We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

New Map Selection system.

Gibberish Member Posts: 1,062
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

First off, remove the "Realm Chooser" offerings. Thats the baseline for this. Next, give the Killer a choice of 3 random maps before the match starts. Note that I said maps, not realms.Eg: A Killer randomly being given the choice between : Coal Tower / Badham Preschool III / Fractured Cowshed. Maybe also add a 4th option that is a "A random map other than those 3 maps"

This would have the benefit of not screwing the Killer over with bad RNG (Eg Billy getting a close-quarters map with no room for him to run, or Ghostface getting a wide-open map with no way for him to sneak up on Survivors.), while also not just giving them free choice of whatever map they want (So Nurse cant just pop an offering to pick The Game every single match.)

For those worried about stagnation of the same map being chosen over and over: There are 30+ maps in the game, and growing larger with each update. Having a choice of just 3 maps is still plenty random. Its astronomically unlikley that you will just seen the same one or two maps every match.

This system also has a massive secondary benefit to the game: It doubles as a useful statistics feature for the devs to better balance the game. If specific maps are being avoided like the plague by high rank/high hours players and almost never being chosen, this should act like a massive red flag: "Something is very wrong with this map, it needs to be reworked."