Mori Derank Protection

Please bring something like Mori Derank Protection that gives protection against deranking when Killer brings Mori and kills right after unhooking. It is not fun at all playing Survivor and derank because some Killer gets mad and brings Mori and Kill right after getting unhooked or just like to give suffer on Survivors for fun.


  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    I mean generally speaking you also depip as the killer so everyone gets to derank!

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Well if the killer wants to derank, good for him.

    But others want to keep progressing, so dc is totally fine.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    Not really, Disconnects are a poor-sportsman ship. You ruin your chance for the team, and deny points for no reason. At this point Ultra Rare and Very Rare addons and offerings for killer should be made common. Spike those DC rates to the point they would actually be punished. Sucks when you spend what 14K roughly for some addons that are one time use and you can't even use em.

  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    Keys are the survivor equivalent of a Mori. The ability to escape with one or two gens still up is no different than the killer getting a kill after downing you two times instead of three.

    If we’re using your logic, perhaps killers should complain that they deserve an opportunity to get a free kill if no one has been sacrificed by the time the exit gates are open. I mean, survivors get a free mercy hatch. So it would only be fair, right?

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    True. Keys are the equivalent of a mori. What's more is that survivors have addons to the keys where they aren't consumed upon use.

    Killers typically won't derank with a mori. They will black pip most likely. This is assuming the mori is an ebony and they use it after the first hook on all survivors. If you only mori one survivor with an ivory and sacrifice the rest you'll probably pip up unless you were camping the whole game.

  • Apackawolves
    Apackawolves Member Posts: 65

    Personally, I think a 4K should be an automatic +1 under any circumstances. Same with escaping for survivor. Since those are your primary objectives. The scoring system is kind of build in a way that can sometimes punish you for having too good of a game, while disregarding the fact that you’ve played so well that there is little or no need to do any secondary objectives.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540
    edited August 2019

    Tunneling off hook for with ebony mori probably makes for the most boring game possible.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
    edited August 2019

    What chance? having a way to impede the survs to have a fair game is poor sportmanship, and no, moris are pretty common, a couple weeks ago I played 2 times vs the same killer and he used it both games.

    So after that Im gonna DC every time someone is using stuff that nobody asked, I say learn to play and if all 4 escape get better.

    A couple minutes ago I had a game vs a lazy clown he did nothing the whole game, as soon I opened the exit he used blood warden and noed, we manage to escape 3, and the other guy paid for the killer´s lame game.

    Did everything possible and didnt pip because there were almost no chases, rank system is dumb, unhook 3 gens open door and a little chase and nothing...

    Baby clown would probably get one pip doing nothing and hanging us at the end with noed and blood warden.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
    edited August 2019

    4k without lame tactics and escaping should be +1.

    But survs should have incentives to help hooked guys to escape (in the form of bloodpoints), so the game doesnt become selfish and too pip based.

    Coop and dull totems doesnt do much really.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    @Apackawolves They generally DO have something to get them hooks if they don't hook anybody before the exit gates are opened. It's called NOED, and I'm not complaining about NOED btw, just saying they do have something that helps them get kills after the exit gates are opened. Sure, it's a perk, but it's a good one, because most don't bother to do all 5 totems. The hatch also is not the same as an ebony. The hatch only appears after all gens are done with 4 survivors alive. How is that even CLOSE to an ebony mori? A killer has to be WINNING for a survivor to get out. An ebony basically guarantees a win for the killer. Keys turn around a game for one survivor(possibly 2 if you can manage to get another survivor to come with you), ebonies guarantee the game is in your favor before it's even started. I could argue that there should be a way to remove an ebony mori with your same logic btw, because I can use Franklin's as killer to remove a key.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    What would give survivors for a red offering? Ask yourself that question and think about seriously. What is it that survivors could be "rewarded" with when burning an ultra rare offering. If you're wanting equal fair then you'd get an offering that prevents you from dying either by the killers hands or dying at all. Now an offering to counter mori offerings is a interesting idea, but it isn't a sound idea. Mori kills aren't super common, but they are super hated by all survivors and a lot of killers have grown to dislike using moris as part of their tactical toolkit as it cripples your emblem score so severely even at cyprus and and ivory.

    If the idea is to balance the scales then you either need and ultra rare offering that lets you kill the killer or make it so you can't be killed. Now most asym games like DBD tend to run into huge problems if survivors killing the killer or becoming immune to death is implemented. Friday The 13th is the only game where killing the killer has functionally been balanced as it takes so much setup. It's a true team effort, but this game that would be balance shattering.

    Now, you could make an ultra rare offering that keeps survivors from depipping flat out. No matter what, if burned they can only stay where they are or go up. That would solve some of the issues, but then create another where killers will want the same type of pip protection offering.

    Mori kills only being animations that happen on third hook is a non starter. The animation isn't a pre-rendered fmv. It happens in real time in engine using the models in their exactly conditions. If someone is hooked the game would then have to make the killer take them off the hook and go through the whole sequence. That is a huge time waste for both sides, with consequences for only one. That's actually worse than not having them at all.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    @ReikoMori To make offerings equal in power to moris(not that I really want one, I just want killers to NOT have one that alters their gameplay requirements so much that it's a free 3k+ hatch or 4k), it'd be something that requires as little as the killer requires to get 4 kills. After one generator, the hatch spawns for green, for red, after one generator is completed, the hatch spawns and is open. Imagine if an offering like that existed and how pissed killers would be about it, and you can understand why survivors hate moris.

    As for your "Mori kills only being animations that happens on the third hook" thing, I meant if you're at the point where if you're going to be hooked, you will die instantly, you can be killed by hand with the Mori animation. Making Moris ONLY cool animations and nothing else. I meant after the second hook, but said 3rd instead because I meant if you were at the third stage if you were put on the hook.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Do you mean in 2020 they cant make animations in real time? please...

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This wouldn't be a problem if moris weren't a thing.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    No, what I'm saying is if you're still hooking them why play an objectively slower animation that requires more work for no gain in optimization and shits on the lore built around the kill. At least to consider the actual something works and the reason it works the way it does. If you aren't willing to do that then you're not going to produce any useful ideas to work with.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Because it will be a thing to watch only, you prefer to kill them instead of the third hooking, not something that cuts the game in half for no good reason at all.

    You complain about a slow animation but have no problems with a 3 minute game, that thing is just a dumb offering and its going too far.

    It should be an animation and a good chunk of bloodpoints, there you have the motivation.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2019

    Killer doesn't suffer of "Tunnel + Ebony mori" :^) (not all killer do this BTW but this is not fun to depip against a ebony tunneler)

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    It isn't fun to go against a com'd toolbox swf. I mean I can think of things that are severely not fun in the game. The killer is suppose to be the power role. Generally speaking mori's depip the killer no matter how they play as emblems are severely punished by not hooking and getting enough chases/hits. I generally strive to make balanced ideas. However, considering the offering costs 7k bloodpoints and you might make double that using it. I find it fair. Similar to iridescent head infantry belt huntress. That is 13k bloodpoints for 2 offerings instantly used up. Survivors can get items and offerings naturally from chests in the game killer's have no alternative means. So until this balance is fixed where the grind for items/offerings as killer is not as grindy. I have no problem facing these in game or using them to my delight.

    I suggested this as a fix to the killer issue of being more grindy with no passive way to gain addons.

    It requires anti-tunneling, multiple hooks, strategic basement plays, and is overall anti-camping.

    I also suggested this to an alternative fix to the struggle state which can be used to punish camping and encourage survivors to stay on the hook a bit longer.

    I will also be making a suggestion for generators a bit later today.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I mean, I wouldn't mind if moris deranked killers because I don't care about ranks.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47

    Yes I play both side I know swf prove thy self and killer mori isn't not fun at all (toolbox is quit useless but prove thy self is broken).

    I play this game for chase no for holding m1 on gen or get tunnel on mori. Many people just, want fun on dbd so we wait for fix by dev