Killers should be stunned after falling

I just noticed killers don't get staggered after falling like survivors do, making Balanced landing uterly useless.
The devs have addressed this multiple times. Stagger was implemented a couple of weeks after the game originally released because it allowed Survivors too many exploits, causing several infinites.
Killers do not stagger by design, they are empowered by the Entity after all.
Also, Balanced Landing is anything BUT useless, otherwise we wouldn't have the troubles with Haddonfield infinites in conjunction with that Perk.
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Balanced Landing? Useless? Sounds like you've not really practiced enough - but in general dropping isn't supposed to help people get away. It's a detriment to survivors, and at this point that's a feature: learn to loop on level ground, there's already at least one crazy loop per map.