffs Survivors got alongside them. It's also funny how you play the disgusted one, as if you had any basis for that if you'd look at quality instead of quantity. Oh actually, even in quantity Killers nerfs beat Survivor nerfs.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited July 2019

    Not to mention Mrs. Piggy had any viability gutted. In one of the most recent patches.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    I mean, that might work.

    But unless I am getting stream sniped, no way they would know what killer, what builds, and what perks to pick.

    And I don't stream so.


  • Vlyse
    Vlyse Member Posts: 24

    My opinion isn't any less valid than yours, I have just as many hours (probably more, tbh) playing both sides to R1. This isn't an "us vs them" issue. This is a fun issue.

    The fundamental issue with Nurse is her base power, it offers unparalleled mobility at inconsequential cost and ignores the developers' own map design. Imagine creating maps and just saying f it, our maps suck so let's come out with a killer who ignores our map design. That's The Nurse. She doesn't play by survivor rules, by other killer rules, and not even by the developers' rules. And because of that last one - she's a design failure.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Nurse needs: 110%/115% default movement speed

    Reduction in distance a blink can go at base.

    Slight increase to the charge time of a blink.

    Better Penalty for multiple blinks.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    That would allow bad Nurses to play as an M1 Killer, which is the very reason the devs originally nerfed her to be slower than Survivors.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    Her base kit is 100% balanced and fine. If people refer to Tofu's video then its completely one sided and not a very well fleshed out discussion if im honest. Survivors need to adapt to her unique playstyle and learn to play against it rather than the same find a pallet and loop like they do for every other killer. Stealth is a part of the game less you forget.

    With that said, im only defending her base kit, her addons may need some looking into and im fine with that.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261


  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Please don't touch her base kit.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    more memes

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    If you actually recall there are the tips that say. Although, all killers share the same base. Their powers are unique. There is no reason for this to be an exception. Huntress can play without hatchets, Billy can always not use his chainsaw. Spirit doesn't have to phase. I'm nerfing the blinks to be tolerable and still used by 'good' nurses. However since she would be a lot weaker she is also given the same m1 ability ALL other killers have.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Range addon is absurd. She hit me while being on the opposite end of a stair. She was on top and I was at the base and she hit me shile being above.

  • lucassfpa
    lucassfpa Member Posts: 13

    I agree that your add-ons need attention.

    Your base power, without add-ons, should not be changed.

    Any change in its base power would force me to uninstall the game immediately, I believe it would be done by many red rank killers.

    For the game itself, this would not be a smart attitude.

    DBD would be perfect if it were survivors vs. survivors. Perhaps the best option is to remove all killers, and having the survivors make generator on the map throughout the game would be so much fun, no .. It surprises me that developers consider tapping into their base power, as it is the only killer capable of coping. With SWF, besides, to become a good nurse, without supplements, requires a lot of training time, and everyone knows that playing the nurse is not for anyone, few players really know how to interpret it, maybe that's what you let The frustrated survivors fall into the lobby against a good nurse, knowing that their loops won't work. It is much easier to ask nerf than to learn how to play against it.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Line of sight, double backing, keeping distance, stealth, and the good old genrush. All tactics that work if the whole team is competent. The problem with many survivors nowadays is that they think looping is the only way.