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Hex: No One Escapes Death

KieranD2006 Member Posts: 25
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think a lot of people have strong opinions about the perk "Hex: No One Escapes Death" or more commonly known as Noed. I decided to talk about this because I was playing a match with one of my friends and we were against the doctor, one survivor died and another escaped leaving me and my friend left. Unfortunately I accidentally vaulted a pallet I was at and was hit and the killer just so happened to have noed. I was carried to a hook, placed on it and began struggling since it was my second time on the hook. My friend was hiding behind a tree waiting for a chance to save me but the killer was camping or as he liked to put it "patrolling". We thought about doing the totem but the other survivor had opened the gate and we didn't have much time. My friend had no choice but to run in at the closest chance he got, we managed to get me off but like most toxic killers he decides to tunnel so I go down again. I reached the entrance of the exit gate but was downed. I would love to hear other peoples opinions or thoughts but I think that if a killer runs noed the end game bar should be 20% slower. That's just an idea and I understand their needs to be a balance for both sides but when camping with noed it is very hard to save the person on the hook.


  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Well, the story of the game says killers and survs are like dead or trapped in the campfire to satisfy the entity, so both are ¨victims¨.

    However killers have no cons in this process, and also losing or dying as a surv makes no sense at all because even if you escape you end up in the campfire anyway...

    Killers have no consequences in this game, they have almost unlimited chances to get survs and then stuff like NOED of Blood Warden to finish the game, there is no punishment for camping and tunneling, if you camp as a surv crows start making noise around you...

    Lets not forget bodyblocking, a sort of balanced landing, break pallets etc.

    And survs for being sinners are pretty passive, they never attack the killers, even Freddy was bullied by a kid in The New Nightmare...

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    So what you're saying is, your friend, out of too much altruism, made a bad play that didn't work out and you think the game should be changed because of it.

    Maybe you do bones next time?

    (Btw, if gates are opened and there's only one survivor unhooked left in the match and the killer doesn't know where they are, what do you expect? That they wander away from the hook in a random direction and go sit in a corner of a map so your friend can pull off the save and you can teabag at the gate?)

  • KieranD2006
    KieranD2006 Member Posts: 25

    Yes I understand there was a bad play involved in the story but my point is I think there should be some sort of penalty when using such a powerful perk.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235
    • Prevent activation by cleansing all remaining dull totems
    • Deactivate it by cleansing the correct hex totems
    • "Just prevent getting hit"
    • 99% the gates to prevent time pressure from normal collapse

    The killer also handicaps himself until gates are powered.

    There's plenty you can do against your described situation.