Player report

I play on PC. Have a video where a player is taking another survivor and me as hostages. First the Kate and after me, I am not sure how to upload here, if I need to upload to youtube first or I can do it directly but Is there a way to report outside the game? I mean I did the video but didn't attach it in the post-game screen as I haven't that fast connection to upload an internet video while playing an online video game.
We actually have you covered:
These tickets allow you to attach videos to your in-game reports without sitting there, waiting for it to upload, and then copying the link into the report box. You still need to report them in-game, but this way you can continue playing and upload the video later on once it's convenient.
Just be sure to report them in-game regardless, it is crucial.
(Also, while you can attach files directly to the ticket, there is a file size limit. I would recommend uploading it to a site like YouTube- you can set it to unlisted if you'd like- and then sending us the link instead.)
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@Peanits thanks for your fast answer. I will attach a video as soon as possible. I reported him in-game as well. In the video you can see that I know where I was going (being taked as a hostage) but as I thought the other guy probably didn't rec a video I did it myself so I could report him.
Again thanks for your help