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Some new totem spots are BS



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Ok so then it's just fine that a totem can go completely uncontested. Right.

    Like I said that spot you mention on Yamaoka is a bit different. You could actually play around it. This one there is no wiggle room. You have to disarm the traps.

    The fact all 4 of you died because of it kinda proves my point that it's dumb.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    No, you fail to see the point. You had a bad match we do at some point, but now you are screaming for nerfs because you failed to strategize properly. Grow up man it is a game and all the crying in the world is not going to make you a better player. If you had spent this time learning the game better instead of QQing the forums this would not longer be a problem for you.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    He might succumb to the pressure of My Little Pony Adventures, so what....tic tact toe? HAHA

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    Doesnt trapper only have 6 traps total? So if he wastes 3 of em to protect a totem... Hes practically powerless. To claim having to work through 5 gens with ruin up is OP against a powerless killer is laughable.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Damn smartest comment of the day! First post I read today for taking responsibility for a mistake instead of looking for others to blame, damn we need more like you in solo survivors.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    And what if it was Devour? You can't just ignore that totem, you kinda have to do it. Or NOED? Heck even Third Seal can be really strong if you get 4 stacks before it's up, because you can just slug everyone and win.

    This isn't a case of playing bad. It's a case of the killer having basically a permanent totem.

    Still waiting for someone to explain why they removed the ability to do exactly this with just 1 trap in LT walls.

  • thunderfly
    thunderfly Member Posts: 23

    I've seen groups power through hex ruin as though it were non-existent, however, I would be in favor of tuning it down if we made it it stock for all killers (doesn't take a perk slot)

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    If it was NoED, it would have been blind luck that he trapped the right Dull Totem.

    If it was after the Gates were powered, we would have had both gates opened before he could set 3 traps around 1 Totem.

    If it was Devour Hope, we would have died.

    If it was Third Seal, we would have had no aura reading.

    The point of Hex's are that they are powerful if left untouched. You don't DESERVE to break them.

    You got out played. He got lucky his Totem was in a trappable area, and you spent too much time trying to break it instead of doing Generators.

    Stop asking for the devs to change totems so you can have an easier game. This is childish.

    The Killer had to BE trapper. Then he had to get that map. Then he had to get THAT layout. Then he had to get a totem in that ONE spot. Then it had to be the right totem. Then he needed a team of potatoes to focus on the Totem instead of generators.

    Stop being a potato. Grow up. And STOP ASKING FOR NERFS IN PLACE OF YOUR OWN SKILL!

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73


    It sounds like you had a hard time, and I know I am a little late.

    I also know the arguement that his three traps and helicoptering of the totem made it "Impossible" to destroy.

    The thing was, it wasn't impossible. It was just really, really, really hard. It wasn't the killer putting the totem on a roof or outside the map to make it literally impossible.

    It was him playing smart that made disabling the ruin NEAR impossible. And yes, the tactic may be annoying and yes, the tactic may have been easy, and cheap. But it wasn't unstoppable.

    That is bad. It is tough. But playing smart is the only reason that totem was untouchable. If he set the traps down and never ever checked the hex, or never reset the traps, would it still be impossible?

    No. It's player intervention which makes that impossible. Same with flashlight and pallet saves. It's not impossible to catch a survivor. But a talented saver with a flashlight and pallets can make it near impossible. Pig can tunnel trapped people, making it near impossible to escape the bear trap. But that's because the Pig chooses to. Not that her traps alone are impossible to escape

    You aren't mad at the hex position, or the traps. You are mad at the trapper (player) who put pressure on anybody who attempted to disable his hex, and mad at the players who realize this. The Trapper didnt have to go ans reset the traps or stop the cleansing. He chose to

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Like everyone told you they played against a Trapper with that set up before and had no problem to play around. Seriously now, are you ok ?

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited August 2019

    NOED : open the gates and leave while he's trapping his totem.

    Devour Hope : he won't get enough stacks if he's just protecting his totem.

    Third Seal : I never saw a Trapper running that, XD. But if he's just protecting his totem, he can't slug properly. And voice comms exist.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Also, I know a spot on the Game that only requires one trap to block off, but sure, this spot is a problem. :P

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited August 2019

    Just make the traps the same way as the hook survivors they cannot place traps near the survivor this will think 2 and not secure a damm totem

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Also make it so the Nurse can't blink near survivors, Spirit can't phase to survivors, Plague can't hit fully infected survivors, Shape can't hit survivors at EW3, and so on. Because god forbid killers' powers are actually useful at the one thing they're supposed to do.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    This is basically what I'm asking for, and only for these particular nooks. Place a mesh that doesn't allow traps inside the nook. THAT IS IT.

    Everyone else is blowing my requests out of proportion or accusing me of wanting the game to be easier or offering completely invalid solutions to the problem. No I just want the game to be BALANCED. Hidden totems are fine. Totems that are impossible to destroy under by way of a passive ability are not.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Once again, weather you want to admit it or not, weather you CAN admit it or not, your idea of 'balance' is asking for the game to be made easier for Survivors for no reason other than you THINK it's unfair when Killers get that 1 in 1000 oppertunity to lock down ONE totem.

    You're idea of balance is 'Survivors get to decide of a totem stays active. Not killers'. That's not balance. That's asking to UNBALANCE Totems so you have an easier time.

    You know how I know? Because trapper used his power to stop you from messing with his Totem. Which is how it should be.

    It was no different from Spirit running over, or Hag teleporting over, or Nurse blinking over every time you messed with the Totem.

    You don't want balance. You want an easier game in favor of Survivors. Even if you can't admit it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223


    And no it's not "making the game easier", it's balancing the game. By your logic, I could say you want the game easier for killers by allowing stuff like this. SMH

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I've said many times elsewhere that Trapper needs buffs. Regardless of that, THIS is not something he should be allowed to do.

    It's the same reason Pig was changed when EGC was introduced. While I don't agree with the exact change, I agree that there should be some exception for her during EGC because it's very clearly OP to have an RBT on your head while the EGC timer also counts down. This is basically the same thing, it doesn't matter that Trapper is weak he shouldn't be allowed to pull this kind of BS.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    It was the Trapper using his power and you guys focusing too hard on that one totem.

    Nothing was 'broken' 'unbalanced' or 'unfair'. It was simply the Trapper using his power the way he wanted too.

    Just admit it; you want to nerf the Trapper so you don't have to play around this next time. That's literally what you are asking for. Nerfs to the Trappers trap placements because you believe Survivors should control Totems instead.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    Dude what is your deal? You are clearly biased towards killers here.

    I've said I want better totem spots. I've said I want Trapper buffs. I just DO NOT WANT THESE SPECIFIC TOTEMS TO BE SO EASILY DEFENDED!!

    You have absolutely 0 understanding of game balance.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Dude, I understand game balance better than you do. See as how I'm not asking to nerf a Killer simply to cater to my own biased ideas as to how the game should be played, or my own flawed ideas as to how the Totems work. (Hint: Totems ARE meant to last an entire match if Survivors won't/can't cleanse them for any reason.)

    Just because I'm arguing against you does not mean I have the bias. You're the one wanting the game changed to make it easier for you/for the role you prefer. That's pretty biased.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Judging by your other thread topics... no you do not.

    Like I keep telling you I never asked for a killer nerf. I've asked for BALANCE.

    But go ahead and reply again to tell me how biased I am.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    Just because like 10 of you gang up on me to argue the same points I've debunked doesn't make it a stupid thing. It's a valid concern, especially if they continue to create totem spots like this on other maps.

    You made your points yet continue to come here and repeat them, so I'll continue to debunk them. Maybe just move on if you're sick of it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496


    You're biased.

    Limiting where Trapper can place his traps, even if you scream 'It's BALANCE!' all day, is a NERF. Your REDUCING his ABILITY to guard his totems or otherwise use his POWER.

    IE: A nerf.

    And you're asking for this NERF simply to cater to you because you had one bad match where YOU played badly & decided to blame the game and some imaginary bad balance that did not happen.

    Don't bother replying; it's clear you came here looking for an echo-chamber and will scream 'It's BALANCE' all day to avoid admitting you're wrong. I'm done arguing. Tons of people have said you're wrong, and why, and you continue to repeat 'Balance!' again and again and again.

    It's clear to me now that you won't, or can't, admit that you're wrong and you'll defend this biased idea day in and day out regardless of the facts given as to why you're wrong.

    You never wanted facts, you just wanted people to agree with you. This is evidenced in the way that you have no argument other than, again, to scream 'It's BALANCE!' as your only reply like it's some magic word that make you correct & everyone else wrong regardless of silly things like 'facts'.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    I could literally say the same thing about you LOL

    Fact is it is balance. Because balance means making the game fair for all players. Having a totem spot, however unlikely it may be to spawn there, where a killer can passively defend the totem this easily is unbalanced. You can call it a nerf but like I keep telling you I want Trapper buffs anyway, just not this. This isn't acceptable. If it were the devs would have left the LT wall totems alone (which BTW you nor anyone else has provided any reason they would change it if NOT for balance, the same reason these totem spots should be changed). So by the mere fact those totem spots were changed suggests that such totem spots are NOT BALANCED. You can call me biased or whatever else, but that is a FACT and you can't deny it or explain it any other way. Henceforth, these totem spots (which there are only a handful in the game BTW) should be changed for the same reason.

    But instead of thinking critically you call me biased, basically tell me to "git gud", and then claim I want nerfs for an easier game despite me pointing out how false that statement actually is.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I would move on if this thread would stop being alive. You didn't debunked anyone, even survivors mains told you they are fine with Trapper being able to secure his totem that way, and yet you still call eveyone killer biased. Other people ( like me ) told you this situation is very unlikely to happen and when it happens, you can still play around it regardless. Get over it big baby, you are not entitled to destroy every single Hex totem. That Trapper wasted his power and time to protect that Ruin as he did and I bet he even can't do that anymore, because now he probably gets just totems spawns in the open or besides gens or survivors.

    PS I can wait to call me killer biased, to tell me how survivors should have control over Hex totems no matter what killers do, even if they are killers perks and killers even don't have control over any of the survivors perks and to call me out for wanting balance, even if I didn't see you to yell at map design, broken add-ons on both sides, gen times and other things that actually need balancing, no, just Trapper is suddenly unfair because he can stop survivors from doing a totem, even if it means to lose all his power, time and pressure.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Then tell me why they changed LT wall totems if not for balance? And if for balance (which they did, they even said this) then this rule should apply to these nook totems as well.

    DEBUNK THAT. You can't. You want to scream at me to git gud or that I'm entitled. No I want balance, and the precedent has been set by the LT wall totem change that totems should NOT be able to be blocked by a single trap, let alone 3.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I do not care if they change nooks as well, Trapper is the worst killer in the game anyway even with that strat, so they can do it. I just find it lame how you complain like a 5 years old girl about a thing that barely, if not at all, affects balance, calling everyone killer biased because they disagree with you and yell on forums about such a stupid thing, "wanting balance", yet I never saw you open threads and scream in that way when it comes to the real things that affect balance ( gen times, broken add-ons, underpowered killers, map design ).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    1) What makes you say I'm yelling?

    2) "Complain like a 5 year old girl" because valid criticism is crying?

    3) I have made MANY posts in other threads about all those unbalanced things. Maybe read through my comments before you make those kinds of assumptions. I'm just not going to beat a dead horse and open a new thread on the SAME THINGS other people have brought up. I comment on those threads and leave it at that. Heck, I've comment on some of these topics just TODAY!! This topic, however, has yet to be discussed.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    1 By your comments, you seems like it.

    2 Calling everyone killer biased because they disagree with you isn't valid criticism, is crying because you don't get what you want from people.

    3 You told me Huntress mains should just git gud and just not chase survivors in the places that are infinites for her untill these places get fixed, I am telling you to git gud and do gens instead of totems when that happens, but probably, the thing you complain about will never happen again in the next 1000 games. What Trapper did to you even isn't that BS to be worth complaining.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    You're assuming things.

    I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of others that called me survivor entitled.

    I agreed these places should be changed. But until they are you need to accept them. Which I'm willing to accept that we need to deal with these BS totem spots until they are fixed. The difference here is I acknowledge this was not balanced, where you won't do the same.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I already said I don't care if they get fixed because I don't think this affects balance too much or at all, not when it happens in 1 out of 1000 games. Just accept you can't break every Hex totem in every match and get over it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    1 out of 1000 yet I had it done to me 3 games over the course of about 72 hours. No, you are being dismissive of the problem, and the problem will only get worse if they continue to create totem nooks like these for other maps.

    And the fact you say "you can't break every Hex totem in every match" points out your bias because that should NEVER be the case. Totems should always be able to be destroyed in a fair manner. Doesn't every killer main that uses NOED say "just break the totems". Well I'm trying but the game won't let me. You're saying that's okay and it's not. If the killer wants to stand there directly in front of their totem, fine, but otherwise no totems should be unbreakable.

    If you agree with me they should be changed, then say that and leave it at that. You don't need to come back here to one up me every time. You won't win. Trust me.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    In 3 days you met 3 Trappers, which all 3 of them had the Hex totem in nooks and all 3 of them trapped that Hex with 3 traps ? Yeah, I think you don't say the truth.

    Why you bring NOED in this disscussion ? If the killer traps the NOED totem, just open the gates and leave, simple as that. I never see a Trapper trapping a dull totem, just in hope it may be NOED later, so your point is irrelevant.

    How stupid you can be ? I don't agree with you, I said I don't care whenever if devs add these changes or not. Don't worry, I don't want conflicts with you, I am actually amused at how all people told you to git gud and yet you still call them biased ( even if some of them are survivors mains ). And I don't need to win when I know I am right.

    So, again, get over it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You can believe me or not but it happened. One wasn't one of the nooks but it was a totem in a tight spot and the killer had Iri Stone so it was just as bad.

    I brought up NOED to make a point about destroying totems. Woooosh

    Like I said I'm just feeding back the kinds of things people said to me. If you don't agree with me fine, but you're just replying to get a reaction and it won't work. If you really don't want conflicts you wouldn't post such inflammatory comments.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Its okay to have different opinions about something. Please refrain from escalating the topic. Try to be civil and have an open conversation.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    If it doesn't work, then why you keep replying to me ? And you have no right to complain about inflammatory comments, after calling everyone out for disagreeing with you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I've merely pointed out the flaws in their arguments, and when necessary shown them what kind of hypocrites they are being for calling me an entitled survivor.

    Still no one has explained why the devs would change LT wall totems if not to balance it against the Trapper setting traps directly in front of them so that you can't do the totem without first disarming the trap. If they changed it for that reason then it makes sense to change these totems for the same reason.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    In that case, devs will change these nooks anyway in the future, so you didn't need to come on forums to flame everyone.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I didn't flame anyone 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Look if you have nothing new to post, if you have no comments towards my point about the LT wall totems, if you don't even care about it, then don't reply. This is my thread so I will reply to everyone if necessary, and I will continue to reply as needed.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Choice is to cleanse it, and keep him busy, or I dont know, ######### off and get work done, and leave, without being seen, while hes busy guarding his totem with traps? It doesnt take 4 people to keep him busy.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Now were saying RBT are unfair because of EGC? You still have time to get it off, unless you're running in circles, and you can still take the hatch with it...

    What's next, hag traps gotta go so they cant be placed by doors and hooks?

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    You did indeed. And I can reply to you if I want, who will stop me ?

This discussion has been closed.