Doctor is kinda like old Freddy...
Yes to the teleport on hallucination <3
Lets bring nurse style on every killer so Sally can be peaceful a little bit.
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I wouldnt want an addon to be the only thing making him viable, it sounds like a fun ability. Its no new news that shocking at loops is very difficult without addons... That is why I thought of this bullshoe. The problems with freddy were: annoying to play as and against, and misunderstanding of his abilities from newer or inconsistent players. Freddy's ability was boring asf.
To me Doctor has those same problems. He really isnt viable. Now I form my own opinions but Im sure if you were to watch any tier list ever, doc wouldnt be high, simply because his ability just doesnt work w out addons and his ability to slow the game is weak as hell in high ranks because everyone knows how to do skillchecks.
Explain to me how you think it wont work or wont be fun and we'll go back and forth. Have an open mind please :)
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Also if this is sarcastic I will explain myself by saying 1) survivors would basically choose whether they let doc tp or not do gens for 25 seconds. 2) some maps are just huge and we need killers who can get around so the game is more balanced :)
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Sally is The Nurse's name.
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Oh sorry i never read her lore and only played her back in the day lol
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Well to me, the Doctor does not have those problems, neither had Freddy. It has always been a question of whether or not you've mastered them and what I'm reading here is that you did with neither.
And I never gave a damn about Tier lists, they are never objective.
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I specifically watch true talent, the god of the game and he agrees that using treatment to prevent vaulting is basically useless or very difficult without using addons. Mastering him would still only give him the slightest advantage. You cant consistently use the power. In order to master him you would need to get good at knowing when to use it. That means you cant use it forever right? youd be being looped a majority of the time and if not its kind of the survivors mistake instead of your skill. Thats the problem I want to fix. Its also not that freddy wasnt good or bad, its just that he was annoying for literally everyone. Now doctor isnt nearly as annoying but I know noobs will certainly have frustrations and as rank one, its not that I cant outplay him, its that hes just this basic killer but annoying. I enjoy a chase from every killer except for doctor and billy. Billy because he requires hardly any skill to be top tier. Kinda annoying ngl :)
Anyways point is: I wanna buff docs base ability and take out the frustrations he has + give him some necessary map pressure because many of the maps are huge. Similar to how they did freddy.
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I don't care what Tru3 has to say in that matter, he's neither the god of the game nor the best player of it. His opinion is not worth more than the opinion of others.
As far as I'm concerned, as an original, longtime Doctor main, he does not need changes besides some simple QoL stuff. Stuff not even our devs can ######### up, which they tend to do too often with their reworks.
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I get 4 k's with Doctor constantly
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doc certainly has a high skillcap.
he can be very strong, he can also be very weak.
it depends on your add on choices and playstyle, honestly.
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The only reason i brought true into this is because he plays both sides and has a great understanding of the game. Yes he could settle for simple small changes but that doesnt address that he is annoying to verse.
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The Madness gain will be slower if you’re far from him. Madness will not increase at the same rate that it would when you’re in his terror radius than when you’re 60+ meters away from him. If you really don’t want to reach Madness 3, then you can go into a locker for a little bit or get out of his terror radius. That nearly completed gen can wait a little bit. It would also allow for more perk variety. A lot of Doctors run Distressing to increase the size of their static field.
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Players will eventually get used to the thinner shock. How thin will your shock be? I was thinking keeping the same width but increasing the range and movement speed to at least 105% would not guarantee a hit after being shocked most of the time but still give Doctor a strong anti-loop tool.
You’re not using the illusions to their full potential if you’re only using them to slug. Use them to see what gens, totems, or gates they’re working on.
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I like this better. The teleport makes him a discount Hag.
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That is subjective. I love versing Doctors and so do many of my friends still playing this game.
And the devs also like how he currently plays, they don't consider him annoying either. His upcoming changes will most likely just be an Add-on pass, as he doesn't follow the current Add-on scheme yet, and some QoL stuff.
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DBD players: Lets give more killers teleport abilities!
Hag Players: *Unhappy mud noises*
Stop trying to give a bunch of killers the ability to teleport like this. I don't think Mint Rag should even really exist, but now people want to give another killer the ability to instantly teleport to people? That just feels broken.
Also, 25 seconds to snap out? Why? The main reason people hate going against Legion is because it takes a while to mend, which is unfun. HOWEVER, maybe if it was like this:
- Snapping out of it slowly reduces your madness by X% every second.
For example, I can choose to snap out of it for let's say 8 seconds as an example, and get out of tier 3 madness. Another 8 seconds would bring me into tier 1. This way, you can choose to get out of tier 3, or go all the way to tier 0. It also means the doctor can't just find you snapping out of it and interrupt the action completely, keeping you in tier 3. However, Illusions would still appear while snapping out.
A larger shock would be a nice buff, as well as the ability to prevent pallet throwing and vaulting.
Maybe give his illusions a mini heartbeat. That way, he'd have a bit of stealth potential.
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If I use the illusions to get info, once I arrive to the person its just pallet looping that I have little control of. As I explained previously, its like wraith... Very good tracker, thats about it
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@BirdmanOwO I didnt want to have to give him teleportation but the devs make huge maps so its only fair. Also read through my explanations to see why its 25 seconds. Yes its a long time, but you can choose not to snap out and could still work on gens in lvl 3 w my changes. The only reason you would snap out is to prevent him from teleporting. Pick your Poison. If the team is good then they can keep him from teleporting around. Also since it goes from 3-0 it would be a while til he got it back passively from the survivors.
Right now it is 16 seconds to go from 3-2 and my change makes it 25 to go to 3-0. His tracking capab would stay the same. His base ability would actually be usefull. The annoying parts would be thrown away and he would prosper as a top tier killer that requires SKILL to play as.
I consider that an absolute win.
(Also I wanna add, I like the whole, you can snap out as long as you want however it wouldn't work with mine because people would just do the shortest time to cancel his teleport and then that wouldnt slow the game at all for doc but great idea :)
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@DocOctober I honestly wasnt even thinking about the addon changes when I made this.
I have asked all my friends and they think hes annoying (of course because they dont play often) and I (a rank 1 2100 hr no life) find him annoying to verse, and dont think hes that strong at all.
The whole point is to make him more fun to play as and against. (with some viability:)
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If you think about it, its the survivors choice wether he uses it or not. If they snap out, he cant use it. Whenever theyre snapping out, hallucinations wont pop up so he cant cancel your snap out. It also sends back to no madness so itll take a long time to get them back to 3. The survivors can choose to stay on gens and give him the ability to teleport OR take 25 seconds to go back to no madness and inevitably slow the game some for the killer. Thinking about it, he shouldnt hardly be able to use it unless the survivors are dumb. Are pigs traps supposed to kill? no they are supposed to slow the game but they can kill.
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@SnakeSound222 Sorry forgot to reply to the other part lol. The thinner shock should be like 3.5 meters in width. If survivors got used to it, he would still be able to catch up in a loop with these changes while shocking anyway. It wouldnt really be about the survivors dodging it because if you aimed it in front of them and they backed up, then you would either get a hit or catch up to them to take a pallet and get a hit.
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But survivors also choose if Hag can TP too, since they have to trigger the trap in the first place. (Exception being rusty chain.)
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They dont choose. The hag chooses because she has to place them strategically. Its not the choice to run over the trap because most of the time the survivors wont know its there.
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Your madness will not go down if you're in the doctor's status field but in a locker. It only prevents it from going up. There will be literally no way to prevent yourself from going to tier 3. Regardless, having to run to a locker every other minute is not fun or interesting gameplay.
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It's still subjective. I'm a 2.2k player and mained him for a very long time when he was originally released and still find him to be an upper mid-tier Killer for an experienced Doc player and fun to verse as a Survivor.
Ultimately, it's the devs that will decide and as I said: they like how he plays.
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That Ultra Rare could just be used to hold the game hostage.
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Honestly, I think he just needs number tweaks. Specifically towards his treatment mode. Maybe reduce the cooldown in between use and slightly increase the range on his shock field.
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You won’t gain as much Madness if you’re far away from Doctor. It’s supposed to increase very slowly until you get too close to Doctor. You’re not going to reach Madness 3 very quickly, so you won’t to worry about having to Snap Out of It a hundred times per game. He also cannot control all four Survivors at once. He can go after 1 or 2 while the others snap out of Madness 3. Madness also does not affect opening gates or jumping in the Hatch, so he wouldn’t trap the last Survivor in the game.
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so what he'd do is, camp 3 closest gens get a guaranteed win.
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Can't he already do that though? He can already bring two Calm add-ons or Purple Calm+Purple Order and perks like Distressing, Unnerving, and Overcharge.
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The issue I see with this is Doc using that and the add-on that increases his 25% extra madness from his static field, unless of course they wouldn't stack. It would literally hold games hostage if the Doctor were to run around with Unnerving and Overcharge and do nothing but kick gens all game.
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Which is exactly why my changes should be implemented. So hes not annoying.
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It would not stack with the Order add-ons. At first I thought it was fine because you would have to run an Ultra Rare and Very Rare add-on, but as I thought about it and feedback from here, I realized that the Very Rare Order add-on would make it easy to hold the game hostage.
He'll be weaker though. The devs prioritizing Survivor fun over everything else has to led to some pretty crappy Killers. We've gotten three new Killers and two reworks. Legion was horrible pre-rework and had stupidly powerful add-ons. The rework made them more fun to play against, but they're still garbage. Plague looked like she would be decent, but turned out to be garbage. Ghostface seems to be ok, but nothing really too special. We got lucky with Freddy's rework because it didn't destroy him and kept him at mid tier. That's three misses, one hit, and one semi-hit. I'd rather take a decent Killer than one that is very fun to play against but also happens to be garbage tier. We got better Killers when the devs were designing them with the purpose of "breaking the game".
Also, annoying is subjective. Not everyone thinks like you and your friends. I actually like playing against Doctor (and apparently so do the devs).
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This would make him stronger and more fun. AS I HAVE EXPLAINED. And dude up there and a few more in here agree