I think I might be done.

(PS4)Until something changes w framerate and gameplay, I might be done playing. I'm a killer main, use to stay between 6-9, but now I stay between level 11-14, and that's the best I can do. I'm not having fun or enjoying the game anymore. All it seems to be is SWF comm teams that just bully and destroy killers. I don't like playing survivor, it's borrrrrring. Just doing gens, gens, and more gens isn't my cup of tea, but where did the fun go? I'm tired of starting a game and 4 mins in, it's almost over. Ruin is pointless now...I have no choice but to run noed now, and that's not even helping. I hit someone who was rescued from the hook, had noed, and they still was able to run away because of BT. Went back and hooked the one I downed that was the rescuer, same crap, only this time, the rescuer had mom, and I downed no one and they all ran away t-bagging at the gate. And no, I wasn't camping until the very end, but they we're all running around the area where the hook was anyway, taunting and t-bagging me. That's just a cold hard kick in the nuts... But noed needs a nerf right? Why is it killers seem to be balanced around green and yellow rank survivors, but survivor is pretty much balanced around red rank killers? I'm not trying to start a war, complain, say this is wrong or that, I'm just stating my opinion and how I feel after playing about 17 matches in a row, and was a lil steamed. Not everyone is a master at this, and a good% is in the same boat as me. I know some like to say "get better" but I've tried. It's hard to get better when your not enjoying the game and are being thrown to the SWF wolves who's only enjoyment is making others experience miserable. This is a big issue and I hope someday it gets resolved with some kind of new objective, option to not play with SWF, or something man.



  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Yeah I've been losing survivors a lot easier lately too. Seems like they just disappear from the scratch marks and re-appear 15-20m away. The corn stalks and swamp is the worst. Everytime I chase someone in the corn with Freddy, it's almost impossible to see them through it.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    tl;dr? plz its way too much for my eyes to handle ;_;

  • greivous654321
    greivous654321 Member Posts: 27

    The emblem system is crap cause to rank up, in one game I killed everyone in the first 5 minutes and all the generators have finished, but since I killed everyone too fast I couldn't get many chases in so I killed everyone so when the match ended I didn't get to rank up cuz I didn't chase enough survivors but the survivors were dumb enough to stick together so I won extremely fast.I prefer the old system where it's based off how many survivors you kill and hooked.breaking up at survivor now is pretty easy cuz all you need to do is finish one generator and save someone from a hook and you ranked up.

  • Glatorglex
    Glatorglex Member Posts: 4

    I completely agree, the problem with this game is that it's a hyper competitive where one side always loses. its satisfying to do very well but it's better to get rid of the thinking that more kills mean a better game and just run interesting builds on characters you like and gain more experience as you play the game and see survivor and killer routes. quitting dbd out of rage is constant so its saved me a lot of trouble, glitches are a given in a game like this but they're always inconsistent even though they may be very inconvenient so I'm desensitized to them especially on ps4.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    i mean. Games die out for people. Some of it has to do with the devs, player base, or the game itself just gets old.

  • thunderfly
    thunderfly Member Posts: 23

    I felt the same way. Unfortunately we on console are the last to get new content and updates and the swf crowd show no mercy. But then I got a mouse keyboard adapter for PS4 and started learning nurse,. An unloopable, nearly unpredictable beast of a killer.

    These sweet summer children know not the terror that is a skilled mouse and keyboard nurse, but I'm having a ball educating them.

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    Aight bye

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    I totally agree with the somewhat toxic SWF, but my PS4 is a few years old and only lags from time to time when I'm playing killer or survivor. Of course on days that it does lag it's unbearable and I can't focus, but that's a small percentage of days for me so I'm not sure why you are having more lag problems.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Im not looking to get 4k's. 1-2k would be nice against these groups. Your missing my point. I'm not having fun anymore because of the toxicity. I use to average 2-3k a game. Now I'm lucky if I get one. I'm not a noob dude, been playing for over a year. I'm not gonna spend every minute of my free time on this either TRYING to get better, when it just ain't happening. The few people on here that are godly with killers don't speak for the rest of us. Just because a handful are super good, doesn't mean everyone else is too. Mark my words, if this game stays the way it is right now, it's dead in a year, tops. People are already bored and tired of the toxic BS.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2019

    Im sorry to burst your bubble but any game to get good that is PVP takes time to get to a place where you compete with better players. It all depends on how good your opponents are and learning to be better than them.

    It doesn't sound like toxicity is the main issue as your post above talks more about what you cant seem to do in game but that's a personal issue.

    People have been saying the game will die since it was first released when they aren't doing as well as they think they should. 3 years later the game is in a stronger place than it was in 2017 which is a great achievement for any game nowadays as these are few and far between with today's gamers.

    If it's getting to you the best advice is to take a break or move on. Maybe you are just burnt out which is normal for most people. Not everyone can play a game for 1 or 2k plus hours and still enjoy it.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • ToxicDeath
    ToxicDeath Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2019

    Sounds like some of y'all are just bad at the game tbh I enjoy being killer no matter how bad survivors would do me because of it wasn't a challenge the game would be complete garbage for the reason or reasons that easy survivors is trash, getting easy kills is boring as #########, and how good would you know you really are if you playing trash ass fools that play like easy mode bots just get better at the game and develop your skills simple.

    Post edited by ceridwen309 on
  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Survivors would be less toxic if they got the same treatment back. When every game a killer is standing in the middle of a hatch forcing the survivor to leave the door to be killed it gets old. Or when a killer slaps you down at a door after opening and picks you up and spins you around until the entity comes. The good ole hump from leather face happening nearly every leather face match where instead of murking he reaches down and humps you. Yeah, toxic swf happens because of all of that and trust, we remmeber you from when we survive alone. ☺

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Yeah, that's it. Of course it is. I can see your a non-toxic player. I can also see I'm the ONLY ONE on this entire forum that has this problem too, right? I didn't come on here looking for sympathy or to get reemed by some butt pirate. I simply stated my opinion. Why are people so quick to attack someone just voicing there opinion? Isn't that the point of the forums? If you don't like what I said or don't agree, move on then. I could care less about your troll comments. And if you don't play on ps4, why even bother commenting here?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    Take a break from this game we'll see you around

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Have no trouble keeping up at rainbow Six, COD, rocket league, the division, gta5, rdr2, hell, even battlefront 2,but this game tho....

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    If u are stuck there Im afraid the problem might be yours.

  • Neonova
    Neonova Member Posts: 11

    I hate to say it, but killers are stronger than survivors. The problem your facing is not them being easier, it's them being more skilled then you.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Those games are all different and non comparable.

    They are not assymetrical. Comparing DBD to them or any game for that matter never works and many try to use that argument. Playing killer is the harder role when versing equal or better skilled opponents and it's only by losing can you see what you did wrong and how to improve.

    People can be great at lots of games yet are mediocre in others it's just how it is and why not every game if for everyone.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056
  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    @twistedmonkey is right you should take a break for a while I did and I'm back playing again:D

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Plz be nice to other players. And he's not trolling. If I was you I would take a break for a while trust me that's what I did and now I'm playing again:D

    P.s since your on ps4 I would advise you to go play dead by daylight on pc. Good luck and have fun:)

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Same:) he should take a break. I took a long break now I'm playing again:D

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited August 2019

    @FredKrueger I usualy make fun of this kind of posts, but not to a "Freddy Main" brother!

    I sugest you try to play at a diferent time or day if you can so you are not match with the same group of people.

    Also camp the first survivor you catch! You will notice that they will usualy come to the rescue at the same time. If they get to rescue their friend, count to 15 mississipi and hit that survivor again (that counters BT).

    If they let their friend die and complete gens instead, you will have an easier time dealing with 3 survivors instead of 4.

    If they complain about your scummy tactics or whatever, don't mind them, remember that your pal from the forums RoKrueger is proud of you <3

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    It's true:D the survivors must be more skilled then you:( sorry but the only way to get better at the game is play and play for fun:)

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Also take a break

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    You got mired in the "win" mindset. Take a break, come back and try different perk combos. Don't get reliant on any one perk because that will become a crutch and do more harm than good.

    Be willing to drop chases in exchange for gen pressure. Keep things chaotic so the SWF can't figure out what you are doing. Don't give up pressure for long chases.

    Pick a side of the map that is yours. Early on, be willing to patrol some gens on the other side, but don't get pulled away for too long. If you can get pallets cleared on the side that you chose early, then that pays huge when they have 2 gens left and they are all on your side.

    Win or lose, play your strategy. Don't get sucked into tunnel vision due to a toxic survivor. You will find that you have more fun over all.

    Oh, and switch to PC. I hate console play for DBD.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    You're having this much trouble on PS4? PS4 killer is way easier than survivor

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited August 2019

    So my friend gave me this link over Facebook saying that this was the killer that I made DC.

    If this was you then I'll give you some advice. If you are chasing a good survivor and you're finding it challenging to down them, then the best thing to do is to abandon the chase and look for another survivor, there's nothing wrong with that. Chase a weaker survivor who will most likely waste a lot of pallets which will make it harder for the other survivors.

    FYI, I don't BM. I don't tea bag, or spam my flash light. If not letting the killer down me is toxic, then I'm sorry for trying to survive.

    EDIT: I also don't use Mettle of Man.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    *Laughs in PC stability* Stupid joke aside. I feel your pain. Personally on ps4 i almost never had the issue I felt I was nearly god level in the game but moving over to PC my experience became basically just getting gen rushed and looked and tea bagged. The tea bagging doesn't always get to me I usually laugh it off, but it can get annoying and having to go up against a swf that tryhards is never fun either. Hated it most when Metal of Man wasn't nerfed. So many survivors running nothing but crutch perks it got really frustrating especially with me having no perks because of the platform switch. Not too sure what they could do to slow the game more though.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2019

    First of noed is more useless cuz more people cleansing now cuz of more points and the reason the fun is gone is because u do t try to have fun, and because u play mainly only killer survivor I would say is more fun. u loop, do gens cleanse totems open exit gates and try and save teammates killer is just hit twice hook place traps or use ability and that's it. The other reason the fun is gone is the devs don't add more modes or objectives to the game which play only 2 modes for a long time does get boring and also are u sure they are swf cuz just cuz they all show up the same time means nothing if u look at statics there is less swf people and more solo

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Whenever I play survivor, no matter the rank, all I get are potatoes who can't survive for more than 10 seconds in a chase, whereas on killer I get paired up with toxic genrush bully squads 8/10 times. I still dominate them anyway, so woohoo!

    As for framerates, I usually always have a decent framerate. I very rarely get a noticeable drop.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I'm not sure what your skill in OTHER, completely different games has to do with your skill in this game. Because you're good at shooters you think that should help you here?

    Accept some personal responsibility and stop blaming everything and everyone else.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Thats ok. I feel you mate. We all been through those steps. Dont listen people talking about good or bad, here it's about emotional things... You re an empathic guy and thats great ^^ dont let that game drive your mood or state of mind.

    Take a break, value things that make you grow IRL, thats just a game badly designed ;p

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    I feel the exact same way can't get past rank 8 and I'm usually around 11. The teasing and bullying has gotten so bad as of late I barely have the fortitude to do my dailys before I go to another game. I'm PS4 as well and those survivors are sooooooo toxic well most of them

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    For me, the recent changes to pallets has got me. As much as I understand it stops the whole survivors being hit through a pallet bs, but the graphic of the pallet doesn't match it's hotbox at all. At one stage, it used to be that stunning killers with pallets and running away to the next was how survivors bought time, now it's more that survivors can just drop pallets and run to the next one, as you chase them, gens get popped. I can easily see how following one survivor around can easily lead to all gens being done before you even get a hook. Where's the skill in that? Just moving from pallet to pallet?? Unless you find a survivor out in the open or are using the stronger killers, playing potato survivors, or are good at mind gaming, then most killers get mugged off in a game most of the time, especially v self They have literally nurfed the killers advantage in a chase to make it favourable to survivors. It does need looking at and addressed.

    All that said, I think I play well, I get games where I get a couple hooks and games that I 4k, but I would say I was definitely above average at gameplay.

  • lobotomizeslow
    lobotomizeslow Member Posts: 1

    Plain and simple. Run Meta disgusting builds. Instead of getting bullied, start destroying them from the get go and don’t hold back. Insidious if you need to. Make your choice. You know the ones. Rancor. Come out swinging from the gate. Ebony Mori. Take your main and no prisoners. Ruthless. Do what needs to be done and drop the hammer. See 4 toolboxes? Bring Franklins. Pick good maps for your character/build out. When you start seeing the DC’s you know you are starting to get it right. Get downright brutal and vicious at the survivors. But not hate talk or messages. Slaughter then onto the next 4K.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Using moris would just reaffirm how bad a lot of players are at the game,

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Wasn't me. I don't quit sunshine. Take my whooping like a man, and lick my wounds. Nah, there all tbaggers, flashlights, and 3 Claudettes half the time. I've learned, when I see 3 Claudettes, exit lobby...

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Yeah I feel you. I started maining Bubba w insidious, and baiting em in like catfish!

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Ps4 is really the worst for swf i understand your frustration and annoyance.

    I've also become tired of it there is nothing you can do against 4 people on coms but hey console just has to take it.. nothing can balance the amount of information they give to each other.

    Just have to have a good sense of humour and just take the losses rank doesn't matter as ps4 has a hardcore rank abuse going on... all night ive gone against rank 2s with 15s ans im rank 8 lol

    Thank god for vodka lol


  • TiggsRN
    TiggsRN Member Posts: 4

    I'm also on PS4 been playing for a while, I take regular breaks and have been poor at being survivor and killer. My point is I've gotten better and got up to red ranks recently my suggestion is ho watch some red rank killers on youtube for advice, my hag game has gone so much better for this.

  • Scytere
    Scytere Member Posts: 123

    Buh bye. Why announce it? Just go.

    C0MAxCHRISS Member Posts: 8

    Play evolve...not an insult or anything..but imo Evolve is the best 4v1 game out there. Not many players right now, but it's alot more fun than doing gens lol

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Because it's a forum where people have discussions. Why come on my discussion just to bash me? Nothing better to do? Why don't you just go?