We bet on what next nerf survivors will get.
For example?
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Honestly, I want solo survivor buffed to swf level. Or, at least close to it. That way things can be balanced more adequately.
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All I know is when I see a known killer main in the lobby playing as a survivor (not all but most, like 80% of the ones I come across) - they tend to be the first ones downed and then DC or kill themselves on first hook. If they aren't then they likely will hook farm or be toxic toward other survivors - I will just dodge them when I see them.
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"Nerfing killers like crap"
Ok then is that why the Freddy rework hasn't been changed yet? Not saying that Freddy post rework is OP but stating that killers are being nerfed constantly....
Do you even read patch notes?
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In game proximity chat can do this.
Btw killer mains, we can balance this out by having it so killers can hear you from a distance (terror radius distance?). So survivors still have to be quiet when the killer is next to them.
Maybe even for banter the killer can talk? 😂
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Survivor mains will ######### about anything lmao
Just enjoy the fact that the only way you will lose as survivor is if you make a mistake.
If a both a killer and survivor played perfectly and neither one made a mistake. The survivor would win everytime.
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Sure... ok.
That the same if it's a Spirit/ Nurse etc?
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Well, Pig keeps getting nerfed.
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With the amount of camping we have nowadays I doubt theyll nerf BT.
My money is on Adrenaline and im going to be very bold here, im guessing it will be changed so either you get one heal state if you are injured/dying or a 3 seconds Sprint Burst if you are full health, not both things.
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Pig was garbage in the first place, her only strength was tunnelling a survivor that had a trap on their head.
Now that they introduced EGC and changed her traps so they wouldn't encourage tunnelling when the gates were opened now it's a problem? Smh
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Are you new?
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Ok maybe I exaggerated a bit, but still, killers get usually much more nerfs than survivors do, now with freddy they finally decided not to nerf him in the first few days because some people didn't know how ti play against him and said he is op and I am very happy with that since Freddy is now well balanced.
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Been playing since December 2018 but been following the game since Beta
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Well the way you talk makes you sound inexperienced
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You clearly have no idea how to play Pig then. The traps slow down the game, a tiny bit by giving the Survivors an immediate objective. Tunneling someone with the trap is the OPPOSITE of how most pig mains play. Don't make me call one of them in here. I'll just assume you're new and it's on honest mistake.
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Almost literally every Pig I play against tunnels a survivor with a trap on their head for that guaranteed kill.
I most probably haven't faced a lot of Pigs then
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And tunneling happens to be an EASY way to deal with gens being done quickly. It isn't the only way, but it is certainly the easiest. It isn't a free kill either, traps will not count down will in a chase.
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I'm not saying it's a free kill because you assume I think the time still goes down in chase. It's a free kill because she can tunnel them down or the others will get all the gens done and all she has to do then is crouch so they can't run out the gate.
R.I.P trapped survivor
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There are, what, 5 boxes? Pig cannot patrol them all. Even if she does get them in the EGC, she doesn't pip. Pig is a decent Killer. She isn't good, but she isn't LF. She doesn't need nerfs, she needs buffs. If you cannot deal with Pig, I'm afraid to know what you think about Spirit.
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Who said I can't deal with Pig? And why is it that killer mains always assume what someone means?
Spirit breaks the game even more than Nurse, her Collison in phase needs to be removed. That's it really. And Prayer Beads 😃.
Pig is easy to loop lmao, I wouldn't mind a buff, I was just saying tunnelling is one thing but being tunnelled with a trap on your head sucks ass
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I am not a killer main. I chose to play both as soon as I joined the forums. I felt I couldn't, in good faith, comment on survivor posts without playing survivor. Spirit is a good Killer. There are ways to counter her, but if she is better than you, she wins. Pig could be better than you and still lose. I bet you think all top tier Killers need nerfs. Prayer Beads are rough though.
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because they are broken the way they are right now.
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No, only Spirit. Billy, Hag and Nurse are fine as they are. Spirit is a ######### joke
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Try Iron Will and get good at mindgames. If you can get in the Spirit's head, you win.
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Another "try this" post.
I'm sticking with my perks and you have a 10% chance to outmindgame a Spirit st red ranks
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Alright. You don't want help, got it. Get better at the game. You clearly have some issues with playing against Spirit.
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I didn't ask for help, once again killer mains assuming.
Spirit is a joke, most of the community thinks this. Nothing you killer mains say changes that
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Again, not a Killer main kid. I assumed you were new and struggling and as a veteran, I thought I could help. Most people think Spirit is good and quite fun. The only thing people dislike is her Prayer Beads, which are pretty ridiculous.
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Spirit is good.
But she is nowhere near being fun to play against, everyone hates her when a player that knows what they're doing plays her.
She's the most unfair and unfun thing in the game
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Prove it. I can think of 5 people that despise base Spirit. Her basekit is completely fair. She relies on you making mistakes.
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"relies on you making mistakes"
HA!! I LAUGH!!!!
Is doing the "counterable" things such as walking, running away and her still downing me relying on my mistakes.
You have got to be joking if you think Spirit relies on mistakes by the survivor all she has to do is have a basic sense of tracking and headphones.
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Oh boy, if you think like that, Wraith must be overpowered too.
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The counterplay to Spirit is not even related to Wraith.
Try to stay on topic.
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Wraith always gets first hit, Spirit does as well. Both are functionally invisible. Iron Will counters Spirit. If you run Iron Will and Urban Evasion, if the Spirit is phasing she'll never find you. She really isn't that hard to deal with pal.
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Yet again with the assumptions, do you ever stop?
I said before that I DON'T struggle with Spirit, she's just plain boring and Tedious to play against. Also, to counteract your Wraith argument, I will agree that he does get the first hit easily but after that he's an M1 killer whereas Spirit can stand still and outgame you at almost every loop
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"Spirit can stand still and outgame you" Yeah, that's what happens when the Spirit outskills you. It's called losing. Happens to everyone.
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Kinda funny how people find that "fun" isn't it?
I don't understand this community sometimes
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I am glad we have arrived at the heart of the issue. You simply don't like losing. Indeed, it does explain a lot. Including your hostile attitude to anyone who attempts a civil discussion with you.
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I have two examples in mind
Adrenaline: This is not as much of a problem as the other one, but as now it's used way too much and it's extremely effective. But I understand if it got nerfed NOED would need to be looked at as well maybe.
DS: It used to be more powerful but right now it's still really powerful. In a minute the killer has the time to down another survivor, find you, you jump in a locker, the killer grabs you, you hit him with DS. The killer can do so much stuff and still be affected by it.
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The way survivor 'nerfs' tend to work, my guess is:
Survivors can no longer heal each other. This will come 5-6 months after survivors are given regeneration as a basic feature, killer has an increased chance to miss with all attacks and Exhaustion is split into two versions to allow more of the perks to be stacked.
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inb4 they remove fast vaults
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This data is flawed, the devs have already commented on it. And yes, survivors are the power role.
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Btw Decisive and/or adrenaline should be the next thing nerfed. It’s pretty telling that decisive is meta on pretty much every competent teams. It can totally lose the game for the killer. Adrenaline is the equivalent of noed, but it can’t be disabled.
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Survivors are gonna get that ‘needed’ second objective. ;)
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Something that: After you earn 3 Protection Hit instaheals will heal you 5%
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Adrenaline is less controllable and more situational than NOED. It can trigger in situationes, where you neither need a sprintburst or a heal, but still have exhaustion to deal with. I won't say it's balanced, but it comes with downsides, which even might kill you.
Decisive, is still quite popular, because compared to other anti-killer-behaviour-perks, survivors can trigger it much more likely on a regular basis. Mostly because it's a little bit more trigger-happy than those others. So I agree. It would be better, if the perk would get deactivated through a "back in action" event. But even after such change DS will most likely be popular, mostly because the action it conters is quite popular as well.
But to be quite honest. I think Object of Obsession might be the thing Devs will hopefully look into...
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No mither is too OP in its current state IMO. maybe make survivors start the trial in the dying state? Just a thought
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You have no idea how this game works if survivors goes against top tier killers, you're lack of experience.
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Adrenaline probably, yes. She's getting nerfed soon.
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Collison just remove mindgames element, there's NO MINDGAME, this is just reading, also the same way is with if survior is injured( don't talk sh*t about IW, perk should be anwser to bad game design), Spirit should be powerfull killer with power to be interactive for killers but NOT THAT EASY TO USE, just remove her tracking, she should be killer about skill and prediction not about easy reading.