Devs, The Issues with the Clown.

MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Devs, can the clown get some buffs or some QOL changes because as of right now, he has little parts of other killers just embedded in his kit, you have freddy who has NO COOLDOWN when using snares, but the clown is slowed down when he throws them, these are my problems:

  • The clown loses M/S when throwing a bottle, freddy does not.
  • He only has 4 bottles that slow, huntress has hatchets that cause damage, 5 of them.
  • Huntress can reload said hatchets in seconds + can be increased with iron maiden - the clown takes 6 seconds which is too long.
  • In some cases you're punished for reloaded due to the duration, 4 bottles is not enough.
  • 15% isn't enough in some cases, considering survivors can still loop you for an expectional amount of time depending on the map I.E crotus.
  • He has 0 map pressure, generators go by way too quick and the clown, like most killers, struggles with this.
  • His bottles have 0 lethality ( other than the ultra rare)
  • The clown can be very good/ high mid tier when using certain addons (flask of bleach/exhaustion)

To me I believe a very good change would be to make the two addons mentioned weaker, but make them part of base kit but not as strong, like make the bottles apply exhaustion for 15-20 seconds + have them slower than 15% when they're hit by a bottle.


To reward skill shots by hitting survivors with the bottles themselves, it applies the flask of bleach effect where they're slowed more, say 20%, but not provide a hindered effect to normal AOE unless the addon is used.

Please devs, tell me what you think, the clown is a fun killer but he's struggling like most.


  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    Some feedback would be appreciated

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Pogo is one of my main but yes he struggle a lot. thing is his power is made for chase only that's why he got no pressure. His base kit is weak so his add-ons barely make him viable.

    best add-ons for him are the slow duration build (Flask + Ether).

    QoL he need in my opinion.

    • Remove his slowdown while throwing a bottle.
    • Reduce his reload time a bit 5s is too long.
    • Tossing bottle have no effect except extra bloodpoints and ultra rare addons
    • increase the intoxication time by 1s
    • Make flask of bleach base kit maybe?
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096

    He's just undertuned. A lot of his add ons should be base kit. If they want his identity to be a 100% chase killer, actually give him the tools. Flask of Bleach base, 5 or 6 bottles base, and tweak some of his add ons to adjust the actual intoxication effect.

  • razaluna
    razaluna Member Posts: 52

    removing the slowdown on throwing a bottle will help , also I think the bottles should be 4 seconds each second giving you 1 bottle, so if your in a pinch an need that one bottle to slow down then you dont have to wait the full 4 seconds. although yes, this would mean having more bottles will increase your total reload time

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    @Peanits anything you're able to mention?

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Every killer has cons, every surv build has cons, deal with it.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I'm a toxic piece of crap survivor main too.

    But when I play killer I main Clown and I do agree he needs some QoL changes.

    He doesn't need built in exhaustion. Flask of bleach should definitely be base kit

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    Every survivor is the same, no killer is the same yet they have massive cons, like legion, ghostface, plague.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Every survivor is not the same, a dwight build is not the same than a healer, or a nea, you can only pick 4 perks so nay no.

    You want survs to be traffic cones, thats different.

  • MasonMyers69
    MasonMyers69 Member Posts: 246

    Let's buff the clown pls devs